Foley Quits Amid Allegations of Email Sex Scandal

Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 08:47 pm
nimh wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Paedophilia technically implies no such thing necessarily...only liking. As does ephebophilia. Both tend to get used to also imply the action, ephebophilia is often a term favoured by politically active paedophiles, to attempt to give it the cachet of Ancient greek.

Your distinction is absolutely meaningless. [..]

    [b]Pedophilia [/b]- [i]sexual activity[/i] of an adult with a child [b]Ephebophilia [/b]- a [i]sexual preference[/i] in which an adult is primarily or exclusively sexually attracted to postpubescent adolescents

Are you making these definitions up yourself, Tico?


Main Entry: pe·do·phil·ia
: sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object

American Heritage Dictionary:

An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children.

Healthline, main definition:

Pedophilia is a paraphilia that involves an abnormal interest in children. [..] Pedophilia is also a psychosexual disorder in which the fantasy or actual act of engaging in sexual activity with prepubertal children is the preferred or exclusive means of achieving sexual excitement and gratification.


In short, a pedophile is a pedophile even if he does not engage, or currently engage, in sexual activity with children.

Type "paedophilia" into tfd.com.

All you and Timber are engaging in is wordplay in any case, intended to blur the issue and instill doubt about just how bad exactly it is what Foley did - pedophile or 'just' ephebophile?, etc. Starting discussions that succeed in bogging indignation down in the contested intricacies of definition does tend to be pretty effective in dispelling negative impact - it scatters the attention.

Bullshit, nimh. But if pedophilia connotes or denotes sexual activity with a child, that is not what has occurred. That is the point.

But by not only engaging in mere wordplay but actually, it seems?, making the word definitions up yourself as you go along to suit the conclusion you want to reach, you sure do go the extra length...

Have you typed it into tfd.com yet?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 08:47 pm
timberlandko wrote:
I suspect also there's more dirt yet to be flung, and of course more claim of victimhood from Foley.

Timber, are you saying that the emails and chat logs revealing Foley's accosting of pages is "dirt" that is "flung"?

Uhm, he did it, right, its out there, you can read it for yourself? Seems to me he's got only himself to blame for that. Or is revealing something that actually happened now considered "flinging dirt" in your book?

Mind you, the context of that part of the sentence was ambiguous - you could have just been talking about accusations of Hastert being aware and not acting on the chat logs. At least, I'm guessing that's the only part you're contesting; that Hastert knew about, but did not act on, the emails is already established, after all...

Could you clarify the second part of your sentence here as well? "and of course more claim of victimhood from Foley"? Are you talking about Foley claiming victimhood, or more pages claiming victimhood from Foley?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 08:49 pm
Very good questions, nimh.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 08:50 pm
dlowan wrote:

If 16 IS the age of consent in DC, then I have much less concern for Foley's behaviour.

Is it really?

Yes, it really is.

BTW, many jurisdictions have an older age of consent for homosexual sex, which I consider silly, but it is often the law. Is it so in DC?


I am used to 17 as age of consent.

16 in Kansas, and most US states for that matter.

Hitting on pages, if they can consent, is sleazy, like hitting on an intern was, (or allowing oneself to be hit on, depending on which story you hear).

I agree.
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Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 08:54 pm
If the California connection turns out to be true, there's a problem for Foley based on Tico's link.

Sleazy in any case.
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Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 08:55 pm
snood wrote:
Yeah, I think he makes up a buncha stuff, in fact.

I'd really like some specifics here, snood. You have any? Or just talking out of your ass?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 08:57 pm
nimh wrote:
All you and Timber are engaging in is wordplay in any case, intended to blur the issue and instill doubt about just how bad exactly it is what Foley did - pedophile or 'just' ephebophile?, etc. ...
No, not at all - well, I can't speak for Tico, but my point is that while minors, the subject correspondents were not children. That the subject correspondents were minors but not children hardly matters; Foley's conduct was despicable, whether or not physical contact was involved. If it turns out there was actual, as opposed to "virtual" sex, then that's all the worse, but regardless, Foley earned for himself all the disgust he's justly and rightfully getting.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 09:01 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Have you typed it into tfd.com yet?

I'd never heard of tfd.com - I see now that it's something called "The Free Dictionary".

And yes, I just typed it in. Guess what I found:

"The act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children."

Emphasis mine.

Same definition as the ones I cited, then.

Looks like Foley literally engaged in pedophilia according to the tfd defintion then - ie, the fantasy of engaging in sexual activity with a child.

Also looks like the whole distinction you just tried to define between pedophilia and ephebophilia (one is about activity, the other just about preference) is not substantiated by the tfd definition either.

So in short, you did indeed not make up your definition - you just changed or misremembered the one you found, in a way that made it suit your argument.

Well I'm glad you cleared that up.

Ticomaya wrote:
Bullshit, nimh. But if pedophilia connotes or denotes sexual activity with a child, that is not what has occurred. That is the point.

Well, than your point (emphasis mine) appears to be herewith debunked.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 09:03 pm
Well he can fast step like a lawyer, but can he admit he was shown to be wrong like a man?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 09:07 pm
nimh wrote:
Have you typed it into tfd.com yet?

I'd never heard of tfd.com - I see now that it's something called "The Free Dictionary".

And yes, I just typed it in. Guess what I found:

"The act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children."

Emphasis mine.

Same definition as the ones I cited, then.

Lets try this again. Maybe it would help if I slowed it down for you. Please type it exactly as I instruct:

"Type p-a-e-d-o-p-h-i-l-i-a into tfd.com."

Looks like Foley literally engaged in pedophilia according to the tfd defintion then - ie, the fantasy of engaging in sexual activity with a child.

Also looks like the whole distinction you just tried to define between pedophilia and ephebophilia (one is about activity, the other just about preference) is not substantiated by the tfd definition either.

So in short, you did indeed not make up your definition - you just changed or misremembered the one you found, in a way that made it suit your argument.

Well I'm glad you cleared that up.

One thing we have cleared up is whether or not you are an ass.

Ticomaya wrote:
Bullshit, nimh. But if pedophilia connotes or denotes sexual activity with a child, that is not what has occurred. That is the point.

Well, than your point (emphasis mine) appears to be herewith debunked.

Then you must be claiming Foley engaged in sexual activity with a child.

Is that what you are claiming?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 09:07 pm
Mind you, one could still make an argument that it's not really pedophilia because 16 is no longer a child.

But the distinction Tico made in his italics between pedophilia as involving sexual activity and aphebophilia as merely a sexual preference appears to be bunk.
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Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 09:07 pm
snood wrote:
Well he can fast step like a lawyer, but can he admit he was shown to be wrong like a man?

You have any specifics yet, or are you still talking out of your ass?
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Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 09:13 pm
You chopped the definition, and nimh showed clearly that you chopped up the definition. Pedophilia is the act or fantasy of sex with a child. You were trying hard to bend the definition to fit your argument, which was based on the assertion that Foley would've had to have sex with a child to be guilty of pedophilia.

But, no one expects you to admit you're wrong, Tico. It has been pointed out correctly that you do not admit being wrong. It speaks of your character.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 09:14 pm
nimh wrote:
timberlandko wrote:
I suspect also there's more dirt yet to be flung, and of course more claim of victimhood from Foley.

Timber, are you saying that the emails and chat logs revealing Foley's accosting of pages is "dirt" that is "flung"?

Uhm, he did it, right, its out there, you can read it for yourself? Seems to me he's got only himself to blame for that. Or is revealing something that actually happened now considered "flinging dirt" in your book?

Its dirt - its real, but its dirt ... very dirty, sleazy dirt. Its no less real, no less reprehensible no less sleazy for being dirt, but dirt is what it is, and its being flung around - enthusiastically. Thats the nature of sensationalism, and there's no denying this episode is sensational and is being handled as such.

Mind you, the context of that part of the sentence was ambiguous - you could have just been talking about accusations of Hastert being aware and not acting on the chat logs. At least, I'm guessing that's the only part you're contesting; that Hastert knew about, but did not act on, the emails is already established, after all...

What Hastert knew, in what context, when, is yet subject of discussion - "he said/they said" stuff so far. My personal take is that hindsight now shows more could have been done, including both action against Foley and stronger investigation. I don't see anything resembling a coverup, just a screwup, a screwup that is not limited to Hastert nor even to Republicans.

Could you clarify the second part of your sentence here as well? "and of course more claim of victimhood from Foley"? Are you talking about Foley claiming victimhood, or more pages claiming victimhood from Foley?

I figure Foley may be expected to attempt to rationalize his actions - not excuse them, but portray himself the helpless pawn of personal flaws ... admit guilt without accepting it, if you get my meaning - "I have no one to blame but myself, but I was weak and couldn't help myself- I shoulda sought help earlier". And since you mention it, I'd be unsurprised were more pages to be turned, so to speak.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 09:16 pm
snood wrote:
You chopped the definition, and nimh showed clearly that you chopped up the definition. Pedophilia is the act or fantasy of sex with a child. You were trying hard to bend the definition to fit your argument, which was based on the assertion that Foley would've had to have sex with a child to be guilty of pedophilia.

But, no one expects you to admit you're wrong, Tico. It has been pointed out correctly that you do not admit being wrong. It speaks of your character.

I typed the word spelled the way dlowan spelled it into tfd.com, and I replicated the definition in my post, word for word as it appeared on tfd.com.

Now that you have wrongly accused me, I'm waiting to see if you will do the right thing and apologize.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 09:20 pm
Take your time. I'm not holding my breath.
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Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 09:22 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Please type it exactly as I instruct:

"Type p-a-e-d-o-p-h-i-l-i-a into tfd.com."

Type in p-e-d-o-p-h-i-l-i-a, Tico (and thats the very spelling you used in your own post, I'll note) - and you get exactly the definition I just posted.

Or are you making an argument now purely based on the different definitions of pedophilia and paedophilia in tfd.com? Are you serious?

In any case you've already got definitions from Webster and the American Heritage Dictionary above that also each debunk your claim that it's only pedophilia when sexual activity is involved.

So what is your remaining point on this, exactly?

Ticomaya wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Bullshit, nimh. But if pedophilia connotes or denotes sexual activity with a child, that is not what has occurred. That is the point.

Well, than your point (emphasis mine) appears to be herewith debunked.

Then you must be claiming Foley engaged in sexual activity with a child.

Is that what you are claiming?


Try reading that again, Tico.

You wrote, "if pedophilia connotes or denotes sexual activity with a child, that is not what has occurred. That is the point."

If that was your point, then it has been debunked. Because, according to at least three dictionary definitions brought here already, pedophilia does not connote or denote only sexual activity - it can also denote fantasy of engaging in sexual activity (tfd, healthline), or even just sexually attraction to a child (American Heritage Dictionary).

One thing we have cleared up is whether or not you are an ass.

Wow you get angry when you're shown wrong.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 09:33 pm
nimh wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Please type it exactly as I instruct:

"Type p-a-e-d-o-p-h-i-l-i-a into tfd.com."

Type in p-e-d-o-p-h-i-l-i-a, Tico, and you get exactly the definition I just posted.

Hey, doofus ... you're the one who accused me of making up the definition. I've now shown you that I did not make it up, and I've yet to see an acknowledgement from you that you were wrong, much less an apology.

Or are you making an argument now purely based on the different definitions of pedophilia and paedophilia in tfd.com? Are you serious?

No. I'm showing you how I arrived at the definition I did, since you wrongly accused me of making it completely up.

In any case you've already got definitions from Webster and the American Heritage Dictionary and Healthline above that also each debunk your claim that it's only pedophilia when sexual activity is involved.

So what is your remaining point on this, exactly?

The point -- as I've already said -- is that the connotation of pedophilia (as dlowan has correctly admitted) includes sexual activity, and the facts do not show that has occurred. That is the point, as I've already said several times now.

Ticomaya wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Bullshit, nimh. But if pedophilia connotes or denotes sexual activity with a child, that is not what has occurred. That is the point.

Well, than your point (emphasis mine) appears to be herewith debunked.

Then you must be claiming Foley engaged in sexual activity with a child.

Is that what you are claiming?


Try reading that again, Tico.

You wrote, "if pedophilia connotes or denotes sexual activity with a child, that is not what as occurred. That is the point."

If that was your point, then it has been debunked. Because, according to at least three dictionary definitions brought here already, pedophilia does not connote or denote only sexual activity - it can also denote fantasy of engaging in sexual activity (tfd, healthline), or even just sexually attraction to a child (American Heritage Dictionary).

Your emphasis is wrong. The correct emphasis is on the last clause of that sentence, which I've emphasized with bold/red. Do I need to diagram it for you?

One thing we have cleared up is whether or not you are an ass.

Wow you get angry when you're shown wrong.

You've done nothing of the sort. But I'm a tad cranky because I've been ill all day. In any case, I calls 'em as I sees 'em.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 09:38 pm
timberlandko wrote:
nimh wrote:
Timber, are you saying that the emails and chat logs revealing Foley's accosting of pages is "dirt" that is "flung"?

Uhm, he did it, right, its out there, you can read it for yourself? Seems to me he's got only himself to blame for that. Or is revealing something that actually happened now considered "flinging dirt" in your book?

Its dirt - its real, but its dirt ... very dirty, sleazy dirt. Its no less real, no less reprehensible no less sleazy for being dirt, but dirt is what it is, and its being flung around - enthusiastically.

Hum, we have to disagree here. Whether or not the timing of the outing was planned or accidental, the outing of sexual harassment of a teenage volunteer by a congressman can never be appropriately brushed aside as the "flinging of dirt" in my opinion - because the outing of such abuse is a good thing, and a necessary thing. "Flinging dirt" to me sounds by definition like you're describing something that shouldnt have happened and cant be believed.

timberlandko wrote:
My personal take is that hindsight now shows more could have been done, including both action against Foley and stronger investigation. I don't see anything resembling a coverup, just a screwup

Well, thats a gliding scale. I dont suspect some big Republican conspiracy to keep this under wraps myself either, but its clear that some individuals knew enough to warrant action, and didnt undertake any.

They probably didnt undertake it because they wanted to give Foley another chance, or were afraid of the political repercussion, or most probably, both.

Whether you call that a screwup or a coverup is really not much difference - its much the same as some bishops telling a priest to behave from now on, instead of calling the police, for example.

Its a human enough instinct, especially within such defensive communities of loyalty as the Church or Congress (the men in office protecting each other), but even if just one person does it, he's still "covering up". And screwing up, yes. Same thing IMO.

timberlandko wrote:
I figure Foley may be expected to attempt to rationalize his actions - not excuse them, but portray himself the helpless pawn of personal flaws ... admit guilt without accepting it, if you get my meaning - "I have no one to blame but myself, but I was weak and couldn't help myself- I shoulda sought help earlier".

Yep. <nods>

timberlandko wrote:
And since you mention it, I'd be unsurprised were more pages to be turned, so to speak.

Neither would I. If more did speak out about things they experienced, I'd applaud that though - I wouldnt describe it as "flinging dirt".
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 09:47 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Hey, doofus ... you're the one who accused me of making up the definition. I've now shown you that I did not make it up, and I've yet to see an acknowledgement from you that you were wrong, much less an apology.

OK, Tico - you didnt make it up. Herewith acknowledged.

Ticomaya wrote:
The point -- as I've already said -- is that the connotation of pedophilia (as dlowan has correctly admitted) includes sexual activity, and the facts do not show that has occurred. That is the point, as I've already said several times now.

And that point has been DEBUNKED. You have four dictionary definitions here now that explicitly state that pedophilia does NOT need to include sexual activity, but can also consist merely of fantasy or attraction.

So the fact that no sexual activity has occurred (that we know of so far) does NOT prove anything on the count of Foley and pedophilia.

So what is your point?
0 Replies

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