the bet is on which party will have a majority in congress. you suggested that will be republicans. I am betting that it will be dems. the matter is that simple. so, is your claim of confidence backed by the courage to make this wager?
Oh, I---------can!!! Where are you?
I will also bet $100 with you on the House going Democratic.
And will send my check to anyone to hold.
This AM's news showed the first lady making campaign stops in several states to campaign for republican candidates. She is, it was stated, more popular than ole cowboy George. I have no idea what she is popular for since as far as we know has no say in which the government functions. In any event do you believe that her campaigning for a candidate to have any impact on how people vote?
No - but what else can they do? Who are they going to put out there? she is such a neutral non-entity, but probably the best they've got.
Ha ha this is hilarious if it werent so pathetic.
First SierraSong posturing that "It wouldn't be fair for me to bet a Canadian on the outcome of a U.S. election. On election day, I'll be voting while he'll still be sitting on his couch watching CNN and salivating over erroneous exit polls"; but then, when offered a bet by true-American Realjohnboy, dodging that one too.
And now Icann keeping implying that he cant bet with Blatham because he's not "trustworthy" for not expliciting his prediction, even though the bet was clear & simple from the start (who wins the House, Dems or Reps?). Wonder what excuse he will come up with now that Blatham explicited it once again.
I guess I--can never heard the expression put your money where your mouth is.
All talk, no walk.
Big hat, no cattle.
Follws the same lines of;
Smaller government,
lower spending,
staying of personal lives,
states rights.
In god they trust.
I bet $100 that this specific prediction of mine is true:
The Republicans will add at least 3 seats in the House and add at least 1 seat in the Senate, because the voters will by election day realize that the psychotic Democrats are a far greater threat to our security than the neurotic Republicans.
If my prediction is proven correct, donate the amount of your bet to the Salvation Army.
If my prediction is proven incorrect, I'll donate the amount of my bet to the Salvation Army.
If I were to bet with you ICan-- I would stipulate you donate money to the ACLU rather than the Salvation army.
ican711nm wrote:ebrown_p wrote:If I were to bet with you ICan-- I would stipulate you donate money to the ACLU rather than the Salvation army.

Well, I'd say that if you win the bet, you can donate blatham's money to the Salvation Army. If blatham wins, he can do whatever he wants to with your money.
Now, who's going to hold the money?
<looking around>
ican711nm wrote:I bet $100 that this specific prediction of mine is true:
The Republicans will add at least 3 seats in the House and add at least 1 seat in the Senate, because the voters will by election day realize that the psychotic Democrats are a far greater threat to our security than the neurotic Republicans.
If my prediction is proven correct, donate the amount of your bet to the Salvation Army.
If my prediction is proven incorrect, I'll donate the amount of my bet to the Salvation Army.
ebrown's idea is a good one. If your prediction holds true, we will all acknowledge your correct estimate. If it doesn't, but the republicans still maintain a majority in congress, I will donate one hundred to the salvation army and forward a receipt to you showing that I have done so.
If the dems gain a majority in congress, then you can either send me one hundred or donate it to the aclu and forward a receipt to me showing you have done so.
blatham wrote:ican711nm wrote:I bet $100 that this specific prediction of mine is true:
The Republicans will add at least 3 seats in the House and add at least 1 seat in the Senate, because the voters will by election day realize that the psychotic Democrats are a far greater threat to our security than the neurotic Republicans.
If my prediction is proven correct, donate the amount of your bet to the Salvation Army.
If my prediction is proven incorrect, I'll donate the amount of my bet to the Salvation Army.
ebrown's idea is a good one. If your prediction holds true, we will all acknowledge your correct estimate. If it doesn't, but the republicans still maintain a majority in congress, I will donate one hundred to the salvation army and forward a receipt to you showing that I have done so.
If the dems gain a majority in congress, then you can either send me one hundred or donate it to the aclu and forward a receipt to me showing you have done so.
I agree to modify my conditions
as indicated in boldface.
If my prediction is proven correct, you (y'all) shall donate the amount of your bet to the
ACLU or your favorite charity, and post a copy of your receipt showing that in this forum.
If my prediction is proven incorrect, I shall donate the amount of my bet to the Salvation Army
, and post a copy of my receipt showing that in this forum..
fine, so far as my bet is concerned. If you are betting with others, then you ought to work out with them separate payments. I would recommend prudence.
Dang, you guys is Kwayzee.
It's your bet, Blatham, but I wouldn't go for that.
What if Ican is already in the habit of donating $100 or more to the Salvation Army every year? There would be no change in what he is doing, hence no financial significance to the bet.
Similarly, how do we know that blatham doesn't already donate $100 or more a year to the ACLU?
The whole idea of a bet is to make the other person do what he normally would not do, ie, give money to someone or something that he would not be inclined to do otherwise.
Look, Ican, you stated you'd bet. Now you are only promising to give money, if you lose, to a cause that we have no reason to believe that don't donate money to anyway.
This "bet" is not a bet.
kelticwizard wrote:What if Ican is already in the habit of donating $100 or more to the Salvation Army every year? There would be no change in what he is doing, hence no financial significance to the bet.
Similarly, how do we know that blatham doesn't already donate $100 or more a year to the ACLU?
Nonono! Ican has to give $100 to the ACLU, or blatham has to give $100 to the Salvation Army. Right?