I'll put down a buck for slappy. Either Friday or Saturday will work. Sooooo someone needs to decide that, and I'm all decided out. :-D
Does fishin' know about this? Merry Andrew? We need local folks to add to the, er, slappy kitty.
I could arrange a few hours from my busy schedule (not!) to drop on in and visit the infamous Copley Sq. region of our fair city.
I might even be convinced to buy the Slapster a beer.
Lola be sure to wear those stockings.
She's cuter with 'em off...
I am still green in A2K (no pun intended). Do you guys meet up together often?
This will be my first. Hope you can come. It must be nice to put faces to the names we enjoy. Welcome.
This type of arranged gathering tends to happen once every 4 or 5 months I guess. There are less formal, smaller gatherings every few weeks...
Sounds like fun. Unfortunately I will have to miss this one. I am in San Antonio until the end of the month! Too hot here for me and there is no ocean!
Someone send her an ocean!
Thanks Bob! Guess I could always slap a FedEx sticker on me and send myself to a nice resort!
Perhaps the next one then, we always welcome newbies---and even those seasoned members that we get to meet well, it is nice to put both a face and a voice to the name, sometime it even helps to understand someone a bit clearer.
no ocean..thats just wrong...ship yourself back fast
<hiding a buck in an undisclosed location on my (ahem) person for Slappy to find>
Will the wonders never cease? I think I can actually make it on Friday OR Saturday! I'll have to double check my schedule when I get to work tomorrow.
It's a TerryDoo sighting!!!!
Aw, GreenEyes, the oceanless one. Come back, come back, we have sand here and everything.
Okay, is it going to be Friday or Saturday night? Either is okay for me, Sat. might even end up being better. I think.
Slappy! Slappy! Slappy!
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Oy. I don't know...weekends are tough for me, especially Fridays. Looks like I could be making some money though.
Hmmm... looks like an evasive maneuver to me!
jjorge*197982* wrote:Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Oy. I don't know...weekends are tough for me, especially Fridays. Looks like I could be making some money though.
Hmmm... looks like an evasive maneuver to me!

Nah, I think Slappy has an "active" social life!
He recently found out that his hand only has a few months to live, so he's trying to make the most of the time.
(Question is, what am I doing reading this thread? Sad.)
poor pdog.... what ARE you doing reading this? Glad to have ya around anyway.
I have recently taken out yet another vet loan to pay for doggie surgery. I will, all the same, lay a dollar on down with the rest of you if slappy brings his butt to the fete.
I ain't paying for no Slappy butt! He's gotta bring the whole lot of 'imself.
jespah wrote:It's a TerryDoo sighting!!!!
Aw, GreenEyes, the oceanless one. Come back, come back, we have sand here and everything.
Okay, is it going to be Friday or Saturday night? Either is okay for me, Sat. might even end up being better. I think.
Slappy! Slappy! Slappy!
You guys are too funny. I would love to attend in the future... when I am not oceanless!
fishin' wrote:I ain't paying for no Slappy butt! He's gotta bring the whole lot of 'imself.

Can we get a discount if we only pay for the butt part of Slappy? I'm thinking 32 cents. Any takers?