jjorge*197982* wrote:Is it after 8am already? Wow ....what a night!
Partied with a bunch of good-looking women, drank more than I usually do...
...and woke up confused in a strange place!
(more later)
All of the above was TRUE! ...albeit a little misleading:
-Ok, ok, so there were OTHER guys there.
-and I don't 'usually' drink TWO WHOLE GLASSES of wine.
- and I forgot my house key and couldn't reach my step-dtr or my friend (who have copies) so I slept in my car in my driveway last night!

jjorge's Diary
well Dear diary, I'm more than pleased...
last night we had the Boston gala
.....down at Vinny T's.
When I arrived I made them all briefly happy
How'd I do that? ...why I told 'em I was Slappy.
Nice to see Diane, she's such a peach,
She had to leave early , ain't life a ...
Bob Smith, as bright-eyed as his beloved hawks and falcons...
and a YD guy.
I sat near our friend and benefactress Jespah...tireless toiler in the A2K vineyard...(and a great hugger!) had a nice chat with 'Mr Jespah' too.
finally met Merry Andrew, a distinguished-looking avuncular fellow.
Didn't get a chance to talk w him too much but, guess what? ...another YD guy!
Mass Ca....er... Quinn was there. Just as nice as she is online...
and speaking of online, (just a little dishin') she walked in with ....fishin'.
Very pleased to meet rosborne. One of those bright IT guys.
Hmmm ...anyone ever add up all the social workers and IT people in A2K?
Bulletin! bulletin!... Diary get this:
I finally met Sealpoet!... and he wasn't eating fish*
SP charmed and impressed our pretty Hungarian waitress with a few words in Magyr
Oops! shame on ME!
I didn't meet Siobahn or Mrs SP!
Far down the table Sugar's arms were a-wavin'
talkin' animated Bostonese
(not New York or New Haven)
and speaking of cute, littlek was there,
she'd charm the birds from the trees
and the hawks from air,
Smart too...no doubt about that,
then she had to go, said:
' To shoot the cat.'
and then there was Lola, also purty and smart
(but, probably I have the darn horse before the cart,
Smart should come first, and purty after that,
with people like us -ie. sophisticats)
If I should ever get a hysterical paralysis
You know where I'll go for my (you know) ...analysis
*At least I THINK he wasn't.