Ticomaya wrote:BTW, BPB ... did you know you were included in a list of "A2K conservatives" earlier this week?

I am
Pro Gun Ownership
Pro Capital Punishment (including and especially anyone who preys on children)
Pro small government
Pro no taxes
Pro fiscal conservatism.
Pro English as the official language of USA
Pro stewardship of our planet which can be done while meeting our energy needs even if it is at a slightly smaller profit.
also, pro choice
pro legalization of recreational drugs
pro releasing people doing more prison time than murderers for poseesing drugs
pro freedom of speech
pro affordable health care for EVERY American
Pro "If no one is harmed do as thou wilt"
Pro social programs and safety nets for the truly disabled
Pro end your own life if you feel like it
I am Pro not fighting for some corporate dickheads whose main objectives is to have their wallets match the size of their power lust.
I am pro not taking orders from people who won't or havent done what they're ordering me to do, themselves.
I am Pro "get off your high horse and mind your f*cking business"
I am labeled a pants wetting liberal because I am anti gwb, his cronies and everything they stand for and have done to this country.
I don't know for sure what I am so in the end I think I'll be pro Quinneys first and foremost and not worry about what the rest of you think.
No offense meant. :wink: