timberlandko wrote:nimh wrote:Timber, are you saying that the emails and chat logs revealing Foley's accosting of pages is "dirt" that is "flung"?
Uhm, he did it, right, its out there, you can read it for yourself? Seems to me he's got only himself to blame for that. Or is revealing something that actually happened now considered "flinging dirt" in your book?
Its dirt - its real, but its dirt ... very dirty, sleazy dirt. Its no less real, no less reprehensible no less sleazy for being dirt, but dirt is what it is, and its being flung around - enthusiastically.
Hum, we have to disagree here. Whether or not the timing of the outing was planned or accidental, the outing of sexual harassment of a teenage volunteer by a congressman can never be appropriately brushed aside as the "flinging of dirt" in my opinion - because the outing of such abuse is a
good thing, and a necessary thing. "Flinging dirt" to me sounds by definition like you're describing something that shouldnt have happened and cant be believed.
timberlandko wrote:My personal take is that hindsight now shows more could have been done, including both action against Foley and stronger investigation. I don't see anything resembling a coverup, just a screwup
Well, thats a gliding scale. I dont suspect some big Republican conspiracy to keep this under wraps myself either, but its clear that some individuals knew enough to warrant action, and didnt undertake any.
They probably didnt undertake it because they wanted to give Foley another chance, or were afraid of the political repercussion, or most probably, both.
Whether you call that a screwup or a coverup is really not much difference - its much the same as some bishops telling a priest to behave from now on, instead of calling the police, for example.
Its a human enough instinct, especially within such defensive communities of loyalty as the Church or Congress (the men in office protecting each other), but even if just one person does it, he's still "covering up". And screwing up, yes. Same thing IMO.
timberlandko wrote:I figure Foley may be expected to attempt to rationalize his actions - not excuse them, but portray himself the helpless pawn of personal flaws ... admit guilt without accepting it, if you get my meaning - "I have no one to blame but myself, but I was weak and couldn't help myself- I shoulda sought help earlier".
Yep. <nods>
timberlandko wrote:And since you mention it, I'd be unsurprised were more pages to be turned, so to speak.
Neither would I. If more did speak out about things they experienced, I'd applaud that though - I wouldnt describe it as "flinging dirt".