Oh my god !!! Such lovely people !! I have looked at the photos twice - and my mouth is still open....
Bobsmyth - what a distinguished looking gentleman, and when I first saw the pic he reminded me of
James Cromwell Separated at birth ???
Siobahn - what a smile - dazzling !!!
Jespah - u look like a real fun person to be with, though I guessed that much from yr writing - and u and Mr Jespah make such a lovely couple...
jjorge - funny, you are excatly like I imagined you from yr writings - sauve and a mysterious, naughty smile
quinn - moaning martyle !!! OH MY GOD !!!
lola - <THUD> u r one gorgeous woman, glad to know that those delectable legs have a equally delectable face to match. Hey tell me, when men look at you, do u get amused by their nodding ?? legs, face, legs, face, legs, face.....ad infinitum !!
rosborn - never came across u on a2k - but any erson with such a honest smile must be a really fun guy to be with !!
sp - daddy had a harobour seal, his moustache was very bushy, and everytime he smiled his smile, the ladies felt very cushy !!
sugar - u r stunning. Do u cause riots on every road you walk through ??

fishin - very smart man !! lovely eyes, though I thought you had a beard ! (must be mistaken, my memory is not what it used to be)
merry andrew - just as the name suggests - looks merry !!!
and ofocurse....
lil'k - cute, what a smile, gorgeous stunning etc etc - the men in Boston must be blind (just like their counterparts in LOndon)
Damn, looks like u guys had a great time !! LOvely pics, although they would have been much much better if only....
Pls imagine me as green with envy