Well, halle-freakin-lujah. I agree with you, Brandon.
<mark the date!>
snood wrote:Well, halle-freakin-lujah. I agree with you, Brandon.
Actually, I wrote to him at the time to tell him it sucked that he was being persecuted.
Okay, now you're freakin me out, dude....
Foxfyre wrote:Here in New Mexico it's the dead people crowding the polling places on election day.
That - which seems to happen elsewhere as well - but even more that dead candidates can get votes, always wonders me.
snood wrote:Okay, now you're freakin me out, dude....
And he answered. I may be naive, but I looked at the letter closely, and it sure looked like it was a personal answer.
Instead of mudslinging, hate posts, or other pithy scathing comments here, let's try something different.
Tell us WHY you think the Republicans will lose or keep the House and/or Senate, and WHY you think the Democrats will win or not win the House and/or Senate. This can be a general sense of how things are going or a focus on individual races.
We're all reasonably nice people. Can we do this nice? I'll agree that one of my previous posts was phrased snottily and I'll rephrase now.
I think the Republicans are in trouble because they have offended their base. They have been fiscally irresponsible, cowards on the immigration issue, and are not projecting the strong conservative values that their base expects of them. They have seemed to be rudderless, without vision, and too manipulated by the media and publicly expressed public opinion.
I think the Republicans have a chance tol hold on because as bad as they have been, they at least do project some convictions and state what should happen and most are running for something instead of against something. The Democrats, conversely, are not projecting any convictions other than they hate George Bush and anything George Bush has said that he is for. And many are projecting an image that they are willing to lose in Iraq. I think this shows even less vision than the Republicans and I think will be a major turn off for many more conservative voters. Whether they see themselves that way or not, I think most voters are more conservative than liberal.
I think that if the Dems do take over one or both branches of government in November, it will be because Republicans stayed home and refused to vote for anybody rather than them voting for Democrats.
Okay, that's my two cents. Other comments will be most welcome.
I too think republicans will stay home giving Dems the House but maily because the repubs have sold their soul to the neo-cons leaving behind the traditional repubs.
The Republicans have a blind hatred of government programs, and feel that virtually all of these should be privatized. Bush required the IRS to turn over much of its collections to private collection agencies, although the cost of collections will skyrocket.
Here are four reasons to vote Democrat.
1. Adelphia
Liabilities now total $1.6 billion in the Adelphia restatement. ABC News, May 17, 2002.
2. WorldCom
WorldCom is thought to owe its banks approximately $4.5 billion. BBC News, June 28, 2002.
3. Tyco
Tyco has lost about 83 percent of its value since December. CNN-Money, June 7, 2002.
4. Enron
Enron total shareholder value lost: $63,101,519,000. USA Today, January 21, 2002.
Over the past 27 months, the nation's stock markets have lost about $5.5 trillion in value, or nearly three times what the US government spends annually. Christian Science Monitor, June 26, 2002.
Do you want our government run by corporations?
June 2002 was seven months after 9/11 that did send the stock market into one of its worst tail spins ever. It has only fully recovered in this past year or so.
As to all those corporations Advocate mentioned, those happened on Clinton's watch and were mostly prosecuted on Bush's watch. And it is neither one's fault that they happened. It IS the fault of government, both parties, if such abuses are not reined in however, and both parties can be commended for acting to do that.
So pick another reason you think the Republicans will lose in November, Advocate. "Hate-filled Republicans" isn't too constructive and the other things are no longer an issue or it would have affected the 2004 election.
The Republicans are in power because of mud-slinging. It is high time that the Democrats figure that out and start playing the game to win.
And I don't think bashing Republicans with no reasons expressed how the Democrats are better are going to win a lot of votes for Democrats. Im fact I think that is a huge turnoff for a lot of voters.
Fox, the big failures of corporations occurred during the Bush watch. Moreover, during the Clinton regime, the Republicans suppressed the SEC, not allowing certain reforms. BTW, remember Bush's Harvey Pitt, who promised a kinder and gentler SEC.
However, the point is that private enterprise does not do well in governmental roles, in which failure is not an option. The Republicans will never learn this.
With some great good luck, America will win.
Regrettably, luck doesn't seem to be the current long suit.
Democrats can express reasons with simple slogans... just like the Republicans have been so good at. The republicans have vilified words like "bleeding heart liberal" and "Al Qaida democrat". Defamatory slogans are the bread and butter of Republican politics.
Republicans are now tagging the Democrats as "Cut and Run" saying that they aren't willing to do what it takes to fight against people who want to harm our nation, and often they are right about this.
The Democrats need to stop Cutting and Running and stand up for what America needs... this means doing what it takes to win (just as the Republicans do).
I like the "Conservatives are Racist" theme. This is greatly helped by the George Allens wonderful Macaca comment as well as the bluster against multiculturalism.
I also like the "Conservative Corruption" message, helped by Abramoff, Delay and many others.
Of course Democrats aneed to say what they stand for. They need to have a clear message and be prepared to govern. This means positive ideas and programs to make America a better place.
But Foxfyre, you know this as well as anyone here. There is a real battle of ideas. You like to think that Conservatives have won and that almost all Americans swallow your ideals without much thought-- but this is not true.
The fact that Conservatives scream louder and sling mud better does mean that they have been controlling the message.
The Democrats have the message and many, perhaps most, Americans will agree with them when they stand behind it. But this means that they need to be able to fight to win. The Republicans willingness to use slime, coupled by the Democrats hesitancy says alot.
Democratic values with a Republican willingness to do what it takes to win.. that's all I am asking for.
I think that people are beginning to realize that, under the Republicans, the middle class is getting killed. Jobs are being outsourced, more people have no health insurance or pension plans, prices (e.g., gasolene) are soaring, etc. However, the bright side is that the super rich are thriving, with income, wealth, and tax benefits soaring.
So far I have seen criticism of the Republicans, but I maintain you don't win by bashing Republicans.
What will Pelosi, Durban, Kennedy, Biden et al do differently if the Democrats regain power?
They will probably bring an Immigration bill through a conference commitee that includes both compassion and border security.
The Republicans aren't even willing to bring it to the floor for a debate.
It is not an either or thing. You can bash the failed Republican policies while working toward a comprehensive solution.
Just because you point out the inherent racism from conservatives that has now become part of the Republican rhetoric and policy doesn't mean you can't also be working for solutions that will respect diversity and tolerance.
Foxfyre wrote:So far I have seen criticism of the Republicans, but I maintain you don't win by bashing Republicans.
What will Pelosi, Durban, Kennedy, Biden et al do differently if the Democrats regain power?
The thing is Fox, the dems don't have to offer anything as the Repubs continue to shoot themselves in the foot (politically speaking)
Some people feel that Republicans mudsling
Some people feel that Republicans mudsling. I however tend to disagree. On the official site for Liberals there are more Conservative attacking headlines than there are of Liberal promoting headlines. In case you haven't noticed Democrats try to win elections by putting down the opposing party or bringing up the war in iraq. Just a little FYI- many DEMOCRATS voted for that war. Do you want to know the objective of the terrorist population? Their whole purpose for attacking the U.S. is to kill us. What else do they want? We needed that war. War is a terrible thing, but when plans of attacking innocent lives are taking place, something NEEDS to be done.