CodeBorg wrote:A friend of mine often made extra cash while travelling by contacting the local community colleges and universities. Apparently, there are always art classes where they need nude models, fairly spontaneously.
She'd make $50 an hour just to stand there and be immortalized on canvas or in clay.
She said that male models and ordinary-looking people were in the most demand, as they were pretty scarce. In 20 classes they would need 20 models with a completely different type each time, for greatest variety. No experience required, just strike a comfortable pose and daydream for an hour.
Paid ... to be admired, honored, and immortalized.
But would you ever show the art to your grandkids?
Woah, you've clearly never modeled. IT's really hard work, the sessions are four hours long, and you make $50 a session at a good place, not an hour. There are hot lamps, and in the winter it is freezing. Sometimes they make you hold uncomfortable poses and wear itchy costumes.
The typical figure models are old retired people (often senile), the blind, and drug addicts. You're making a bet every time you sit down that they remembered to wash their padding in really hot water before you got on it. Trust me, most of the time, figure modeling is not worth what they pay.