Ah yes, a fine time had by all I believe.
Twas grand to see Diane and Lola again..very unfortunate not to be at the same time but...perhaps next time. Was nice to see new faces as well! And to see Merry Andrew after so many years....just grand fine sir, thank you for sharing your time with us, perhaps next time you can stay a bit longer.
There were a great many photos taken....but, most were with the ability to edit/delete...gotta love that!!
The food was fabulous....about time I went to that place, I think I might even go again sometime

Actually the amount of leftovers will have me virtually visiting for a while.
I dont think there was enough time to spend talking to each person though, we certainly have to try to do something weekendy and get a longer day to help with that at some point. A bit of musical chairs helped though...always does!
I had a lovely T ride home escorted by two strong men (fishin and bobsmyth) so, although I did not see the guy talking to the building...I would have been safe if I had. And I found out great and fascinating things about hawks and other life adventures which always makes a T ride interesting..other than the guy sleeping on the train and all that.
Wondering though now....jjorge.....where'd you go to end up in a strange place...huh? did you only make it to the old homestead and not all the way home perhaps?
Did all make it home safe and sound? Hope so...or to at least some destination in good spirits I hope...thanks to all who travelled far and wide and even thanks to those who just took a short jaunt....I dont think there was a window for Slappy to press up against though...or some people upstairs got quite a visit. hummm...perhaps Slappy was the guy talking to the building...trying to fake us out