Seriously, would I pose nude for a photographer? It totally depends on who she is and if she takes photos while naked herself.....
and with my wife's permission.
Just saw the movie calendar girls...Naked and over fifty, there's hope for us all.
lol, i used to earn an extra buck posing at the art school ... is hard to keep a pose for anything over five minutes, i tell ya!
photos would be much easier ... but also more confronting. but yeh, i would, i guess ... tho then again, with my body, it would have to be a private thing for someone very much in love with me, or art. <grins>
(nah its not really that bad ... just nothing to be flaunting either. i mean ... when art teachers point their students to how this model is so wonderfully giacometti-esque or egon schiele-like, you gotta wonder, right? ;-))
What about Botero-esque?
Speaking as a rubenesque person, I am envious of a certain giacomettiness.
Personally, I would kind of enjoy posing in the nude ...
if I know the artist..... and I like and trust him...
I would do it.
No, I am the one holding the brush....

Sorry, but not even after I'm dead will I allow anybody to show a naked picture of me. I'll come back to hunt

anybody who would dare to do something like that!