Hooray, msOlga!
More proof that yer one of the good 'uns!
When I was young puppy, hanging out in Capetown South Africa, I did some modelling for Life Drawing classes at UCT. The pay was decent; better than waiting on tables (my other job). But I wasn't very good at it (not, I hasten to add -snicker, snicker-due to any anatomical deficiency). It's a tough job and I couldn't stand still for any length of time.
One of my employees did quite a bit of modelling, although the pay was nowhere near $50/hour (more like $12). He had the abililiy, I'm told, to strike a pose and not move for a half an hour.
..But with the proviso that it's "tasteful"!
Well, sure, did it in advanced figure drawing class...we all had to do a life size drawing of ourselves as a project. Saved it for years, still have a pic of it. It isn't that easy to draw youself while posing... but in that case, each of us was our only audience, at least in theory. Picture if you will the households where this occurred. Then we all brought them to class on the last day, ta da!!!!!
Also did it when....well, gee, none of your business, or let me say, private. Sweet memory though.
Bodies are interesting as they age. I think it could be a nice private thing to mark time with photos, but it is probably unusual.
Yo, you have to put the word (nothing) in parenthesis.........
ehBeth wrote:is this tasteful enough? :wink:

Oh yes, frightfully tasteful! :wink:
OssoB - i like the idea of marking time with photos/pictures.
There was a nude photo of me in the news last week: you know that photo from Chile of the huge unidenfiable blob of flesh that washed up on the beach? That was me suntanning.
I have a few times and would love to do it again.
Yes, I would definately pose nude for photos again. In fact, I'm trying to find a willing photographer in my area. In my view, there is nothing obscene about the naked body.
Depends on the.. nemind.
Welcome to able2know!
im a uni student in sydney and a big part of my work consists of my nakid body. It is some of my most enjoyable work. and i think the human body is nothing to be ashamed of.
You must stick around, SweetComplication. We'll teach you the joy of pretentiousness.
Re: Would you pose nude for a photo?
Well I think this is keeping into the spirit!
To be frank, I wouldn't pose nude for a photographer, but I would for a painter. I would be perfect for an abstract painter, but not a minimalist.
maybe....how much money you got?
Wow, and all that fuss about 72 virgins.