Ok osso. I'll be looking for it.
One last thing before I call it a night. I don't remember exactly what I said a few months ago, but it was something along the lines of wanting to try it out to see if I could break off that looming feeling of "commitment" to my husband. Feeling like he had control over that one thing as long as he withheld the divorce from me. Meaning that I couldn't sleep with anyone until the divorce was final. It actually worked for me. However, I also realize that I really got very lucky with that situation, because he was actually looking for the exact same thing as me. No huge emotional commitment. No specified "dates".
No one's feeling were hurt, it was there for when it was there and it was something we both needed at the time. However we were both free to go at any time too. We were very open and communicated about everything. I really don't think something like that is probably all to easy to come across. It seems like someones emotions almost always get in there and complicate things at some point. I'm still kind of in shock that I didn't get more emotionally involved. It would have been really easy to. He almost looked hurt when he broke the news to me that he was getting back with his ex and I was like, "Ok."
He got really quiet for a few minutes and I asked him if he was ok. He was like, "Yeah, I just can't believe you are still here and not freaking out completely. I was expecting you to either get up and walk out or pitch a fit of some sort and call me a bastard at least." LOL I was like, "Well, we said from the start we wouldn't get emotionally attached, right? And I didn't. Surprise!" I wish him the best. I really do. And if he called me today and needed anything, I'd do it if I could, because I care about him. But life is what it is. You take it and run with it, or roll around in the mire and wish things were different. I tend to do a little of both I suppose.
I don't know what's next. I highly doubt I'll find another fling like that. So basically I'm "non" screwed at this point and will remain so unless something similar comes along. LOL I suppose the hormones will cease eventually. *sigh*
Though honestly speaking here I do wish there was someone there some nights to just hold me and tell me it's all going to be ok. His timing did kind of suck in that aspect. He has no clue about any of the other stuff going on. I don't dare tell him because I don't want to risk messing up what he's got going on with his ex.