Foley Quits Amid Allegations of Email Sex Scandal

Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 09:17 pm
You should REALLY be silent, Tico.

You dare to describe yourself as a christian.

Jesus wept.

Thou shalt not kill?

Do unto to others?


I am finding some of this puzzling.

I know...or I think...that the US does not have mandatory notification laws?

Here, (at least in my state) a public office holder would have an absolute legal obligation to report suspicions of such behaviour to the authorities.

I would certainly think that any public office holder, even withut mandatory notification, would have an ethical obligation to report a suspected crime in such a situation...

What are the ethical/legal obligations in the USA?

HAVE the other republicans who knew committed a crime?

Are they likely to be prosucuted if so?

(Almost nobody is here, under the madatory notification laws...I have known situations where doctore photographed serious injuries to kids, and did not notify, and were not prosecuted. I know because I saw the kids later, and reported it.)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 09:17 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Nice unhinged rant, dlowan.

Rant shmant, Tico.

The wabbit has you pegged dead on. By your active support, you're clearly one of those who are complicit in the murder of thousands of innocent Iraqis.

Instead of sitting silent in shame, as you well should, you stick in your typically inane comments.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 09:23 pm
Actually, I will go with the right wing nuts to the extent that I think it shameful to make political hay out of this.

It is too serious and sad.

I very much doubt that the republicans necessarily have more closet deviants than the dems. It is a HUMAN thing.

Those responsible ought to answer to the law and to their constituents.

To tar all republicans over this is as dumb as the witch hunt of Clinton, and as shameful.
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Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 09:29 pm
dlowan wrote:
You should REALLY be silent, Tico.

Go pound sand, dlowan.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 09:33 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
You should REALLY be silent, Tico.

Go pound sand, dlowan.


I will assume your requisite silence on all threads where some sort of ethical comment is called for Tico, until you admit your fault, and act to amend it.

This means I will ignore you, since you have no right to comment.

Wake me up when the light dawns.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 09:34 pm
You can tell the scandal hits home,

from the high quality of discourse from the Right on this thread.

0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 09:35 pm
kuvasz wrote:
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
I'm sure that like Bill Clinton's recent tirade, your vitriolic attacks are quite inspiring to all of the poor, put upon liberals on A2K. I suppose it's only natural that the Liberal cult of victimization would lead to casting themselves as victims.

As for knocking out my teeth, have at it heroic kuv, but you might find crisp jabs and sharp left hooks are more effective than wild, slavering roundhouses.

Finn, with your lackluster prose and lowbrow mental prowesse you are truly the Karl Mildenberger of A2K.


And you are the Ali of A2K? That's truly rich! Laughing

I've no doubt that any prose that is not laden with vituperation and references to pederasty lacks luster for you.

Since you are clearly not the György Lukács of A2K either, I'm afraid your criticism doesn't hold any weight.

By the way, you do know that Karl Mildenberger was a white man, don't you? The fellow in the picture you hastily posted is Sonny Liston,not Mildenberger, but then you, of course, are no Ali.

If you had done some research on Mildenberger instead of simply googling "Boxers Mohammed Ali beat" and picking the first name that seemed obscure (and white) to you, you would have found that being compared to Mildenberger is not much of an insult.

Mildenberger had 62 professional fights and won 53 of them (19 by knockout). He lost 6 and had 3 draws. Clearly not the best of records but I'm sure he did infinitely better in the ring than either of us would have.

When he fought Ali he was 29 years old, and Ali was 24 and the acknowledged best fighter in boxing. Still Mildenberger went 12 rounds with Ali until the ref called a TKO. By most accounts it was a very competitive fight and by many, one of Ali's toughest title defenses. There are even a fair number of fans out there who believe Mildenberger almost beat Ali. Not the case, but there was some basis for what was probably wishful thinking.

I can live with the Mildenberger comparison, but really if you are going to insist on comparing yourself to a professional fighter try Mike Tyson when he fought Evander Holyfield.
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Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 09:36 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
You can tell the scandal hits home,

from the high quality of discourse from the Right on this thread.


I disagree.

The right who make moral and intellectual fools of themselves on this thread almost always do elsewhere, too.

But to tar "the right" as such with this brush is dumb.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 09:39 pm
dlowan wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
You should REALLY be silent, Tico.

Go pound sand, dlowan.


I will assume your requisite silence on all threads where some sort of ethical comment is called for Tico, until you admit your fault, and act to amend it.

This means I will ignore you, since you have no right to comment.

Wake me up when the light dawns.

You must not have heard me when I instructed you to go pound sand, dlowan.

If you intend to ignore me, then please get to it. No need to announce your clever plan.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 09:43 pm
Ticomaya wrote:

You must not have heard me when I instructed you to go pound sand, dlowan.

Yeah, that was a real beaut, Tico. A rejoinder extraordinaire.

Taken with it as you seem to be, perhas you can squeeze it into yet another posting.
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Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 09:49 pm
Tico, you really should be in a chatroom where your silly one-liners would be appreciated. Take care or everyone will be ignoring you.

Hastert, who has lied and covered up the Foley thing is now being cute. He has sent a very carefully worded request to Justice that would shield himself from being shown to be the corrupt and stupid person that he is.
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Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 09:53 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
You should REALLY be silent, Tico.

Go pound sand, dlowan.


I will assume your requisite silence on all threads where some sort of ethical comment is called for Tico, until you admit your fault, and act to amend it.

This means I will ignore you, since you have no right to comment.

Wake me up when the light dawns.

You must not have heard me when I instructed you to go pound sand, dlowan.

If you intend to ignore me, then please get to it. No need to announce your clever plan.

Oh, I am FAR more forgiving than you christians, moral turpitudomaya.

I said I would ignore you where you have no right to speak...on moral issues.

I have no doubt you may have things that may be commented upon in other areas, despite your moral failings.

And you have a brain, which sadly you do not use where it counts, on the mahjor issues facing the west today...but I am happy to talk with you.

You may be reclaimable, after all.
0 Replies
Craven de Kere
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 09:55 pm
My personal take is that Foley had no intention at all of realizing his pedophilia. His desire to protect children may well have been genuine.

He flirted with his pedophilia and I'm glad it bit him in the rear, but he may well have just been flirting with it, and while I think he should have restrained himself more and not entertained his fantasies as much, if he did not realize his fantasies I can respect that.

Here's an IM chat he had where he seems to indicate as much:


XXXX: ugh tomorrow i have the first day of lacrosse practice
Maf54: love to watch that
Maf54: those great legs running

XXXX: my last gf [girlfriend] and i broke up a few weeks ago
Maf54: good so your getting horny

XXXX: brb [be right back] …my mom is yelling
Maf54: ok
XXXX: back
Maf54: cool hope she didnt see anything

XXXX: ya slow things down a little im still young…like under 18 dont want to do anything illegal…im not 18 till feb 23
Maf54: i know..
Maf54: nothing will happen
Maf54: just dreaming

P.S. IMHO this is a personal matter and a man's personal failings. Not political at all for me so I'm not going to get involved.
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Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 09:59 pm
Craven de Kere wrote:
My personal take is that Foley had no intention at all of realizing his pedophilia. His desire to protect children may well have been genuine.

He flirted with his pedophilia and I'm glad it bit him in the rear, but he may well have just been flirting with it, and while I think he should have restrained himself more and not entertained his fantasies as much, if he did not realize his fantasies I can respect that.

Here's an IM chat he had where he seems to indicate as much:


XXXX: ugh tomorrow i have the first day of lacrosse practice
Maf54: love to watch that
Maf54: those great legs running

XXXX: my last gf [girlfriend] and i broke up a few weeks ago
Maf54: good so your getting horny

XXXX: brb [be right back] …my mom is yelling
Maf54: ok
XXXX: back
Maf54: cool hope she didnt see anything

XXXX: ya slow things down a little im still young…like under 18 dont want to do anything illegal…im not 18 till feb 23
Maf54: i know..
Maf54: nothing will happen
Maf54: just dreaming

P.S. IMHO this is a personal matter and a man's personal failings. Not political at all for me so I'm not going to get involved.

That IS an interesting take.

But I personally think it more than untoward to discuss such things with people one knows to be kids...the killer being that he apparently advocated that such discussions be treated as illegal.
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Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 10:09 pm
dlowan wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
You should REALLY be silent, Tico.

Go pound sand, dlowan.


I will assume your requisite silence on all threads where some sort of ethical comment is called for Tico, until you admit your fault, and act to amend it.

This means I will ignore you, since you have no right to comment.

Wake me up when the light dawns.

You must not have heard me when I instructed you to go pound sand, dlowan.

If you intend to ignore me, then please get to it. No need to announce your clever plan.

Oh, I am FAR more forgiving than you christians, moral turpitudomaya.

I said I would ignore you where you have no right to speak...on moral issues.

I have no doubt you may have things that may be commented upon in other areas, despite your moral failings.

And you have a brain, which sadly you do not use where it counts, on the mahjor issues facing the west today...but I am happy to talk with you.

You may be reclaimable, after all.

Your plan is failing.
0 Replies
Craven de Kere
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 10:11 pm
dlowan wrote:

That IS an interesting take.

But I personally think it more than untoward to discuss such things with people one knows to be kids...the killer being that he apparently advocated that such discussions be treated as illegal.

It definitely was wrong, even if some of these teens were reciprocating his sexual attentions they are minors and he had an authoritative position over them due to their status as pages (bottom of the totem pole he was toward the top of).

I found another instance of a chat where he seems to be trying to avoid realization but still unable to stop engaging in fantasy and flirtation.


Maf54: To be honest, I am a little to interested in you. So that's why I need to back off a little.

Teen: Ya slow things down a little im still young…like under 18. don't want to do anything illegal…im not 18.

Maf54: cool..dont forget to measure for me.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 10:22 pm
Craven de Kere wrote:
dlowan wrote:

That IS an interesting take.

But I personally think it more than untoward to discuss such things with people one knows to be kids...the killer being that he apparently advocated that such discussions be treated as illegal.

It definitely was wrong, even if some of these teens were reciprocating his sexual attentions they are minors and he had an authoritative position over them due to their status as pages (bottom of the totem pole he was toward the top of).

I found another instance of a chat where he seems to be trying to avoid realization but still unable to stop engaging in fantasy and flirtation.


Maf54: To be honest, I am a little to interested in you. So that's why I need to back off a little.

Teen: Ya slow things down a little im still young…like under 18. don't want to do anything illegal…im not 18.

Maf54: cool..dont forget to measure for me.

Yeah. Power and plaesantry and all...of course some reciprocated.

You are aware of my views re that, though.

Actually, when I read some stuff, I actually felt desperately sad.

I saw some more explicit stuff, re encouraging the kids' hard ons and such, but could not read on.

I do think this fella is hoist with his chosen party's ridiculous "moral" agenda.

Why he chose it, and was so active in the areas he was, is inviting banal labels like reaction formation etc. Thing is, the banal may well be the real.

IF so much homophobia was not so rampant, and if he had been able to think about and deal with his desires without shame and denial, I can see this being so much no big deal.

This is desperately sad.

And now the politics has its evil way, as it did with Clinton's simpler proclivities.

It sucks.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 10:24 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Funny, I knew about this six years ago. I was wondering when it was going to come out.

As it turns out a lot of people knew about it but the Republicans, the moral values people, chose to keep quiet, putting kids at risk.

So many of these conservatives are closet cases, the public would be shocked if they knew.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 10:25 pm
Funny, I just wrote a post saying that I see this as personal, but then went on about how I see it isn't, re childhood age and power (skipping along about hypocracy). Then I saw where I was contradicting myself, and answering my contradictions, came up with new ones, and gave up and deleted it.

I've a friend who intimates in emails that this is the tip of the (oh, never mind) - but I see that as unsubstantiated internet poop at this point.

I surely don't know Foley, though I can see his importance in the mathmatics of US power struggles.
I'd prefer the jousting be about other stuff.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 10:27 pm
Actually, Craven, your "his desire to protect children may well have been genuine" is VERY interresting, and even sadder.
0 Replies

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