cjhsa wrote:What people on A2K need is a clue. What we have here are a bunch of uninformed euro-trash barely old enough to change their own diapers.
Good grief, a wanker whose mouthings make Massegetto look like a savant posts that?
Why don't you just don a shirt with an arrow pointing to your head that says "I'm with stupid?"
McGentrix wrote:Are incidents of terrorism up worldwide or just in Iraq where a war is being waged between many parties all with different goals?
Worldwide. Check out the annual state department survey of terrorism. And not up just a little.
Quote:Incidents of Terrorism Worldwide, 2005*
Incidents of terrorism worldwide 11,111
Incidents resulting in death, injury, or kidnapping of at least one individual 8,016
Incidents resulting in the death of at least one individual 5,131
--Incidents resulting in the death of zero individuals 5,980
--Incidents resulting in the death of only one individual 2,884
--Incidents resulting in the death of at least 10 individuals 226
Incidents resulting in the injury of at least one individual 3,827
Incidents resulting in the kidnapping of at least one individual 1,145
Individuals worldwide killed, injured or kidnapped as a result of incidents of terrorism 74,087
--Individuals worldwide killed as a result of incidents of terrorism 14,602
--Individuals worldwide injured as a result of incidents of terrorism 24,705
--Individuals worldwide kidnapped as a result of incidents of terrorism 34,780
Incidents of Terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan, 2005*
Incidents of terrorism in Iraq 3,474
Incidents in Iraq resulting in death, injury, or kidnapping of at least one individual 2,839
Individuals in Iraq killed, injured, or kidnapped as a result of incidents of terrorism 20,711
Incidents of terrorism in Afghanistan 489
Incidents in Afghanistan resulting in death, injury, or kidnapping of at least one individual 365
Individuals in Afghanistan killed, injured, or kidnapped as a result of incidents of terrorism 1,533
Even excluding Iraq, the number of people killed by terrorism worldwide in 2005 as almost triple the people killed worldwide in 2001.
It would be nice to get a president like Clinton back into the White House; a president who understands the real world, not like the idiot we have now who only understands ideology.
Posting a conservative falsehood makes for much better reading than the liberal claptrap that makes up 90% of A2K these days.
Yeah, what we really need is another president like Bill to put national security at risk every day right in the oval office.
Talk about a bunch of stupid wankers.
cjhsa wrote:Posting a conservative falsehood makes for much better reading than the liberal claptrap that makes up 90% of A2K these days.
Yeah, what we really need is another president like Bill to put national security at risk every day right in the oval office.
Talk about a bunch of stupid wankers.
Some advice you might want to consider:
When you find yourself in a deep hole, stop digging.
The only hole I'm in is the company on A2K.
So why don't you go hang out elsewhere then?
Right, right.
cjhsa wrote:The only hole I'm in is the company on A2K.
Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
You guys would be lost in your false reality if the conservatives ever left A2K.
False reality, yes. Where our fervant beliefs are constantly being dug up as urban legends on snopes. Yes, we are a pathetic lot who find fiction more interesting than truthful claptrap.
cjhsa wrote:Posting a conservative falsehood makes for much better reading than the liberal claptrap that makes up 90% of A2K these days.
Yeah, what we really need is another president like Bill to put national security at risk every day right in the oval office.
Talk about a bunch of stupid wankers.
Let me see if I understand this correctly.
A lie makes better reading than the truth from (what was it?) 90% of the posters. Gee, no wonder you think George Bush is doing such a great job. You should be commended for putting up with such a bunch of stupid wankers. Your stamina and loyalty is outstanding.
And you all want me to apologize to a bunch of apologists?
Gimme a doctor, I think I just busted a gut laughing.
cjhsa-what you don't realize is that Bill Clinton spoke the truth. He was always forthcoming in his pronouncements and did not hide his tactics like Bushie. The Republicratrs who were in power impeached him. They impeached him for nothing and the Senate refused to convict. He did more for our country in his eight years than Bush could ever do. He tried to lead us to a solution to our medical mess in the USA where 40 or 50 Million people go without medical insurance. A shame in a country that is so rich as ours. Clinton gave us an economy which was the best we have ever had and a country without a deficit and no debt. Bushie has spent Billions and Billions so that each person in the USA owes around $30,000 apiece. Our grandchildren and great grandchildren will be paying off that debt. The rich, who are of course part of the Oil/Banker Cabal have gotten over half of the tax cuts and the poor got nothing. Our country would have been far better off if Clinton could have been re-elected.
MarionT, you sound like you've been hanging around the likes of some of the most enlightened folks around, perhaps Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore, and maybe even Hugo Chavez? Otherwise, how have you been able to figure out some of the most revealing and shocking truths that simply escape so many people because they are possibly too backward, too sheltered, too close minded, or too stupid to figure out.
okie wrote:MarionT, you sound like you've been hanging around the likes of some of the most enlightened folks around, perhaps Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore, and maybe even Hugo Chavez? Otherwise, how have you been able to figure out some of the most revealing and shocking truths that simply escape so many people because they are possibly too backward, too sheltered, too close minded, or too stupid to figure out.
Hey okie
If you disagree with what MarionT says present an argument that counters his facts. If all you can do is disparage MarionT then we can assume you agree with his facts and are at a loss as to how to counter them. Your making your beliefs sound bankrupt and your making yourself look to stupid/ignorant to present a counterargument.
Marion is the ultimate troll/spammer who is the most dishonest poster on a2k.
MarionT is a total fake. His/her pronouncements are so off-the-wall it can only be assumed that it's a conservative trying to make all liberals look idiotic by association. (I sometimes think that cjsh is a liberal plant, designed to do the same hatchet job on all right-wingnuts.)
okie wrote:MarionT, you sound like you've been hanging around the likes of some of the most enlightened folks around, perhaps Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore, and maybe even Hugo Chavez? Otherwise, how have you been able to figure out some of the most revealing and shocking truths that simply escape so many people because they are possibly too backward, too sheltered, too close minded, or too stupid to figure out.
he's your old friend, bernard/massegetto, okie, you flippin' genius.
you think normal folk with brains around here don't know it by now? why the hell do you think I went after the guy for spamming under the moniker of bernard. seen him lately? and you defended the nut bag too.
Merry Andrew wrote:MarionT is a total fake. His/her pronouncements are so off-the-wall it can only be assumed that it's a conservative trying to make all liberals look idiotic by association. (I sometimes think that cjsh is a liberal plant, designed to do the same hatchet job on all right-wingnuts.)
Fer chrissake Marion T is yet another persona of BernardR/Italgato/Massagato etc.
Scroll the troll.