Foley Quits Amid Allegations of Email Sex Scandal

Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 06:16 pm
Hey, I wash!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 06:19 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
I would be very interested for Timber to make clear what he considers to be the ethical distinctions between "ephebophilia" and "paedophilia".

I think the main point being made is that one term means one thing and is apparently accurate in this case, while the other is not. Pedophilia denotes sex between an adult and a minor, and it does not appear that is germane to this matter.

Now, would you like to explain your ethical distinction between what Foley did and what Clinton did?

Paedophilia technically implies no such thing necessarily...only liking. As does ephebophilia. Both tend to get used to also imply the action, ephebophilia is often a term favoured by politically active paedophiles, to attempt to give it the cachet of Ancient greek.

Your distinction is absolutely meaningless.

If there is an argument to be mounted distinguishing them, it would be along the lines of youth being closer to age of consent, and therefore an allegation that abusing them is less harmful.

Yes, sure.

Clinton had sex with a consenting adulty, Foley got his rocks off in conversations with underage boys.

Is that so very difficult? I would have thought you could manage to see a difference between children and adults for yourself.

Oh well......no surprise.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 06:27 pm
ossobuco wrote:
OK, ok, I'll admit to ignorance of the term and recent usage of the word 'ephebophilia'.

Could one of you smarties clue in the rest of us so we can follow the arguments?

Ephebophilia means sexual attraction to adolescents.

In practice, paedophilia is normally used to define both, since adolescents are legally children.

As I said above, ephebophilia is now frequently used by politically active paedophiles in an attempt to render their actions respectable.
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Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 06:35 pm
Thank you, got it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 06:39 pm
Assuming Foley never had sex with a page may be wrong. He may at least have met up with one in person. Maf54: I miss you lots since san diego.
Teen: ya I cant wait til dc
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 06:47 pm
I just saw something that seems awfully amusing to me, and this seems as good a place as any to mention it: I'm watching Fox news right now, and they keep flashing on the bottom of the screen, "Mark Foley (D) Fla." ! They've done it a bunch of times, but they only leave it up for a second, and then a while later, they pop it up again...

Oh, my, I'm sure they'll be so absolutely miffed when they see that someone messed that up! An honest mistake, to be sure...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 06:50 pm
cyphercat. hahaha. Wow Fox.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 06:55 pm
cyphercat wrote:
I just saw something that seems awfully amusing to me, and this seems as good a place as any to mention it: I'm watching Fox news right now, and they keep flashing on the bottom of the screen, "Mark Foley (D) Fla." ! They've done it a bunch of times, but they only leave it up for a second, and then a while later, they pop it up again...

Oh, my, I'm sure they'll be so absolutely miffed when they see that someone messed that up! An honest mistake, to be sure...

They should get done for that...that is really insidious.

I bet they will have half the morons watching believing that he IS democrat, and that anyone who says differently is a communist agitator spreading disinformation.

Is there some authority that can get them for that, and make them publicly declare the lie?
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Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 07:02 pm
Pffft. I doubt it.
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Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 07:19 pm
Well, I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking that was just too, too coincidental.

I shouldn't have said I found it "amusing," because it isn't really funny, it's despicable-- I guess I mean Fox is so outrageous that at some point you just start laughing. They are so underhanded it's kind of incredible.

Dlowan, if someone did try to call them on it and get them in trouble, I don't doubt they'd have some scapegoat intern or something that they would blame it on. "Oh, so-and-so made a boo-boo-- he's been scolded-- what more can we do?!"
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Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 07:30 pm
dlowan wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
I would be very interested for Timber to make clear what he considers to be the ethical distinctions between "ephebophilia" and "paedophilia".

I think the main point being made is that one term means one thing and is apparently accurate in this case, while the other is not. Pedophilia denotes sex between an adult and a minor, and it does not appear that is germane to this matter.

Now, would you like to explain your ethical distinction between what Foley did and what Clinton did?

Paedophilia technically implies no such thing necessarily...only liking. As does ephebophilia. Both tend to get used to also imply the action, ephebophilia is often a term favoured by politically active paedophiles, to attempt to give it the cachet of Ancient greek.

Your distinction is absolutely meaningless.

If there is an argument to be mounted distinguishing them, it would be along the lines of youth being closer to age of consent, and therefore an allegation that abusing them is less harmful.

    [b]Pedophilia [/b]- [i]sexual activity[/i] of an adult with a child [b]Ephebophilia [/b]- a [i]sexual preference[/i] in which an adult is primarily or exclusively sexually attracted to postpubescent adolescents

Are you using a Clintonian definition of the phrase, "sexual activity"?

Yes, sure.

Clinton had sex with a consenting adulty, Foley got his rocks off in conversations with underage boys.

Is that so very difficult? I would have thought you could manage to see a difference between children and adults for yourself.

Oh well......no surprise.

Oh, okay. I have a problem with what Foley did, and I too see the problem as with the age of the boys.

But, as has been stated earlier in this thread, the age of consent in D.C. is 16. Thus, 16 year-olds -- being of the age of consent -- can by definition, consent.

So, Clinton had actual sex activity with a female above the age of consent, and Foley engaged in sexually explicit conversations with a male(s) above the age of consent.

Just so we're clear.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 07:37 pm
Tico - that sounds fishy.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 07:43 pm
§ 22-3020. Aggravating circumstances.

(a) Any person who is found guilty of an offense under this subchapter may receive a penalty up to 1 1/2 times the maximum penalty prescribed for the particular offense, and may receive a sentence of more than 30 years up to, and including life imprisonment without possibility of release for first degree sexual abuse or first degree child sexual abuse, if any of the following aggravating circumstances exists:

(1) The victim was under the age of 12 years at the time of the offense;

(2) The victim was under the age of 18 years at the time of the offense and the actor had a significant relationship to the victim;

(3) The victim sustained serious bodily injury as a result of the offense;

(4) The defendant was aided or abetted by 1 or more accomplices;


Moral Outrage
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 07:50 pm
And, the kid was in LA when the emails were flying.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 08:28 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Paedophilia technically implies no such thing necessarily...only liking. As does ephebophilia. Both tend to get used to also imply the action, ephebophilia is often a term favoured by politically active paedophiles, to attempt to give it the cachet of Ancient greek.

Your distinction is absolutely meaningless. [..]

    [b]Pedophilia [/b]- [i]sexual activity[/i] of an adult with a child [b]Ephebophilia [/b]- a [i]sexual preference[/i] in which an adult is primarily or exclusively sexually attracted to postpubescent adolescents

Are you making these definitions up yourself, Tico?


Main Entry: pe·do·phil·ia
: sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object

American Heritage Dictionary:

An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children.

Healthline, main definition:

Pedophilia is a paraphilia that involves an abnormal interest in children. [..] Pedophilia is also a psychosexual disorder in which the fantasy or actual act of engaging in sexual activity with prepubertal children is the preferred or exclusive means of achieving sexual excitement and gratification.


In short, a pedophile is a pedophile even if he does not engage, or currently engage, in sexual activity with children.

All you and Timber are engaging in is wordplay in any case, intended to blur the issue and instill doubt about just how bad exactly it is what Foley did - pedophile or 'just' ephebophile?, etc. Starting discussions that succeed in bogging indignation down in the contested intricacies of definition does tend to be pretty effective in dispelling negative impact - it scatters the attention.

But by not only engaging in mere wordplay but actually, it seems?, making the word definitions up yourself as you go along to suit the conclusion you want to reach, you sure do go the extra length...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 08:38 pm
Yeah, I think he makes up a buncha stuff, in fact.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 08:39 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
I would be very interested for Timber to make clear what he considers to be the ethical distinctions between "ephebophilia" and "paedophilia".

I think the main point being made is that one term means one thing and is apparently accurate in this case, while the other is not. Pedophilia denotes sex between an adult and a minor, and it does not appear that is germane to this matter.

Now, would you like to explain your ethical distinction between what Foley did and what Clinton did?

Paedophilia technically implies no such thing necessarily...only liking. As does ephebophilia. Both tend to get used to also imply the action, ephebophilia is often a term favoured by politically active paedophiles, to attempt to give it the cachet of Ancient greek.

Your distinction is absolutely meaningless.

If there is an argument to be mounted distinguishing them, it would be along the lines of youth being closer to age of consent, and therefore an allegation that abusing them is less harmful.

    [b]Pedophilia [/b]- [i]sexual activity[/i] of an adult with a child [b]Ephebophilia [/b]- a [i]sexual preference[/i] in which an adult is primarily or exclusively sexually attracted to postpubescent adolescents

Are you using a Clintonian definition of the phrase, "sexual activity"?

Yes, sure.

Clinton had sex with a consenting adulty, Foley got his rocks off in conversations with underage boys.

Is that so very difficult? I would have thought you could manage to see a difference between children and adults for yourself.

Oh well......no surprise.

Oh, okay. I have a problem with what Foley did, and I too see the problem as with the age of the boys.

But, as has been stated earlier in this thread, the age of consent in D.C. is 16. Thus, 16 year-olds -- being of the age of consent -- can by definition, consent.

So, Clinton had actual sex activity with a female above the age of consent, and Foley engaged in sexually explicit conversations with a male(s) above the age of consent.

Just so we're clear.

I am interested in where you got your definition.

All definitions I have looked up say liking for.

There is a whole thread here about this very thing, which you may like to look up. I would have assumed that BOTH meant action, prior to that thread, but was convinced otherwise about paedophilia by Craven.

In practice, I agree that paedophilia is USED to denote activity a lot of the time...but they clearly have the same base, and I would seriously challenge their being used differently.

I think it is a damn stupid red herring to be casting around, anyway.

If 16 IS the age of consent in DC, then I have much less concern for Foley's behaviour.

Is it really?

BTW, many jurisdictions have an older age of consent for homosexual sex, which I consider silly, but it is often the law. Is it so in DC?

I am used to 17 as age of consent.

So...if that is true, then why is it being investigated as a criminal matter, and seemingly regarded as such by senior republicans? Is what he did illegal under the legislation Foley himself fostered? My understanding, based on what I have read, seemed to imply it was.

Hitting on pages, if they can consent, is sleazy, like hitting on an intern was, (or allowing oneself to be hit on, depending on which story you hear).

But, unless it is illegal, this all seems to be an over-reaction.

I would have thought it would have been much wiser for the repub seniors to have made sure Foley did not get near the pages, though, after the first problem emerged, he certainly ought not to have been allowed to continue mentoring them.

Mebbe they don't know as much about paedophiles as I do.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 08:39 pm
blueflame1 wrote:
Assuming Foley never had sex with a page may be wrong. He may at least have met up with one in person. Maf54: I miss you lots since san diego.
Teen: ya I cant wait til dc

Now, that's a good catch ... wunner what if anything will develop from it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 08:40 pm
nimh wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Paedophilia technically implies no such thing necessarily...only liking. As does ephebophilia. Both tend to get used to also imply the action, ephebophilia is often a term favoured by politically active paedophiles, to attempt to give it the cachet of Ancient greek.

Your distinction is absolutely meaningless. [..]

    [b]Pedophilia [/b]- [i]sexual activity[/i] of an adult with a child [b]Ephebophilia [/b]- a [i]sexual preference[/i] in which an adult is primarily or exclusively sexually attracted to postpubescent adolescents

Are you making these definitions up yourself, Tico?


Main Entry: pe·do·phil·ia
: sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object

American Heritage Dictionary:

An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children.

Healthline, main definition:

Pedophilia is a paraphilia that involves an abnormal interest in children. [..] Pedophilia is also a psychosexual disorder in which the fantasy or actual act of engaging in sexual activity with prepubertal children is the preferred or exclusive means of achieving sexual excitement and gratification.


In short, a pedophile is a pedophile even if he does not engage, or currently engage, in sexual activity with children.

All you and Timber are engaging in is wordplay in any case, intended to blur the issue and instill doubt about just how bad exactly it is what Foley did - pedophile or 'just' ephebophile?, etc. Starting discussions that succeed in bogging indignation down in the contested intricacies of definition does tend to be pretty effective in dispelling negative impact - it scatters the attention.

But by not only engaging in mere wordplay but actually, it seems?, making the word definitions up yourself as you go along to suit the conclusion you want to reach, you sure do go the extra length...

What Nimh said.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2006 08:42 pm
The emphasis in the healthline definition is mine, btw.
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