What is a Nazarene?

Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 11:20 pm
kate4christ03 wrote:
this topic has gone way off course

They do that frequently - nothing remarkable here.

my initial point was that you didnt need to seem so snide in your assumption that i didnt care to check out the links

I submit again you've taken offense where none was presented. Evident in your first post on this thread was that you had not read the pages at the ther end of those the links. Why it might have been that you did not is irrelevant, obviously, at the time you submitted that post you had not availed yourself of material already offered. Now, had you mentioned experiencing difficulty following the links, perhaps the conversation might have taken a different tack - however, you did not and it did not.

....i cant see how this came to you, setanta and ossobuco changing the topic to the manner of my discourse of scripture or me being offended by those that disagree with me

Oh, that's easy - it happened when you placed focus on something that existed soley in your perception ... and the digression has continued due the willingness of others here to engage your continuing focus on that which you have imagined.

...none of you three have given any instances where i am rude to those that disagree with me...or have taken offense to one disagreeing with any statement i have made on scripture....

Straw man. No such instances have been alleged by any of the 3 parties you mention. Speaking only for myself, I'll say I've not characterized you as rude, I have but observed and commented on the evident level of competence with which your proposition has been presented.

[quote'timber"]It is not you that others attack, it is your proposition and the manner in which you forward that proposition -

timber can you give examples..Who??..for the most part those that i have discussed with havent been rude or suggested that ive been rude with them... there are only a set few that seem to resort to snide comments and personal insults when debating on here ( and i wasnt speaking of only me being party to insult i specificially said "christians")[/quote]
Give examples of what? Your continuing focus on that which was not there? That's just what's been going on over the past 8 or 10 pages of this discussion.

timber wrote:
Demonstrate any instance constituting an attack on your person, as opposed to an attack or your proposition and/or its manner of presentation, and you'll have a point. As it stands presently, your proposition has been incompetently presented

once again i was speaking in general about what ive seen in the past few weeks by those that seem to think christian beliefs are silly

Once again, regardless what you may think you are doing, by your posts you persist in erroneous, afoundational, arrogantly (albeit likely unwitting) egocentric focus, and evade the challenge that you validate your proposition. Allow me to present that challenge once more:

Demonstrate any instance constituting an attack on your person, as opposed to an attack on your proposition and/or its manner of presentation.

While I recognize and acknowledge many in these discussions hold religionist belief - of any flavor - to be proposterous, I submit it is not the believer or the belief that is held to criticism, but the manner in which the beliefs at discussion are presented by many if not most of the proponents of those beliefs. A ridiculous presentation meeting ridicule has met its due.

.......you have guys that disagree by slinging insults and calling names and ridiculing beliefs..

Insult often is perceived where in fact what was given was objection/rejection and/or challenge. If you wish to be taken seriously, counter objection, overcome rejection, meet and rebut challenge. Make your case. Use logic and evidence to show what you've brought to the trade table. Sell your proposition, don't just keep repeating and rephrasing it in expectation of triumph through shrillness and persistence - that's a practice without positive prospect.

you have guys that think that all christians should be accountable for the atrocities that a few do......and i have already quoted from setanta in particular as an example

Pot-kettle-black, red herring, straw man, and non sequitur.

....and sorry but i dont see how name calling and insults and generalizations of any particular group is preparation for an intelligent debate.....

Cool - you want intelligent debate - OK, here are 5 challenges - meet any one of them. To make it easy for you, I'll stipulate to the possibility there may be a god or gods, further stipulate that some god or gods may be supreme, and further yet that some religiospiritual concept may embody the will and teaching of such. Now, have at it - objectively, academically soundly, and forensically validly, per the requirements of serious debate. No need to structure your assay into this venture as formal debate, though if you wish to do so, I'll stipulate to the customary rules of exchange, giving you the affirmative with its consequent opening statement, taking for myself the negative and the consequent first rebuttal. I'll leave to you the number of rounds between opening and conclusion, asking only that you establish that number before initiating debate. Otherwise, I have no problem with open, free-form debate, if that be your preference. Have at it when you're ready; I'm prepared.

Demonstrate objectively and in academically sound, forensically valid manner that religious faith be differentiable from superstition.

Demonstrate objectively and in academically sound, forensically valid manner that the Abrahamic Mythopaeia be other than a human construct, a cultural artifact with roots in the forgotten antiquity of the Anatolian Plain, the Aryan Plateau, the Fertile Crescent, the Mediterranean Rim, and the Nile Delta, derived through, drawing from and elaborating on the myriad cultural traditions and mythopaeias of those regions, both predating and contemporary with itself.

Demonstrate objectively and in academically sound, forensically valid manner that the Abrahamic Mythopaeia inherrently and incontravertably be superior to any other spiritual mythopaeia past or present.

Demonstrate objectively and in academically sound, forensically valid manner that any one of the 3 primary religions deriving from the Abrahamic Mythopaeia inherrently and incontravertably be superior to its 2 siblings.

Demonstrate objectively and in academically sound, forensically valid manner that whatever religiospiritual worldview you personally profess inherrently and incontravertably be superior to any other religiospiritual worldview.

kate4christ03 wrote:
I am saying, faith announcement is not useful as argument, even with many of the faithful.
i have used scriptural reference to back every point ive made on here so far in reference to religious discussions....that along with a strong faith in Jesus gives me the assurance im correct in my beliefs as a christian.....i dont just throw faith announcements into an argument and say "that is what i believe so oh well" even in my past post to you i stated that.....

Au contrere - the parrotting of scripture or doctrine, regardless pertaing to or derived from which faith or traditition, precisely and by definition constitutes "Faith Announcement" - an invalid form of argument, in that it is circular, deriving from and possessing authority through only itself, absent external validation and independent empirical evidentiary corroboration. It most emphatically is "This is so because what I believe tells me this is so and I believe it so you must too". In particular reference to the Christian subset of the Abrahamic Mythopaeia, the Bible - whichever Bible - is the claim, the claim cannot validate itself ... basic forensics.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 11:30 pm
Shall we move along?
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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 11:45 pm
All in all, osso, that last of yours likely is the best post to have appeared over the past 8 or 9 ppages of this thread :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 04:27 am
I forget.

What is a Nazarene?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 07:18 am
A sinus relief medicine?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 07:30 am
kate4christ03 wrote:
setanta wrote
See, now you once again display your inability to comprehend. I'm not peddling a belief here--i'm expressing my unwillingness to swallow your goofy beliefs.

everytime you call christian beliefs fairy tales or make broad generalizations about all christians or say God is an imaginary friend you are peddling your belief.....and lastly I'm still waiting for you to show me where ive stated my interpretation on a certain scripture is fact yet have been patently wrong.....

I don't make broad generalizations about all christians. I specify bible-thumpers (the category in which i would most likely relegate you) or fundamentalists or just christian fanatics in general. That's not peddling a belief, because bible-thumpers do exist, fundamentalists do exist and fanatical christians do exist. I don't say that all christian beliefs are fairy tales--i only ever use that term to describe the scriptures upon which the bible thumpers lean. Yes, i say god is your imaginary friend, and unless and until you can demonstrate any of your contentions, that scritpure is the divinely inspired "word of god," that you know better than anyone else what scripture means, that your "god" exists--i have every right to continue to use the terms you object to, and i'm not peddling a belief--i'm rejecting yours. No proof, no belief.

belief-something believed; an opinion or conviction:

Do you deny that bible-thumpers (those who tout their superior scriptural knowledge) exist? Do you deny that fundamentalists and fanatical christians exist? Can you prove your exegesis? Can you prove your "god" is real? Unless and until you can meet those criteria, it is not belief on my part to say: "No, i'm not going to believe what you cannot prove."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 09:08 am
setanta funny thing not once since i've been on here have i "peddled" my belief......not once did i push anything down your throat...i havent once told you that you better beleive in God or go to hell etc........and i will ask once more and give up after that (bc this becomes tiresome) when have i touted my superior scriptural knowledge?

Unless and until you can meet those criteria, it is not belief on my part to say: "No, i'm not going to believe what you cannot prove."

for you to say that GOd is imaginery, that is a belief...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 09:32 am
kate4christ03 wrote:
setanta funny thing not once since i've been on here have i "peddled" my belief......not once did i push anything down your throat...i havent once told you that you better beleive in God or go to hell etc........and i will ask once more and give up after that (bc this becomes tiresome) when have i touted my superior scriptural knowledge?

If you looking for links to quotes of yours, don't hold your breath--i'm not running errands for you. It is enough that i have seen you consistently insist that others don't understand scripture because you have told them what it means, and you will trot out your "LOL" if they don't agree, and claim that your exegesis is the obviously correct one--and therefore, i categorize you as a bible-thumper.

Unless and until you can meet those criteria, it is not belief on my part to say: "No, i'm not going to believe what you cannot prove."

for you to say that GOd is imaginery, that is a belief...

No, it is a belief to say that your "god" is not imaginary. Until you can demonstrate that your "god" exists, the only rational assumption is that you imagine there is a god. Your "god" is a product of your imagination until such time as you can demonstrate the existence of your "god." Therefore, describing your "god" as an imaginary friend is not belief, it is the rejection of the belief you have which makes you assert that your "god" exists. You demonstrate consistently the inability to understand this concept--but that doesn't authorize the contention that my rejection of your belief constitutes a belief on my part.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 09:35 am
Kate, in logical discourse, when you have 2 competing propositions:
a] a god exists.
b] no god exists.
the burden of proof is on the proponent of the affirmative.

The one arguing the affirmative must:
first define the concept of God
then establish the standard of proof required to advance his argument.
Next he must present evidence relative to those standards.

Simply stating that 'my belief in my god works for me' or 'the bible says it; I believe it; end of discussion', is not acceptable.

Admittedly, it is considerably more difficult to prove the existence of God, not to mention one's personal God, than it is to rest on the negative. And it is ever more problematic in the light of the many centuries of priestly abominations foisted, first on believers, and then by their extension, on those who would seek only to live their own peaceful lives.

I have repeatedly contended that the bible provides a coherent explanation of humanity's condition and reveals sufficient evidence to satisfy the conditions I have outlined above. Nevertheless, as Philip was told by the Ethiopian: "Really, how could I ever do so, unless someone guided me?" (Acts 8:31) It is the calling of the evangelist, then, to advance the good news by showing respect to the legitimate skepticism of unbelievers.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 09:36 am
Chai Tea wrote:
I forget.

What is a Nazarene?

neologist wrote:
A sinus relief medicine?




0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 09:49 am
If you looking for links to quotes of yours, don't hold your breath--i'm not running errands for you. It is enough that i have seen you consistently insist that others don't understand scripture because you have told them what it means, and you will trot out your "LOL" if they don't agree, and claim that your exegesis is the obviously correct one--and therefore, i categorize you as a bible-thumper.

first and foremost i dont lol when others dont agree....i did that once (my very first debate) to wolf and he pointed out that it appeared mocking and i apologized...the only time i do the "lol" now is when people are joking or i am joking...and i havent consistently told others that they dont understand scripture bc they dont agree with me..that is untrue.... and i dont go around peddling my beliefs.....most people in here probably dont know all i believe bc i dont go around spouting it off as you accused.......
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 09:50 am
I disagree, and my judgment of your "contribution" at this site stands.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 10:09 am
Simply stating that 'my belief in my god works for me' or 'the bible says it; I believe it; end of discussion', is not acceptable.
Admittedly, it is considerably more difficult to prove the existence of God, not to mention one's personal God, than it is to rest on the negative...I have repeatedly contended that the bible provides a coherent explanation of humanity's condition and reveals sufficient evidence to satisfy the conditions I have outlined above. Nevertheless, as Philip was told by the Ethiopian: "Really, how could I ever do so, unless someone guided me?" (Acts 8:31) It is the calling of the evangelist, then, to advance the good news by showing respect to the legitimate skepticism of unbelievers

neologist not once on this forum have i got into a debate about the existance of God...not once have i been disrespectful to an unbeliever for their denial in the existance of God...i understand the points of a debate on this subject and i know that the burden of proof falls on the one claiming there is a God i also agree with your scripture reference...I have noticed that debates on this subject are fruitless, with the believer frustrated that the athiest doesnt see his viewpoint and the athiest frustrated bc he feels the believer hasnt given ample evidence...

My point is this...a belief is any viewpoint, any opinion whether religious or not, that one holds firm to..it can be a political one, a moral one...etc

setanta constantly berates christians or anyone who is religious for holding to a set of beliefs that they feel are right....yet turns right around and gives his beliefs...."God is imaginery" "scripture is fairy tales" etc....and not once have i ever told him he is wrong for these views and he cant hold to them.....we each have the right to our views beliefs and opinions and each person should respect those upheld by another......but its hypocricy for a person to get angry and call another names for holding firm to views or beliefs when he himself has certian views or beliefs he holds firm to...
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 10:27 am
I thought a Nazarene was like a smaller slightly sweeter Nazorange.....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 10:35 am
kate4christ03 wrote:
i understand the points of a debate on this subject and i know that the burden of proof falls on the one claiming there is a God i also agree with your scripture reference...

Horsepoop--if this were so, you would not write: ...not once have i been disrespectful to an unbeliever for their denial in the existance of God.... The "unbeliever to whom you refer is not axiomatically someone who denies that your "god" exists. I don't deny that you "god" exists, i simply refuse to believe that for which you cannot adduce plausible evidence. That is an important distinction which obviates a statement such as this:

My point is this...a belief is any viewpoint, any opinion whether religious or not, that one holds firm to..it can be a political one, a moral one...etc

Many "beliefs" as you describe them are not "viewpoints" at all--many people whom you say believe a thing, are in fact those who do not believe a thing. But that is a distinction you either do not understand, or are unwilling to admit to, because it is much more convienent to your estimation of the worth of "opinions" to assert this equivalency. Many people believe that the earth is a sphere, which spins on an axis, and that this accounts for the apparent "sunrise" each morning. Some others have believed (and many still believe), that the earth is a flat surface of indeterminate dimensions, over which a small, near and very hot sun passes in an arc each day, travelling under the earth to repeat the exercise each day. Not all opinions, not all "beliefs" are equal. The "belief" that the earth is a sphere rotating on its axis accounts for observable phenomenon of all types, and does no violence to the cognitive abilities of humans. The "flat earth, center of a small and quaint cosmos" thesis leaves a lot of unexplained loose ends, and fails to account for all observable phenomena.

setanta constantly berates christians or anyone who is religious for holding to a set of beliefs that they feel are right...

This is a lie--i disparage what you say--i don't berate you, because i don't know you. My objection is to your assertion of the truth of something for which you do not provide evidence. Don't make **** up, and don't accuse me of things of which i am not guilty.

. . . yet turns right around and gives his beliefs...."God is imaginery" "scripture is fairy tales" etc....

This is also a lie--those aren't beliefs, they are rejections of the beliefs that others tout without proof.

and not once have i ever told him he is wrong for these views and he cant hold to them.....

How very white of you--given that you are not referring to any beliefs which i hold, this is meaningless. If you were to do so, you would be telling me i am wrong for not believing what you believe, because not one of the things which you refer is a belief which i have articulated; each of these points represents a belief on your part to which i refuse to subscribe.

we each have the right to our views beliefs and opinions and each person should respect those upheld by another......

Ah, the cri de coeur of all perfervid religionists. Not all beliefs are equal, and there is absolutely no reason to accord respect to the ridiculous belief.

but its hypocricy for a person to get angry and call another names for holding firm to views or beliefs when he himself has certian views or beliefs he holds firm to...

Who here has gotten angry (apart from you)? Who here has called someone else names? As you last referred to me, it is reasonable to assume that you are saying that i became angry, and that i called you names. That is a lie, and therefore, you are a liar--there, now, are you happy? That is the first example of name-calling in this thread, and i lay the blame squarely at your door for telling lies about me.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 10:58 am
This is a lie--i disparage what you say--i don't berate you, because i don't know you. My objection is to your assertion of the truth of something for which you do not provide evidence. Don't make **** up, and don't accuse me of things of which i am not guilty.

"whacky religious know it alls" "idiots" "morons" need i go on......this is berating...... you arent disagreeing on the posts or beliefs of a person you are calling them names when they dont hold the same views you do......

a belief (once more) is an idea, conviction, opinion or viewpoint...you believe that God is imaginery (that is a belief) you feel that scripture is fairy tales(that is a belief) you believe that christians that stand on their views are "know it alls" whom you coin "biblethumpers" (that is a belief) you can try to twist any way you like and say all your beliefs are just rejections of religious beliefs but that still doesnt negate them as beliefs......

Who here has gotten angry (apart from you)? Who here has called someone else names? As you last referred to me, it is reasonable to assume that you are saying that i became angry, and that i called you names. That is a lie, and therefore, you are a liar--there, now, are you happy? That is the first example of name-calling in this thread, and i lay the blame squarely at your door for telling lies about me.

im not angry at all......and no you did call names and do it constantly on any given thread where you disagree with others...let me give you a few names you seem to throw out on a regular basis....(one more time)...bible thumper....whacko religious know it all(you actually called me that in this thread) so please go back and check bf you say im lying bc im not......
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 11:25 am
kate4christ03 wrote:
This is a lie--i disparage what you say--i don't berate you, because i don't know you. My objection is to your assertion of the truth of something for which you do not provide evidence. Don't make **** up, and don't accuse me of things of which i am not guilty.

"whacky religious know it alls" "idiots" "morons" need i go on......this is berating...... you arent disagreeing on the posts or beliefs of a person you are calling them names when they dont hold the same views you do......

Do you assert that i have called any participant in this thread a whacky religious know it all, an idiot or a moron? Because if you do, that is another lie. You know, to say that your abilities of reading comprehension verge on the moronic would not be calling you a moron, it would simply constitute making an observation on your apparent relative ability to respond appropriately to what you read. And i've not made that sort of remark, either. Once again, you're making **** up.

a belief (once more) is an idea, conviction, opinion or viewpoint...you believe that God is imaginery (that is a belief)

No, that is an intentional warping of what i have consistently written. I have continually asserted that if you cannot demonstrate that your "god" exists, the only reasonable assumption is that this "god" is a figment of your imagination, and therefore, i refer to your imaginary friend. I don't assert that there is a "god" of any description, imaginary or otherwise. I simply point out that your "god" constitutes a figment of your imagination unless and until you can provide plausible evidence for your god--something which you simply don't do, and a challenge which you consistently avoid. Smart move on your part--i've know people who are apparently a good deal more intelligent and mentally adroit than you who have been unable to do so.

you feel that scripture is fairy tales(that is a belief)

No, i have occassionally referred to portions of scripture as fairy tales, either because hilarious implausibility, the absence of plausible proof, or the contradiction of reliable hitorical and archaeological records. That is not belief, that is well-founded assertion. Tell me that one about Noah again, that story never fails to crack me up.

you believe that christians that stand on their views are "know it alls" whom you coin "biblethumpers" (that is a belief)

No, i only apply that term to christians who offer exegetical opinion as exegetical fact. I did not coin the term bible-thumper, and it is not a belief, it is a descriptive term for those who attempt to underpin their every utterance with exegetical references.

you can try to twist any way you like and say all your beliefs are just rejections of religious beliefs but that still doesnt negate them as beliefs......

There is not twisting going on. The rejection of belief is not a equivalent and polar opposite belief. That you are unable or unwilling to understand that does not surprise me.

Who here has gotten angry (apart from you)? Who here has called someone else names? As you last referred to me, it is reasonable to assume that you are saying that i became angry, and that i called you names. That is a lie, and therefore, you are a liar--there, now, are you happy? That is the first example of name-calling in this thread, and i lay the blame squarely at your door for telling lies about me.

im not angry at all......and no you did call names and do it constantly on any given thread where you disagree with others...let me give you a few names you seem to throw out on a regular basis....(one more time)...bible thumper....whacko religious know it all(you actually called me that in this thread) so please go back and check bf you say im lying bc im not......

So, you consider bible-thumper "name calling?" I don't agree, and i therefore reject your claim. I have explained why i refer to people as bible-thumpers, and i refer to you with that term because of your constant resort to some goofy exegesis complete with scriptural references in what passes for debate at your house. You may not like the term bible-thumper, but, after all, it's not name calling when it is true.

As for "whacko religious know it all," that refers to this portion of one of my posts.

Oh, and is this an example of what you mean about me being rude? I certainly hope so--whacko religious know-it-alls disgust me, and i always hope to have an opportunity to be rude to them. As my mealy-mouthed christian mother used to say, offer it up to Jesus as a lesson in humility.

And i did not directly call you a whacko-religious know-it-all. That was definitely a case of "if the shoe fits." If you took offense, and resented the "name-calling," then i can only assumed you recognized yourself when i used the term "whacko religious know-it-alls" (note that the use of the plural beggars your argument that it necessarily refers to you). If you recognize yourself, then one is reasonable in assuming that you consider yourself a whacko religious know-it-all, and if that is the case, once again, it ain't name-calling if it's true.

So, is it? True, that is?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 11:45 am
Oh, and is this an example of what you mean about me being rude? I certainly hope so--whacko religious know-it-alls disgust me, and i always hope to have an opportunity to be rude to them. As my mealy-mouthed christian mother used to say, offer it up to Jesus as a lesson in humility.

And i did not directly call you a whacko-religious know-it-all. That was definitely a case of "if the shoe fits." If you took offense, and resented the "name-calling," then i can only assumed you recognized yourself when i used the term "whacko religious know-it-alls" (note that the use of the plural beggars your argument that it necessarily refers to you). If you recognize yourself, then one is reasonable in assuming that you consider yourself a whacko religious know-it-all, and if that is the case, once again, it ain't name-calling if it's true.

the posts speak for themselves...you said you hoped you were being seen as rude (when speaking to me)bc whacko religious knowitalls disgust you......it may have been indirect but it was still pointed at me...

No, that is an intentional warping of what i have consistently written. I have continually asserted that if you cannot demonstrate that your "god" exists, the only reasonable assumption is that this "god" is a figment of your imagination, and therefore, i refer to your imaginary friend. I don't assert that there is a "god" of any description, imaginary or otherwise. I simply point out that your "god" constitutes a figment of your imagination unless and until you can provide plausible evidence for your god--something which you simply don't do, and a challenge which you consistently avoid

actually you have never once challenged me with this subject......so you are blatantly lying......

I have explained why i refer to people as bible-thumpers, and i refer to you with that term because of your constant resort to some goofy exegesis complete with scriptural references in what passes for debate at your house. You may not like the term bible-thumper, but, after all, it's not name calling when it is true.

this is a religious forum so its plausible that one may use scripture when citing their belief...(many do that on here) and where have i made a "goofy exegesis"...

when you first came into this discussion you accused me of acting like a know it all and being condescending even in my ignorance in my very first post...that was a lie....you then said all i do is go around and spout of scripture and peddle my belief...that is a lie....you said all i do is laugh and mock others that disagree with me...that is a lie...you said i act as though i am superior to others in reference to scripture knowledge...that is a lie... your constant accusations without facts makes it really hard to discuss with you....i have asked numerous times since yesterday for evidence of these different things you have accused me of....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 12:06 pm
kate, all you need do to provide foundation for your proposition is satisfy any one, any combination of, or all of the following previously-issued challenges:

  1. Demonstrate objectively and in academically sound, forensically valid manner that religious faith be differentiable from superstition.

  2. Demonstrate objectively and in academically sound, forensically valid manner that the Abrahamic Mythopaeia be other than a human construct, a cultural artifact with roots in the forgotten antiquity of the Anatolian Plain, the Aryan Plateau, the Fertile Crescent, the Mediterranean Rim, and the Nile Delta, derived through, drawing from and elaborating on the myriad cultural traditions and mythopaeias of those regions, both predating and contemporary with itself.

  3. Demonstrate objectively and in academically sound, forensically valid manner that the Abrahamic Mythopaeia inherrently and incontravertably be superior to any other spiritual mythopaeia past or present.

  4. Demonstrate objectively and in academically sound, forensically valid manner that any one of the 3 primary religions deriving from the Abrahamic Mythopaeia inherrently and incontravertably be superior to its 2 siblings.

  5. Demonstrate objectively and in academically sound, forensically valid manner that whatever religiospiritual worldview you personally profess inherrently and incontravertably be superior to any other religiospiritual worldview.

Now, should you nail any one of those, you'll have the beginnings of an argument which merits being taken seriously and from which you may proceed. Nail 'em all, and you'll have resolved the entire issue beyond argument. Untill such time as you manage to get the whole job done, however, we by the requirements of intellectual honesty have no choice but to dismiss your proposition as heretofore you have presented that proposition.

Take all the time you need. We're patient, we can wait. We're quite used to that; we've been waiting for around 10 Millenia.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2006 12:15 pm
kate, all you need do to provide foundation for your proposition is satisfy any one, any combination of, or all of the following previously-issued challenges:

what propositions have i claimed? none of those things have anything to do with what ive been discussing.....please read the previous post i made to setanta.....i have stated a few times im not and havent as of yet debated the existance of God....the superiority of the bible or christianity......

all i have said from the beginning is that people should be able to discuss, debate or disagree with one another without rudeness or name calling..and i used setanta as one of those people who does just that and i gave points of reference where he has called names and even claims to want to be rude to certain people whom he doesnt agree with...and repeatedly i have been accused of various things(note my last post) and as of yet noone has produced evidence to back these accusations.....

if at any time you guys want to disagree and thinks that name calling or rudeness is justifiable when debating with one who's views you disagree with, then that's fine....but i think its wrong.....
0 Replies

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