kuvasz wrote:Finn dAbuzz wrote:I'm sure that like Bill Clinton's recent tirade, your vitriolic attacks are quite inspiring to all of the poor, put upon liberals on A2K. I suppose it's only natural that the Liberal cult of victimization would lead to casting themselves as victims.
As for knocking out my teeth, have at it heroic kuv, but you might find crisp jabs and sharp left hooks are more effective than wild, slavering roundhouses.
Finn, with your lackluster prose and lowbrow mental prowesse you are truly the Karl Mildenberger of A2K.

And you are the Ali of A2K? That's truly rich!
I've no doubt that any prose that is not laden with vituperation and references to pederasty lacks luster for you.
Since you are clearly not the György Lukács of A2K either, I'm afraid your criticism doesn't hold any weight.
By the way, you do know that Karl Mildenberger was a white man, don't you? The fellow in the picture you hastily posted is Sonny Liston,not Mildenberger, but then you, of course, are no Ali.
If you had done some research on Mildenberger instead of simply googling "Boxers Mohammed Ali beat" and picking the first name that seemed obscure (and white) to you, you would have found that being compared to Mildenberger is not much of an insult.
Mildenberger had 62 professional fights and won 53 of them (19 by knockout). He lost 6 and had 3 draws. Clearly not the best of records but I'm sure he did infinitely better in the ring than either of us would have.
When he fought Ali he was 29 years old, and Ali was 24 and the acknowledged best fighter in boxing. Still Mildenberger went 12 rounds with Ali until the ref called a TKO. By most accounts it was a very competitive fight and by many, one of Ali's toughest title defenses. There are even a fair number of fans out there who believe Mildenberger almost beat Ali. Not the case, but there was some basis for what was probably wishful thinking.
I can live with the Mildenberger comparison, but really if you are going to insist on comparing yourself to a professional fighter try Mike Tyson when he fought Evander Holyfield.