What is a Nazarene?

Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 02:32 pm
Apparently we all know how to edit.
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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 02:33 pm
i still cant get it lol
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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 02:35 pm
that's cool, don't sweat it
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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 02:36 pm
Echi..... Smile
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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 02:40 pm
Sometimes when you copy an image from yahoo or google search, extra leters get added in. You had:

But if you edit to

You get what you want.

I had to go all the way back to
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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 02:44 pm
kate4christ03 wrote:
last time i checked this is a religious forum

Safe assumption - its titled as such in the Forum Index
and i can give my opinion on scriptures when i want to

That's pretty much the point of open discussion.

.....and last time i checked this is also a debate forum where anyone can give their view

See above

on certain scriptures and spiritual truth and most on here do exactly what i do

Nonsense. Some here, but by no means most, as you presumptively and erroneously allege, practice discourse in manner similar to that you have evidenced.

....since i've come on here all i've seen you do is ridicule those with religious beliefs and judge and attack others.....

At the risk of delving into tedium, I submit it ideas and the manner in which ideas be presented which come under criticism, not the presenters of the ideas at criticism

and my ignorance on a particular church (there are so many) in no way puts into question my views on scripture....i never claimed to be an expert on religion or even the different sects of christian denominations....ive even stated bf that i know the bible but im still learning.......

I submit there is a major distinction to be made between the common Christianist interpretation of "knowing the bible" and actually knowing about the literary assemblage comprising that known as "The Bible" in all its variations, interpretations and permutations, its origins, history, development, and transmission, its antecedents, contemporaries, and derivatives. I submit further it is a conceit born of ignorance to assert there be or ever was any such thing as "THE Bible" ; canon is a matter of convention, and there is no unifying the assorted conflicting conventions of biblical canon.

i cant be cool and put any pics up bc i dont know how to do that yet

Tutorial - How to post an image


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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 02:44 pm
The way to avoid that is to click from the search result to the original page where the image appeared
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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 02:45 pm
I tend to be favorably impressed by posters who use conventional capitalization and punctuation.

ee cummings would be an exception.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 03:03 pm
timber my whole point in restating the name and reason for this forum was bc of setantas allegations about me
Since you showed up at this site, you have run around spewing scripture, and telling everyone what it means, and attempting to peddle your particularist view of what scripture means and of what religious truth is

i havent been running around spewing scripture and telling everyone what it means or pushing my views on anyone....all ive done is use scripture to back up things i believe...which is no more than what others in here do......and timber, actually many in here do use scripture when debating.....

At the risk of delving into tedium, I submit it ideas and the manner in which ideas be presented which come under criticism, not the presenters of the ideas at criticism

i wasnt speaking to you or saying that is what you do,...my comment was to setanta......
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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 03:05 pm
ty guys for the advice on how to post pics..... Very Happy
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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 03:11 pm
kate4christ03 wrote:
setanta i never made the supposition that the church of nazarene originated from that of the nazarites of the bible....i threw in the word "maybe" bc i didnt know...and further posts show that i see there is no correlation....

I did not say that you had made such a supposition--so this is a non-sequitur. What i did point out was your ignorance in assuming that this had to do with nazarites becauase you were ignorant of the Nazarenes.

Since you showed up at this site, you have run around spewing scripture, and telling everyone what it means, and attempting to peddle your particularist view of what scripture means and of what religious truth is

last time i checked this is a religious forum and i can give my opinion on scriptures when i want to.....and last time i checked this is also a debate forum where anyone can give their view on certain scriptures and spiritual truth and most on here do exactly what i do....

I didn't say that you couldn't give your opinion. But the problem is that you don't just give an opinion, you state your interpretations are the facts of what scripture means, and you laugh at others who dispute that with you, and say that these passages of scripture "obviously" mean what they patently do not say. So what you do is not what most others who quote scripture do.

since i've come on here all i've seen you do is ridicule those with religious beliefs and judge and attack others.....and my ignorance on a particular church (there are so many) in no way puts into question my views on scripture....i never claimed to be an expert on religion or even the different sects of christian denominations....ive even stated bf that i know the bible but im still learning.......

The Big Bird has adequately addressed, and more than once in this thread, something which never seems to sink in with the perfervid religionist. Saying that your belief is idiotic is not saying that you are an idiot. Saying that your expressions are incoherent only criticizes how you express yourself, it doesn't constitute a personal insult. You, as is the case with so many christian and muslim fanatics here, get hysterical at having your ideas criticized and immediately claim you have been personally attacked--horsepoop. We get that in the political threads too, but not nearly so often as in the religious threads.

It is more than a little ironic to see you deny that you have ever portrayed yourself as and expert on religion, and then in the next sentence fragment (you don't seem able to express yourself in actual sentences), you state that you "know the bible." Oh . . . you do . . . do you know it in the biblical sense?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 03:14 pm
kate4christ03 wrote:
i havent been running around spewing scripture and telling everyone what it means or pushing my views on anyone....all ive done is use scripture to back up things i believe...which is no more than what others in here do......and timber, actually many in here do use scripture when debating.....

But you don't say that scripture means this or that in your opinion, you state as though making statements from authority, and express incredulity at the ignorance of others who would disagree with you. If you were only expressing your opinion, i wouldn't find your antics so insufferable--but you come on with a tone of authority and suggest that what you allege scripture to mean should be obvious to everyone. That is not what everyone else does at all.

As for the Big Bird commenting on what you wrote in addressing me, everything you post here is fair game for anyone to comment upon.
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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 03:26 pm
Where is Moan now that she is desperately needed?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 03:37 pm
She would be superfluous . . . at this point, she's simply be telling us: "Well, that's just what i believe . . ."
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 04:01 pm
setanta wrote
Your condescension was a product of your ignorance--your supposition that the original post could only refer to something of which you had heard, but not something of which you are actually ignornant.

first off i never made the supposition that it could only refer to something that i knew about...

kate wrote
setanta i never made the supposition that the church of nazarene originated from that of the nazarites of the bible....i threw in the word "maybe" bc i didnt know...and further posts show that i see there is no correlation....

setanta wrote
I did not say that you had made such a supposition--so this is a non-sequitur. What i did point out was your ignorance in assuming that this had to do with nazarites becauase you were ignorant of the Nazarenes.

and setanta you are going around in circles....you first say i was being condescending and making suppositions ..then you say that you didnt say that.....and why do you keep restating that i didnt know anything about the nazarenes its evident with my initial post that I said i didnt know anything about them...

...and i havent laughed or mocked anyone that has disagreed with me......i've laughed at posts made and even things ive said but i havent intentionally been mocking....
Setanta you seem to have a problem with me standing firm on what i believe in..and not throwing in the phrase "in my opinion"..Yet you say things like "biblethumping fairy tales" or "imaginary friend superstition" and i have yet to see you say "in my opinion" when stating your views
shall i now say that you have no right to your view that you belief is right....or should i call you a hypocrite for griping at me for standing on what i believe in... when you yourself does the same thing.....and where have i stated my interpretation of a passage of scripture is right when its been wrong..
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 04:10 pm
jeez...I go away for 8 hours and you're all still going on about I don't even remember.

I think kate is sweet on neo and wants to smooch him.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 04:11 pm
Saying that your belief is idiotic is not saying that you are an idiot. Saying that your expressions are incoherent only criticizes how you express yourself, it doesn't constitute a personal insult. You, as is the case with so many christian and muslim fanatics here, get hysterical at having your ideas criticized and immediately claim you have been personally attacked--horsepoop. We get that in the political threads too, but not nearly so often as in the religious threads

setanta have you read any of our convo.....i wasnt hysterical at having ideas criticized...that wasnt the conversation at all.....you jump from one topic to the next to justify your judgemental views...this discussion had nothing to do with my religious views....
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 04:12 pm
chai haha no way...(no offense neo)...........but im happily married....
besides he's not baptist....it would never work Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 04:20 pm
kate4christ03 wrote:
setanta wrote
Your condescension was a product of your ignorance--your supposition that the original post could only refer to something of which you had heard, but not something of which you are actually ignornant.

first off i never made the supposition that it could only refer to something that i knew about...

kate wrote
setanta i never made the supposition that the church of nazarene originated from that of the nazarites of the bible....i threw in the word "maybe" bc i didnt know...and further posts show that i see there is no correlation....

setanta wrote
I did not say that you had made such a supposition--so this is a non-sequitur. What i did point out was your ignorance in assuming that this had to do with nazarites becauase you were ignorant of the Nazarenes.

and setanta you are going around in circles....

No, you're reading comprehension is at fault again. I stated that your supposition was that the original post could not refer something of which you had not heard. At no time did i state that you made the supposition that the Church of the Nazarene derived from the nazarites. I cannot be faulted for your ineptitude with the English language.

you first say i was being condescending and making suppositions ..then you say that you didnt say that.....and why do you keep restating that i didnt know anything about the nazarenes its evident with my initial post that I said i didnt know anything about them...

It is apparent that you are incapable of understanding the distinction between the suppositions and condescension of which i did accuse you, and your subsequent misstatement of the suppositions and condescension. I don't deny that i accused you of making suppositions and addressing that member in a condescending manner--but i did not accuse you of the suppositions and condescension as you have characterized it--you fail to accurately paraphrase what i say, and when i deny that i said what you falsely claim i said, you then attempt to claim that i've contradicted myself. I've done no such thing. The fact that you were ignorant of the Nazarenes does not alter that you assumed, because of that ignorance, that the initial post referred to something to which it did not in fact refer. Because of your ignorance, you assumed error on the part of that member arising from that member's ignorance of the nazarites--that constituted supposition on your part (in that you supposed the original member had confused Nazarene and nazarite) and condescension (you sought to enlighten the ignorance of that member, when in fact you were only displaying your own ignorance).

...and i havent laughed or mocked anyone that has disagreed with me......i've laughed at posts made and even things ive said but i havent intentionally been mocking....

Perhaps it will surprise you to learn that many people experience being laughed at as mockery. Certainly it is mockery when i laugh at your appallingly poor ability to express yourself in the English language--so perhaps you can begin to see why when you type "LOL" in your posts, as you so often do, simply because someone had dared to disagree with your whacky exegesis, those persons might find that to have been mockery.

Setanta you seem to have a problem with me standing firm on what i believe in..and not throwing in the phrase "in my opinion"..Yet you say things like "biblethumping fairy tales" or "imaginary friend superstition" and i have yet to see you say "in my opinion" when stating your views

Yeah--it's called a dose of your own medicine. Don't like the taste, do you?

shall i now say that you have no right to your view that you belief is right....or should i call you a hypocrite for griping at me for standing on what i believe in... when you yourself does the same thing.....and where have i stated my interpretation of a passage of scripture is right when its been wrong..

See, now you once again display your inability to comprehend. I'm not peddling a belief here--i'm expressing my unwillingness to swallow your goofy beliefs.
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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 05:09 pm
Because of your ignorance, you assumed error on the part of that member arising from that member's ignorance of the nazarites--that constituted supposition on your part (in that you supposed the original member had confused Nazarene and nazarite) and condescension (you sought to enlighten the ignorance of that member, when in fact you were only displaying your own ignorance).

not once in my original post did i assume error on his post....nor did i "suppose the original member had confused nazarene and nazarite" I am the one that initially confused nazarene and nazarite and later realized that......and i didnt condescend toward that member and try to enlighten him on anything...your twisting.......its funny you keep saying i cant comprehend yet you yourself seems to be confused on this whole issue.......and how have i been lacking in expressing myself in the english language ? if you are having such a tough time comprehending what i am typing how is it you are still able to respond.....You just throw out insults when you have nothing else....
and i find it ironic you dont like that i state things i believe to be truth yet you are guilty of doing just that....and when i used the examples you give in another thread you make the comment......
Yeah--it's called a dose of your own medicine. Don't like the taste, do you?

those phrases werent even to me it was comments you made to another member and you do this quite frequently then turn around and rant on christians for having strong convictions.....and dont say you dont do this with others etc bc since ive been on here you have constantly berated christians or anyone that has religious beliefs simply bc you dont agree...and when you cant go further to prove a point you then switch to name calling or insults.........

kate wrote
shall i now say that you have no right to your view that you belief is right....or should i call you a hypocrite for griping at me for standing on what i believe in... when you yourself does the same thing.....

setanta wrote
See, now you once again display your inability to comprehend. I'm not peddling a belief here--i'm expressing my unwillingness to swallow your goofy beliefs.

everytime you call christian beliefs fairy tales or make broad generalizations about all christians or say God is an imaginary friend you are peddling your belief.....and lastly I'm still waiting for you to show me where ive stated my interpretation on a certain scripture is fact yet have been patently wrong.....

belief-something believed; an opinion or conviction:
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