I find the first photo much more appealing to look at then the second one. In the second one, most of the skin tones are the same and it makes the picture rather bland as a whole. The first one has bodies of various skin tones as well as individual bodies with tan lines. It gives the overall picture a needed texture and interest, almost like a tapestry.
I wouldn't mind being in a group photo such as these.
A friend of mine often made extra cash while travelling by contacting the local community colleges and universities. Apparently, there are always art classes where they need nude models, fairly spontaneously.
She'd make $50 an hour just to stand there and be immortalized on canvas or in clay.
She said that male models and ordinary-looking people were in the most demand, as they were pretty scarce. In 20 classes they would need 20 models with a completely different type each time, for greatest variety. No experience required, just strike a comfortable pose and daydream for an hour.
Paid ... to be admired, honored, and immortalized.
But would you ever show the art to your grandkids?
Ordinary-looking people. Yahoooooooooooooooey - nothing like learning about an excellent source of extra cash!
It's a step up from getting hypnotized or having your hearing tested - which was how I made a lot of my spending money in university.
Butrflynet wrote:The first one has bodies of various skin tones as well as individual bodies with tan lines. It gives the overall picture a needed texture and interest, almost like a tapestry.
I think the artist said it was a captivating sea of pinks, creams and browns, or something like that...
Done enough life drawing, and some modeling for life drawing...
Setenta... don't you be dissin' my man Christo! His installation 'Running Fence' seen on film with the wind blowing... incredible. 'Surrounded Islands', yeah i can take that or leave it, but the curtain avross the canyon was incredible. I mean, this is the guy who wrapped the Riechtag!
I dunno, I'd maybe do nude art photography inside somewhere darkish, but the getting-to-the outdoor photo shoot is what would unnerve me. They all had to be standing there nude for some time before they got fetal.
Yeah sure why not ??
But the only people who would want me to do that would be the one who are looking for the "before" part for cosmetic surgery ads
Having said that, I have already done it - just for fun, and for private use only..... And it was not only *just* nude ...
Jeez - the things we do when we are yng and careless (and in love)
There's an Australian expression; "As ugly as a hat-full of arseholes". Never thought I'd ever see the literal truth of THAT expression!
good one Mr Stillwater, and not one you usually come upon when reading about Aussie lingo.
ok, so we've got 10 yesses. is that a quorum? where do we go to have our group portrait taken?
They do look like pigs. They do, they do!
As a matter of fact, yes, I have, but my best claim to fame was having my chest immortalized as the form for a bf's art project. That plaster of Paris is cold! The teacher liked the bust so much, he asked to keep it and my bf got an A. This was a few decades ago. I don't think I'd do it now.
Didja notice the guy with the bad sunburn?
Everyone (all 10 of you who voted yes):
Take off your clothes and pose, please.
Say 'cheese'...
Isn't that what the Gatherings are for?
(I don't know, never been ... but I've heard stories...)
PDiddie wrote:Everyone (all 10 of you who voted yes):
Take off your clothes and pose, please.
Say 'cheese'...
PDiddie - I am the lone "will pose depending on how attractive those posing with me are". Can I see the picture you just took before I change my vote to a yes????
Omigod, they're naked!
(but strangely smiling...)
You guys are so cute, sure I'll pose!!

at all the ones with bad sunburns... :wink: