John Kerry - what a dork

Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 08:54 am
The dems need to come out swinging and tell voters that the Republicans think we're stupid. They think we are a bunch of ignorant fatheads driven by knee-jerk reactions to a worst-case interpretation of words spoken by someone who is not even running. They need to remind us again of the corruption, scandal, cynicism, and incompetence of the ruling party. They need to remind us of all the promises that were made, with regard to Iraq, disaster preparation, and the economy and how they all fell flat. They need to remind us about who got those tax cuts. They need to remind us of why a change is needed.

And they need to get Kerry's face off of the news pages and bring back Obama's face -- juxtaposed with Hastert's. That's if they want to win this election.

John Stewart was very funny last night. Something like: "they need to resurrect John Kerry's political corpse so that they can kill him again".
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 08:56 am
woiyo wrote:
revel wrote:
This much attention shouldn't been given to a joke gone awry, yet is typical that it has.

Kerry apologized very prettily for any misunderstandings or offense to the troops. This should satisfy any more criticism about it. I think any more criticism will just end up making the critics look churlish and petty.

Anyone heard any updates about the missing soldier in these last few days?

What exactly was the joke?

The following is the way it was supposed to go:

"Do you know where you end up if you don't study, if you aren't smart, if you're intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq. Just ask President Bush."

Instead he messed it up by not inserting the word "us".

"Education, you know, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 08:56 am
It was a "Bush is dumb" joke, and Kerry flubbed it. Instead of saying "If you don't study hard, you'll get us stuck in Iraq" (like dubya did), he said "If you don't study hard, you'll get stuck in Iraq." Hence, all the uproar about "insulting the troops".

Now I want to ask you something point blank, woiyo - and I'd appreciate an honest answer. Do you really believe that John Kerry intended to stand there at the podium and insult the intelligence of the men and women on the ground in Iraq? Yes or no - do you believe John Kerry intended to do that?
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 09:17 am
Clintonistas strike again.

As aired on this morning's 'Today,' Hillary said:

"I think no one wants to see the 2004 election replayed - that's about the past."

Translation: no one wants John Kerry. He is - literally and figuratively - history. Talk about kicking a guy when he's down; sliding in the shiv or . . . insert your hardball political metaphor here.

That is some seriously nasty stuff.
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 09:18 am
Can't tell with Sen. Kerry. remember is 1972 he said this..."

""I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown," Kerry wrote. "We must not repeat the travesty of the inequities present during Vietnam. I also fear having a professional army that views the perpetuation of war crimes as simply 'doing its job.'"

Sounds very similiar to what he said on Tuesday.

Now, I do not think he intentionally wanted to demean our soldiers. However, even if his "so-called" joke came out as you think it should, it is not funny and close to being a criticism of our soldiers.
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 09:30 am
woiyo, are you equating poor with uneducated?
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 09:39 am
FreeDuck wrote:
woiyo, are you equating poor with uneducated?

Kerry is.

I was poor, but educated and a minority.

I know exactly what he meant in 1972 and he has not changed, IMO, today.

Are YOU suggesting I should not have been insulted by Kerry;s statements in 1972 or Tuesday? Are you suggesting that it was a funny joke that if you do not do your homework, you may get us stuck in Iraq like GW did/has? Are you suggesting that is a FUNNY JOKE?

A friend of mine HAD a son in Iraq. He is DEAD. Have you stopped laughing yet?

Yep, this Kerry guy is real "efing" funny!
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 09:45 am
woiyo wrote:

Kerry is.

Kerry didn't say anything about being uneducated in that 1972 quote. And he didn't say anything about being poor on Tuesday.

I was poor, but educated and a minority.

Good for you.

I know exactly what he meant in 1972 and he has not changed, IMO, today.

What exactly did he mean then? I interpret his comments to mean that he was concerned that the poor and working class and minorities would be fighting and dying for the rich and white. That's his opinion and I don't find it insulting to anyone. I'm curious why you would.

Are YOU suggesting I should not have been insulted by Kerry;s statements in 1972 or Tuesday?


Are you suggesting that it was a funny joke that if you do not do your homework, you may get us stuck in Iraq like GW did/has? Are you suggesting that is a FUNNY JOKE?

I would never suggest that John Kerry ever told a funny joke. Instead, I suggest that he was calling George Bush stupid, and that you should not be insulted unless you are George Bush.

A friend of mine HAD a son in Iraq. He is DEAD. Have you stopped laughing yet?

I'm not laughing, but our fearless leader thinks it's funny that he can't find WMD. Are you laughing with him?
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 09:48 am
FreeDuck wrote:
I would never suggest that John Kerry ever told a funny joke. Instead, I suggest that he was calling George Bush stupid, and that you should not be insulted unless you are George Bush.

Based on your statements, I suggest you go get an education and study or you are headed for Iraq soon.
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 09:49 am
FreeDuck wrote:
woiyo wrote:

Kerry is.

Kerry didn't say anything about being uneducated in that 1972 quote. And he didn't say anything about being poor on Tuesday.

I was poor, but educated and a minority.

Good for you.

I know exactly what he meant in 1972 and he has not changed, IMO, today.

What exactly did he mean then? I interpret his comments to mean that he was concerned that the poor and working class and minorities would be fighting and dying for the rich and white. That's his opinion and I don't find it insulting to anyone. I'm curious why you would.

Are YOU suggesting I should not have been insulted by Kerry;s statements in 1972 or Tuesday?


Are you suggesting that it was a funny joke that if you do not do your homework, you may get us stuck in Iraq like GW did/has? Are you suggesting that is a FUNNY JOKE?

I would never suggest that John Kerry ever told a funny joke. Instead, I suggest that he was calling George Bush stupid, and that you should not be insulted unless you are George Bush.

A friend of mine HAD a son in Iraq. He is DEAD. Have you stopped laughing yet?

I'm not laughing, but our fearless leader thinks it's funny that he can't find WMD. Are you laughing with him?

You're as big a a-hole as Kerry. As ill-concieved a plan put together by GW and his administration, I have never heard him make an insulting comment about the military.

Unfortunately, I currently residde in the State that Sen Kerry represents.

I am embarrassed to have him as my representative and he is an embarrasement to the State of Mass.

As far as I am concerned, he was a coward in 1972 and still hold the same low opinion of our military.
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 09:50 am
okie wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
I would never suggest that John Kerry ever told a funny joke. Instead, I suggest that he was calling George Bush stupid, and that you should not be insulted unless you are George Bush.

Based on your statements, I suggest you go get an education and study or you are headed for Iraq soon.

Based on your statements, I suggest you challenge John Kerry to a stand-up comedy battle.
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 09:55 am
woiyo wrote:

You're as big a a-hole as Kerry. As ill-concieved a plan put together by GW and his administration, I have never heard him make an insulting comment about the military.

Unfortunately, I currently residde in the State that Sen Kerry represents.

I am embarrassed to have him as my representative and he is an embarrasement to the State of Mass.

As far as I am concerned, he was a coward in 1972 and still hold the same low opinion of our military.

woiyo, you are entitled to your opinion about your elected representative, but I leave you with this. Bush thinks we're stupid enough to jump to angry conclusions about misinterpreted, out of context remarks. He thinks we're prone to see insult where there isn't any if given the right suggestion through the media. Is he right?
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 10:03 am
FreeDuck wrote:
woiyo wrote:

You're as big a a-hole as Kerry. As ill-concieved a plan put together by GW and his administration, I have never heard him make an insulting comment about the military.

Unfortunately, I currently residde in the State that Sen Kerry represents.

I am embarrassed to have him as my representative and he is an embarrasement to the State of Mass.

As far as I am concerned, he was a coward in 1972 and still hold the same low opinion of our military.

woiyo, you are entitled to your opinion about your elected representative, but I leave you with this. Bush thinks we're stupid enough to jump to angry conclusions about misinterpreted, out of context remarks. He thinks we're prone to see insult where there isn't any if given the right suggestion through the media. Is he right?

This time, you are wrong. It is not about Bush. It is about Kerry and his stupid comments.
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Brand X
Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 10:04 am
At least the Dems will have a whipping boy if they lose any seats next week.
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 10:07 am
I think the blame Kerry clause is now in effect if they lose.
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 10:09 am
woiyo wrote:

This time, you are wrong. It is not about Bush. It is about Kerry and his stupid comments.

Really? Would you even know he said these things if the Republicans weren't losing? You're too sensitive on this one, woiyo.
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 10:09 am
McGentrix wrote:
I think the blame Kerry clause is now in effect if they lose.

They'll split it between that and "voters are stooooooopid".
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 10:16 am
FreeDuck wrote:
woiyo wrote:

This time, you are wrong. It is not about Bush. It is about Kerry and his stupid comments.

Really? Would you even know he said these things if the Republicans weren't losing? You're too sensitive on this one, woiyo.

You amaze me. Are you as dumb as the Duck?

How many times have I said in THIS POST, that I do not support GW?

What part of GW BLEW THIS WAR do you NOT undersatand?

You problem is you do NOT know how to be objective.
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 10:27 am
don't have the time to read everything in this thread, but Kerry really "botched" this one IMHO. here's what he said day before yesterday, according to johnkerry.com:

The people who owe our troops an apology are George W. Bush and Dick Cheney who misled America into war and have given us a Katrina foreign policy that has betrayed our ideals, killed and maimed our soldiers, and widened the terrorist threat instead of defeating it. These Republicans are afraid to debate veterans who live and breathe the concerns of our troops, not the empty slogans of an Administration that sent our brave troops to war without body armor.


then yesterday, he was widely quoted as saying,

"I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform, and I personally apologize to any service member, family member or American who was offended," Kerry said in a statement Wednesday.


from someone who insinuates that his opponents don't measure up intellectually, this is a pathetic performance.
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Reply Thu 2 Nov, 2006 10:30 am
woiyo wrote:

You amaze me. Are you as dumb as the Duck?

I don't know, how dumb is "the Duck"?

How many times have I said in THIS POST, that I do not support GW?

What part of GW BLEW THIS WAR do you NOT undersatand?

You problem is you do NOT know how to be objective.

When did I say that you support or approve of GW?

I think I'm being about as objective as one can be in that I see the trick. I see it when dems do it too -- like putting Obama out there where everyone can see to make all the dems look good, even though he's not running. And I don't paritcularly like Kerry, though I voted for him in the hopes that he couldn't do any worse than Bush and at least there would be some balance of power if he won. What I see here, though, is a willingness to be outraged. You are welcome to it, of course, but know that you're being manipulated, as I guess we all are.
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