Bill Clinton Takes On Fox News

Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 04:03 pm
sumac wrote:
Stay on your mountain in Georgia, Lash. I saw the Katie Couric interview with Bush Sr. too and you are out of your f**king mind if you think that is an apt comparison to what I witnessed this morning.

You are out of your ******* mind if you think partisan Dem reporters don't do this on a regular basis to Republicans. Clinton just yelped and made it look much worse than it seems when it happens to other people.

BTW, since you know exactly what I'm talking about (uh huh), which "interview" am I talking about? I'm sure you will add Dan Rather's psychotic, bombastic attack on Bush Sr to your defense...

I think you've traveled a bit south, yourself.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 04:09 pm
DrewDad wrote:
Atavistic wrote:
What is it about Clinton that has you people swooning??? I must have missed whatever he did that was so great.

He got off on sex instead of killing people....

And he appeared to administer an American government with an Executive branch which encouraged debate between the parties in Congress. There is little or none of that now. Bills go to and through the Conference Committee without any input from the minority party. Committee hearings are held with limited or no notice in both the Senate and the House and in the Senate there had to be extraordinary means used by moderates of both parties to preserve the tradition forms of deliberative debate.

Debate in the House of Representatives today is rare, the methods employed by Tom DeLay and Newt Gringrich of securing all the votes needed to pass a bill by a vote or two are used to push through the majority party agenda without any other consideration.

Democrats, with all their warts and facial tics, don't believe being out of power means being powerless and disenfranchised, the current set of conservative authoritarian do. Democrats, this present bunch, believe that a country this size needs a broad spectrum of ideas and a strong central government to operate it, the neo-cons don't and are doing their level best to limit the Federal Government and any ideas that don't converge exactly with theirs.

Does that sound like an American government to you? It looks and sounds more like how any other one party authoritarian government would operate, more like Uzbekistan or Turkistan than the USA.

Bill Clinton, with all his moral foibles, was the last truly American President. I didn't say great, I said American. Even when he had to find a way to pass his first economic package without a single Republican vote (which lead to the first budget surpluses in twenty-five years) he was generous in confronting the GOP's lack of faith, but the GOP and George Bush spent their first nine months of their administration tearing apart any and all the work Clinton had accomplished in Energy, in Education, in Environmental law, all while ignoring the threat posed by Osama bin Laden, mostly because Clinton had said it was something to be concerned with.

Their blindness to anything not of their own making has cost this country.

We'd like our nation back again, please, and right away, there is a lot to do.

This is not a nation of blue and red states, but of States, full of people of every kind, not the fear-filled wimps the GOP need to continue their ways, but Americans, who would like to live in a democracy.

Joe(Like it was the day Bill was first elected)Nation
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Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 04:14 pm
Merry Andrew wrote:
DrewDad wrote:
Atavistic wrote:
What is it about Clinton that has you people swooning??? I must have missed whatever he did that was so great.

He got off on sex instead of killing people....

Right on, DD. Who cares if the president gets a bj in the Oval Office? It doesn't affect the economic conditions of the country, not does it send US military personnel into the jaws of hell on what amounts to no more than a whim.

Unless of course you come to your senses MA and keep in mind that while old Bubba was getting his physical needs tended to he was neglecting his duties as an elected official. Duties which included protecting the country. The oral gratification which Clinton sought, desired, pursued, took part in caused him to neglect keeping things in order. Not only in the matter of safety of the citizens but also in the economic world. Further, perhaps if Clinton had not spent so many hours playing games, he might have had the time to address the NATIONAL HEALTH CARE plan which he swore he would get into place...and not only before he left office; but, before...and I need to emphasize before...he did anything else. Of course he dragged his wife into the mess and 800 pages later the entire idea of health care was tossed out the window. As I said maybe if he had not been so busy looking to have fun he would have ensured that millions of others could have lived healthy lives and then had fun. Due to Clinton and his inappropriate behavior, millions of citizens do not seek health care when they need it and do not take medications which are needed for their survival.

At least George W. Bush, for all his faults and goofball comments, knows what the priorities are. Work first, pleasure later. I keep waiting for the day when the liberal left realizes that Bush never would have had any reason or need to send troops out to defend democracy if Clinton hadn't mocked democracy for 8 years. If Clinton had tackled the Bin Laden problem when it was out there on his playing field, there would most probably be no troops clear across the world right now. Try to remember who had the ball first (Clinton) and who didn't even bother trying to do anything with it (why lookie here...it's Clinton AGAIN!, then take another look at George W. Bush and thank your lucky stars he is the man in charge.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 04:29 pm
At least George W. Bush, for all his faults and goofball comments, knows what the priorities are. Work first, pleasure later.

Ha hah ha hah... the best laugh I've had all day. Name the President who was on VACATION more than any other in his first nine months of office.

Need a hint?

And the National Health Plan was first torpedoed by the right BEFORE it had ever seen the light of day. They scared the bejesus out of people and there never was a day of debate on it before Congress. Well done, wingnuts, and now blame Bill.

Where's George's plan? Oh yeah, Prescription Meds in a variety of plans that it takes a Chief Financial Officer with two degrees to figure out. How's that going? As well as the strengthening of Social Security?

Please stop with the horseshit that Clinton was distracted by anything other than the vicious unending and baseless canards thrown at his administration at every opportunity by conservatives attempting a coup d'ete.

Joe(Conservative seek to destroy the Constitutional fabric of this nation)Nation
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Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 04:48 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
At least George W. Bush, for all his faults and goofball comments, knows what the priorities are. Work first, pleasure later.

Ha hah ha hah... the best laugh I've had all day.
'Glad to have made you so happy.' (I sneered sarcastically)
Joe Nation wrote:
And the National Health Plan was first torpedoed by the right BEFORE it had ever seen the light of day. They scared the bejesus out of people and there never was a day of debate on it before Congress. Well done, wingnuts, and now blame Bill.

Where's George's plan? Oh yeah, Prescription Meds in a variety of plans that it takes a Chief Financial Officer with two degrees to figure out. How's that going? As well as the strengthening of Social Security?

Please stop with the horseshit that Clinton was distracted by anything other than the vicious unending and baseless canards thrown at his administration at every opportunity by conservatives attempting a coup d'ete.

Joe(Conservative seek to destroy the Constitutional fabric of this nation)Nation

You just don't get it do you? Clinton was distracted from the day he was born. Clinton was further distracted by his in office dalliances and then his long term attempt to keep it covered up while telling a solid lie to the nation and the world. Even if his sexual escapades are pushed aside and excused, his defamation of Monica Lewinsky and his then keeping that lie going on, is not excusable. And that is precisely another part of where Clinton failed. The craziest part of course is how the liberal left can overlook all of the Clinton lies but then accuse (unjustly and inaccurately) George W. Bush of being dishonest. Ya can't have it both ways folks...

Now, back to that prescription drug plan and other matters:
A)at least George made an attempt at doing something (Clinton really never did) and George got it put into action.
B)What I have read of the drug plan is perfectly understandable...but then again I am Bi-State educated, so that may be like having two degrees.
C)Problems with the Social Security program have been added to by every administration since Harry Truman. Bush at least is making a valiant effort towards doing something about it.
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Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 04:57 pm
Problems with the Social Security program have been added to by every administration since Harry Truman. Bush at least is making a valiant effort towards doing something about it.

quote from sturgis

He certainly did something about my Social Security. The changes recently made are like a bait and switch. At age 62 I was told I would get X$ if I take it now. Wait 3 years and 10 months loger and get X+$. Well, half way to that goal, they now inform me that the money I will get is the exact same amount I would have had at age 62. With the greater part of 2 years more to go, I can easily see that figure slipping still more.
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Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 05:23 pm
DrewDad wrote:
Atavistic wrote:
What is it about Clinton that has you people swooning??? I must have missed whatever he did that was so great.

He got off on sex instead of killing people....

I guess it doesn't take much to please some people.....
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Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 05:32 pm
Everyone nicely fired up?

You can't argue for or defend against a position by pointing to what someone else did. And by the way, I am from New York and got this far south by accident and not design.
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Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 05:34 pm
Joe Nation wrote:

Bill Clinton, with all his moral foibles, was the last truly American President. I didn't say great, I said American.

Well yes, mathematically speaking, he was the last president. That meaning he was the President before the current one. Therefore he doesn't have much competition for being the last American President.


We'd like our nation back again, please, and right away, there is a lot to do.

Who is we? Speak for yourself.

This is not a nation of blue and red states, but of States, full of people of every kind, not the fear-filled wimps the GOP need to continue their ways, but Americans, who would like to live in a democracy.

You seem to think you are speaking for everyone. Millions of Americans despise Clinton and everything he stands for. Does that make them undemocratic or un-American?
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Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 05:39 pm
If, as your Location blurb reads, you consider yourself North of dementia, I think you can see where your Southerly drift puts you--without a GPS tracker...

And, I most certainly can and will point out hypocritical grandstanding when I feel like it.

Most everyone here thought it was fabulous when an Irish reporter went off topic with Bush. Same thing. Dan yells at Bush I, same thing. Couric replays and replays No New Taxes... are you picking up on the pattern...?

Either it's good in both situations--or bad. Dressing it up to suit your partisan purposes is fakery.
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Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 05:45 pm
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Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 07:00 pm
Story, video: Apaches go public with Bigfoot sightings
'It cannot be ignored any longer'
By Scott Davis

Tucson, Arizona | Published: 09.02.2006

Footprints in the mud. Tufts of hair on a fence. Ear-piercing screeches in the night. These are only fragments of the stories now coming from the White Mountains in Eastern Arizona.
For years the White Mountain Apache Nation has kept the secret within tribal boundaries. "We're not prone to easily talk to outsiders," said spokeswoman Collette Altaha. "But there have been more sightings than ever before. It cannot be ignored any longer."
It is a creature the world knows as "Bigfoot".
"No one's had a negative encounter with it," said Marjorie Grimes, who lives in Whitewater, the primary town on the reservation. Grimes is one of many who claim to have seen the creature over the last 25 years. Her first sighting was in 1982. Her most recent was in the summer of 2004, driving home from the town of Cibecue. She becomes more animated as the memory comes forth. "It was all black and it was tall! The way it walked; it was taking big strides. I put on the brakes and raced back and looked between the two trees where it was, and it was gone!"...

The Arizona Game and Fish Department does not investigate Bigfoot sightings. Neither does the State Veterinarian's office, a division of the even more fantastic than the hundreds of reports of the Apache Bigfoot.
Back on the reservation, Lieutenant Burnette wants outsiders to realize that the department takes these calls seriously, and so should you. "The calls we're getting from people- they weren't hallucinating, they weren't drunks, they weren't people that we know can make hoax calls. They're from real citizens of the Fort Apache Indian Reservation."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 07:03 pm
The Clinton Body Count:

0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 07:19 pm
Lash wrote:
If, as your Location blurb reads, you consider yourself North of dementia, I think you can see where your Southerly drift puts you--without a GPS tracker...

And, I most certainly can and will point out hypocritical grandstanding when I feel like it.

Most everyone here thought it was fabulous when an Irish reporter went off topic with Bush. Same thing. Dan yells at Bush I, same thing. Couric replays and replays No New Taxes... are you picking up on the pattern...?

Either it's good in both situations--or bad. Dressing it up to suit your partisan purposes is fakery.

You're right about that. The thing is, when they just did it to Clinton, he actually had a brain that kicked in and allowed him to respond in an intelligent way, instead of the series of grunts that Bush had at his disposal when it happened to him.

It would be nice to have an articulate, intelligent president again.

The actual issue of who is at fault with Bin Laden may ultimately be hung on Clinton, but come on. Does anyone really think that if Bush had been in office instead of Clinton all that time, he would have caught or killed Bin Laden?

Ha. That thought makes me chuckle.
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Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 07:29 pm
I don't know how smart he has to be to turn the tables on the reporter--but I wish more people would do that.
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Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2006 08:59 pm
Clinton got accused by some of the same rightwingnuts of "wagging the dog" to distract from Bimbogate on more than one occasion, when he made any kind of noise threatening to be aggressive militarily.
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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 01:55 am
This is not a new observation - but it is amazing how anything to do with Clinton causes the conservative right to so go off the beam that they can't even stay on topic about a brief 15 minute TV/cable interview.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 02:19 am
sumac wrote:
This is not a new observation - but it is amazing how anything to do with Clinton causes the conservative right to so go off the beam that they can't even stay on topic about a brief 15 minute TV/cable interview.

Maybe so -- but just two posts before yours, we saw a member of "the conservative right" compliment Clinton for not taking it. So maybe you want to consider painting with a narrower brush.
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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 02:32 am
kickycan wrote:

You're right about that. The thing is, when they just did it to Clinton, he actually had a brain that kicked in and allowed him to respond in an intelligent way, instead of the series of grunts that Bush had at his disposal when it happened to him.

It would be nice to have an articulate, intelligent president again.

The actual issue of who is at fault with Bin Laden may ultimately be hung on Clinton, but come on. Does anyone really think that if Bush had been in office instead of Clinton all that time, he would have caught or killed Bin Laden?

Ha. That thought makes me chuckle.

You know, Clinton looks better every day.

Another two years and he's gonna start looking like the messiah.
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2006 02:57 am
Lash wrote:
I don't know how smart he has to be to turn the tables on the reporter--but I wish more people would do that.

This is not a compliment. It shows a desire for everyone to be more confrontational with the media. Just what we need Rolling Eyes , an open season for more snarling by conservatives.

Joe(And no one has answered Bill's question.)Nation
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