Mon 2 Jun, 2003 08:39 pm
I'll be in Boston from Sunday, June 15 through Sunday June,22. I'll be there for meetings, but can get away for a dinner or lunch or some type of a2k fun. Anybody wanna meet me for dinner or something? Sorry for the short notice. I thought I wouldn't make it for a few days now, but now it turns out that I will. Anybody interested?
Actually, Lola, it's not so short notice for us. We 'regulars' tend to meet spontaneously. But, there are many in the area who aren't regulars and who have never been to a meeting here. Maybe we can flush some of them out of the woodwork......
I'm up for dinner or lunch during the weekend!
It would fill my little heart with glee.
oh goody, sounds like fun. Let's do it!
Sure would love to, but I shouldn't. c.i.
LittleK I really look forward to putting a face to the posts I've read. I am eager.
I know there are several more Boston area a2kers who have never met us out. Maybe this time.
Oh goody a first time guy. My favorite. Can't wait to meet you Bobsmyth.
And c.i., why not?
short notice? Way too far in the future...
But keep me posted. I will if I can.
yes, too far in the future

Actually a grand idea, and good planning abilities.
Would be nice to see you again Lola, and everyone else as well.
I also will if I can (how's that for vague)? Anyway, the calendar looks free as of this moment.
I also am not quite sure when would be best for me. But you guys name the day and time and I'll make it my business to be there. I'm staying at ............let's see.........which hotel? Ummmmcan't lay my hands on the brochure right now. I'll be back with it when I find it.
For pity's sake, will someone make up our minds for us???
When, where?
Okay, I'll venture a statement. Let's make it for the Friday, June 20. Vinny Testa's near Copley Square. Bring an appetite.
Disagree with me? Then go ahead; I'm just trying to get the dialogue started. None of this is set in concrete by any means.
Oh boy, sounds good to me. Haven't seen lots of you guys for a long time.
Theres a Vinny Testas by Copley? sounds good...yummy anyway.
Hi Jespah. Good idea. I'm in. What time? Look forward to seeing you et al