Laughed my ass off, Heeven . . .
Good to see you again . . .
You know, confidentially, i went swimmin' topless on the west coast of Ireland, but no one seemed to notice . . . hmmmmmm . . .
Did you have an Irish tan? Red ring around the vest neckline and tops of shoulders? Hmmm, sexyyyy!
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha . . .
What was the name of that product they used to advertise on RTE? . . . Tans you, even in the Irish sun ! ! ! . . . always greeted by a theatric rolling of the eyes of the pub clientele . . .
Okay, okay ... the last week of every month, here on A2K
let's have a Casual Friday, where everyone changes their avatar all at once.
If you don't have or want a nude photo of yourself,
then you may choose a classic nude painting or statue to represent your likeness...
Everyone? Anyone? We'd be the talk of the internet,
especially if it was to protest the ongoing wars.

O-o-okay, let's see if this works.)
...Whatever you do, DON'T say Booman is smartest, funniest, and most modest person on Ab2k.
Hmmmm...... My post says, Fri. June 13, 1:16 a.m.......DAMN!... How long was I sleep?
Nemmind, we took care of everything while you were out . . . here, take a pull on this oh-so-soothing glass of warm milk here . . .
...and follow that foul white muck with a good swallow of this throat-wrenching over-proof rum now...
fuggedabooot that swill, have some of this ...
Yer Kingston accent is showing . . . pull down your hem . . .
Codeborg - I love that idea!
Heeven, good to see you! If you're interested, there's a boston gathering afoot for this weekend .......
Quote:there's a boston gathering afoot for this weekend
but it could rapidly change to
zincwhite, I do not understand these people. Why do they have such strange ideas?
zincwhite is obviously a man -- or woman -- of few words.
I didn't even think you could post nothing.... How'd s/he do that?
Yep, it's Rae, late as usual.
Yeah, I'd pose for a nude photo.
Done it before.
No big deal.
OK chickens... it could be fun. We all have a hundred pints or drink of choice at the pub, stumble down to beach and take off our clothes and go skinny dipping in North Atlantic. Its no big deal? (Remember, you are lit and subzero water temps will not deter you). Those of us that survive will have pictures taken and since its too dark, picture won't come out and we won't remember next day anyway? So? Come on....
Thanks for the invite LittleK. It's my birthday so I'm off to Vegas this weekend - my first time - I'm a Vegas Virgin! Imagine that? Sooo, I won't be online for a week or so. Wish me luck!