Should I expose a cheater?

Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 08:24 am
sozobe wrote:
Joe, I understand how analogical (as separate from anal retentive) arguments work. Relationships are not only not pianos, but informing someone about a possible infidelity is insufficiently LIKE informing someone of a piano falling for that particular analogy to be useful or instructive. In other words, the problem is not that you used an analogy, it's that you used a bad analogy.

Actually, it has been a perfect analogy. After all, the goal of analogical reasoning is not just to identify how two things are alike, but also to identify how two things are different. My initial post reflected the manner in which I approached this issue. Rather than focusing on the specifics of marital infidelity, I asked myself: "why is telling Wife of Husband's infidelity any different from telling Wife of some other potential harm that might befall her?" In thinking about that question (the manner of the harm is largely immaterial -- it can be any kind of potential harm), I began to identify the factors by which people generally differentiate the situation of telling Wife about her Husband's affair and telling Wife about some other kind of harm. Stripping away the emotive elements of the dilemma and focusing on its essential elements allows us to see that telling Wife of Husband's affair differs from telling Wife of the falling piano only as a matter of degree, not as a matter of kind. It's not that informing Wife of Husband's affair is fundamentally different from warning her about the falling piano, it's just that it requires a great deal more care and circumspection on the part of Friend before he can proceed.

sozobe wrote:
Those are rather formidable considerations indeed. The bolded section is the crux of the whole matter. In fact, it is so hard to know -- the condition of knowing in advance whether Friend would cause more harm by not telling or telling Wife is so hard to fulfill -- that in effect you are saying in that section that Friend should not tell Wife.

No, I'm not saying that at all. I can imagine many kinds of situations where it is relatively easy to predict that telling Wife would be less harmful than not telling her. Whether Random Acts is in that situation or not, on the other hand, is another question entirely. I don't know, and I doubt that I'll ever have enough information to make even a reasonable guess. All I can do is suggest ways in which someone in Random's position should act.

sozobe wrote:
Which, generally speaking, I agree with.

But you're not agreeing with me.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 08:28 am
joefromchicago wrote:
I can imagine many kinds of situations where it is relatively easy to predict that telling Wife would be less harmful than not telling her.

Then I'm sure you won't mind providing some examples?

Note, you are not stating here that situations exist in which telling Wife would be less harmful than not telling her, but that there are "many" kinds of situations where it is relatively easy to predict this outcome.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 08:30 am
Shapeless wrote:
J_B wrote:
Not all that farfetched in the least.

Considering that some studies put the percentage of infidelities that end in divorce at less than 50% (one survey found that 64% of couples experiencing infidelity choose to retain the marriage), it is quite farfetched. Your proposal works as a thought experiment but doesn't match up with what has actually been observed to happen in real-life situations.

Shapeless, I have no idea what this woman is likely to do. I don't pretend to have any idea what she might do. The problem, as I see it, is that in this case RA has a predefined outcome for his friend even though she has a lifelong history of emotional abuse and manipulation. At the same time he has no intention of being upfront with his actions and has taken to trailing the husband and fabricating evidence for her to find. He doesn't have any idea what she's actually going to do when she trips over this evidence any more than I do. He's got a big box of matches and is setting fires. Fires are dangerous things to play with.
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material girl
Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 08:31 am
Whether the friend is interefering or not , she has seen the husband be unfaithful.
If the husband is innocent he has nothing to worry about.
A friend would tell the wife that she was being cheated on, somehow provide evidence to support her claim.
Once the wife has the facts she can make up her own mind.

What kind of a friend are you if you keep information like that to yourself?!
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 08:35 am
MG, this friend isn't a she, it's a he who might not be such an uninterested party.
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material girl
Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 08:41 am
J_B wrote:
MG, this friend isn't a she, it's a he who might not be such an uninterested party.

Oh, he likes the wife does he??

Im so confused, thatl teach me not to read all the posts.
Il take a tablet.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 08:41 am
sozobe wrote:
joefromchicago wrote:
I can imagine many kinds of situations where it is relatively easy to predict that telling Wife would be less harmful than not telling her.

Then I'm sure you won't mind providing some examples?

Note, you are not stating here that situations exist in which telling Wife would be less harmful than not telling her, but that there are "many" kinds of situations where it is relatively easy to predict this outcome.

I'll give you three:

Wife tells Friend: "if there's ever a time when you discover Husband cheating on me, I'll want to know, regardless of the consequences."

Friend discovers that Husband has been carrying on an affair with someone who has AIDS. Husband then nonchalantly informs Friend that he plans to have sex with Wife that night.

Friend discovers that Husband's mistress has devised a plot to kill Wife, but he knows that if he warns Wife of the plot, he will also alert her to the affair.

I can add more, but I think you get the point. Now, of course, I assume that you'll come back and say that these scenarios aren't very likely, and I'd agree. But I didn't say that the scenarios I imagined were likely, only that they could be imagined. I'll add, however, that my initial post was predicated on the notion that a bystander (such as ourselves) would never have as much information as Friend. There's a good chance, therefore, that we wouldn't know if Friend's situation is like one of the ones I've listed. Friend's action, therefore, must be informed by the totality of the circumstances, whatever those might be, and he alone is in the best position to evaluate them.
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 08:44 am
J_B wrote:
MG, this friend isn't a she, it's a he who might not be such an uninterested party.

This makes a difference. If your motives are selfish in any way, then it changes things.

I'd do it regardless of risk to my friendship because I believe that this information being withheld is a betrayal of the trust between friends.

However, if you're doing it to "get back" or to win her over, it's a bad idea and you should think about what you're doing.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 08:46 am
joefromchicago wrote:
Now, of course, I assume that you'll come back and say that these scenarios aren't very likely, and I'd agree. But I didn't say that the scenarios I imagined were likely, only that they could be imagined. I'll add, however, that my initial post was predicated on the notion that a bystander (such as ourselves) would never have as much information as Friend. There's a good chance, therefore, that we wouldn't know if Friend's situation is like one of the ones I've listed. Friend's action, therefore, must be informed by the totality of the circumstances, whatever those might be, and he alone is in the best position to evaluate them.

I actually mostly agree with that. The only part I disagree with is that I think there are some things about THIS situation that Friend (aka Random Acts) has revealed between the lines but might not admit to himself, that we are justified in bringing to his attention. Most specifically, that he may have feelings for Wife himself, and that might crave a hero role where he is her rescuer and they ride off into the sunset together, with dastardly husband cursing and kicking the dust in the distance.

Of course, ultimately, it is Random Acts' decision. None of us know his real name or where he lives or are otherwise equipped to force his hand in any way. All we can do is try to help him see the totality of the circumstances -- and he does seem to me to have at least one blind spot.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 08:47 am
sozobe wrote:

In terms of this:

I would say, then, that if Friend is confident that his information is solid, that he is not acting on some ulterior motive, and that he would cause more harm by not telling than by telling Wife, he should tell her. I would hasten to add, however, that those are rather formidable considerations, and one should not act unless he was absolutely confident on all those points.

Those are rather formidable considerations indeed. The bolded section is the crux of the whole matter. In fact, it is so hard to know -- the condition of knowing in advance whether Friend would cause more harm by not telling or telling Wife is so hard to fulfill -- that in effect you are saying in that section that Friend should not tell Wife.

Which, generally speaking, I agree with.

This is where I was at one point last night, agreeing in general, but then realising I actually don't agree.

joefromchicago wrote:
Of course it is impossible for Friend to know all of the possible consequences of his action, but then that simply puts him in the same situation that he would face in any other moral dilemma. Just because we can't be sure of all the consequences doesn't mean that we can't act at all. What is required of Friend (or anyone else) is to act reasonably, given the knowledge of the circumstances that he has or that he should have. That's all that we can reasonably expect of anyone.

Fine, but when facing any moral dilemma, Friend is the only one assessing the formidable considerations listed in your first post. Friends do act in what they believe is the best interests of others, but I don't think they can effectively remove their own agendas from the equation (particularly in this case) and meet the reasonable expectation.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 08:53 am
Agreeing with possible hypotheticals by joe and with the between the line concerns with RA and his motives.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 09:01 am
J_B wrote:
what if she killed him, bella?

It's just as likely he could end up killing her. Aids is a death sentence. I'm not trying to downplay what you are saying, but I think Bella would have a very hard time if she didn't tell her friend and her friends husband gave her an incurable disease.

As far as her being emotionally abused for years. Let's say that this indeed has been the case. It very well might be ...... or perhaps not. We only know what RA has told us. If he is emotionally involved with her, himself (whether he admits it or not)… then he might be stretching things a bit.

Because we don't really know for sure, my answer to him is going to address that side of this equation, also.

If telling her about this might push her over the edge and cause her to do some pretty horrible things, I would say that there is a chance that she is pretty dog gone close to that edge anyhow. People cheat on partners every day. And every day, cheaters are found out.
But for the most part, they do not take a gun and shoot their partners…. Though they may want to and may even contemplate it.

So think about that …….. if she is that imbalanced mentally because of all this emotional abuse, she has MORE of a chance of killing him in his sleep some night, just because her mind will eventually convince her it's her only way out. The very thing some of you are worried about, could happen anyhow, if she is indeed being abused. And emotional abuse is a horrible type of abuse, as well as physical.

Have you ever spoken to her about your feelings that she is being emotionally abused, RA? If not, why not? If you would go to great lengths to find out if he is cheating on her, why won't you do something to help her understand that the kind of behavior that has been happening in her marriage is not acceptable.

Look in the phone book for the nearest crisis line or shelter in your area. Tell them your suspicions. Let them educate you in how to help your friend. Work towards getting her to call them herself. Encourage her to talk with you and let her know that everything she tells you will be kept confidential. Do NOT try and take over, though. Her partner already controls her if she is being abused.

Last but no least .. if she is being abused, her self esteem sucks right now. Help her to believe in herself again and I'll tell you what …… abused women can exibit incredible strength when they find that balance in their life again. The one that tells them, "Hey, I'm in control here, not him."

You want to help her? Then help her to be a strong person. I think you will find that she can handle her cheating husband just fine. In the way she needs to … with her own self being in full control of the situation. Who knows, she may even go out and see it with her "own" eyes by deciding to follow him herself. With beefed up self esteem, she would know that she can survive just fine wthout the bastard.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 09:07 am
First off my agenda is simply this, I care about this friend an enormous amount, but not in the way that once she breaks up with her husband that I want to swoop in and grab her up, but in a way as that I want to see her happy and with someone who appreciates her for who she is.

Being the Pollyanna that I am, I am taking the friend's word at face value. Do I know if he is telling the truth? Absolutely not. But there is never any way of knowing that anything that someone writes on the internet is true, so I need to start from some baseline.

It seems that many members are second guessing..............what if, what if. I don't think that is an issue at all. No one is responsible for the acts of another person.

If the man is truly a friend, he would not concoct any false scenarios. To me that is just as fraudulent as cheating. What I think that he CAN do is to point out certain things without "putting his finger in her mouth". The key, IMO, is helping her to realize that she is being deceived without throwing the gory details at her.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 09:09 am
Excellent post as always, Brooke. Glad you saw this thread.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 09:17 am
J_B wrote:
Excellent post as always, Brooke. Glad you saw this thread.

Awwww thank you. Embarrassed

Thanks to Phoenix for sending me a pm :wink:
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 09:45 am
sozobe wrote:
I actually mostly agree with that. The only part I disagree with is that I think there are some things about THIS situation that Friend (aka Random Acts) has revealed between the lines but might not admit to himself, that we are justified in bringing to his attention.

Not to sound cold and heartless or anything, but I'm not all that interested in the specifics of Random's situation. I can't know all the details of his situation that should be considered by him before he acts, so any advice that I give would necessarily be based on incomplete information. And, as I've mentioned before, the proper decision is the one that takes all the relevant information into account, and I simply don't have that. At best, then, I can lay out how someone like Random should make that decision, and leave it at that.

sozobe wrote:
Most specifically, that he may have feelings for Wife himself, and that might crave a hero role where he is her rescuer and they ride off into the sunset together, with dastardly husband cursing and kicking the dust in the distance.

As I noted in my initial post, that's always a danger.

sozobe wrote:
Of course, ultimately, it is Random Acts' decision. None of us know his real name or where he lives or are otherwise equipped to force his hand in any way. All we can do is try to help him see the totality of the circumstances -- and he does seem to me to have at least one blind spot.

I agree, that's pretty much all we can do.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 09:49 am
Bella Wrote:
No, I want to be a friend to someone who might need it. If my friend knew without a doubt that my man was cheating on me and didn't tell me, I'd feel betrayed by BOTH of them.
Why can't you get that?

Just because you'd keep your mouth shut and betray a trust between friends, doesn't mean everyone would.

Bella, I typically agree with you. On one hand, you'd feel betrayed by your friend, I agree. But honestly...the majority of women that are told by their best friends about their cheating husbands, end that friendship to remain in the marriage.

Some women don't want to know, even though they have spouted their suspicions. They tend to remain with blinders on, it wouldn't matter if you led them to the extra's home, showed them shagging.....they would stay, and then feeled betrayed for all the pain you have caused them. Its a cruel world.

Material Girl Wrote:
Whether the friend is interefering or not , she has seen the husband be unfaithful.
If the husband is innocent he has nothing to worry about.
A friend would tell the wife that she was being cheated on, somehow provide evidence to support her claim.
Once the wife has the facts she can make up her own mind.

What kind of a friend are you if you keep information like that to yourself?!

They don't want to hear it.

Like I stated earlier, I've been there, done that!!!!

For 12 years out of my best friends 14 year marriage!!!! I knew he was a CHEATING SPOUSE, I seen all the signs, knew the girlfriend. Hell, it would have been rather obvious to a blind man, but no matter how many times she's said, "He's cheating." She would not believe it...till she was ready to believe it.

Others had told her...she ended her friendship with them to remain with the husband!!!!!!!!

Some things are a bit delicate, you wait for your opportunity, when its solicted, then tell. When I was asked, POINT BLANK ASKED, I then unloaded, pointed everything out to her....

Wanna know something? She still wanted things to work out with him. It took him finally laying that final straw on the camels back, for her to come back to me to ask to find what she needed...to prove it.

The so called straw that broke the camels back just about killed her.

I wanna know something?

Just how many of you here have been in this situation? Really been there???? A handful?

Someone mentioned fantasy about killing the spouse? How do you know its fantasy? She could very easily kill him...do you want that on your hands? To know that you pushed her over the edge....

Fantasy my ass.......

This friend of mine tried to take out a person with a vehicle, then took out a jeep and a house, not to count her Avalanche......I didn't think she had it in her to do that either, but let me tell ya, she did. Remember, I knew this women for 20 YEARS!!!! I THOUGHT I KNEW HOW SHE WOULD REACT!!!! It went so far that I had to take a gun away from her after that, and I mean moments within the house/jeep/avalanche, it esclated to that point, that she was going to kill both of them. When I bodily took the gun away, and shoved her into a corner...she quit. Then she went through their house trying to kick the windows out...then throwed his pictures in the driveway stomping them, along with other things that meant something to him.

It wasn't a pretty picture...imagine a woman thats totally lost it, can't breathe...screaming at the top of her lungs inbetween trying to catch her breath, cursing, crying non-stop....shaking.

It took a complete group intervention that night to calm the fury of her. We took turns babysitting her for over a month, to make sure she didn't go off again and kill him.

And I have to remember, she asked me to prove it for her. I'm responsible for finding that proof.

The best thing RA can do is keep his mouth shut, till he's asked.

Besides its not his place to save her, it is her place to save herself.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 09:50 am
J_B wrote:
Fine, but when facing any moral dilemma, Friend is the only one assessing the formidable considerations listed in your first post. Friends do act in what they believe is the best interests of others, but I don't think they can effectively remove their own agendas from the equation (particularly in this case) and meet the reasonable expectation.

That's true. But then that only means that Friend should act cautiously, not that he shouldn't act at all. We wouldn't want a blanket prohibition on friends acting on what they perceive to be their friends' best interests just because friends can't act with complete disinterest themselves. It would be a strange indeed to think that, of all the people in the world, your friends were the only ones who shouldn't help you.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 09:56 am
Phoenix Wrote:
It seems that many members are second guessing..............what if, what if. I don't think that is an issue at all. No one is responsible for the acts of another person.

Umm, yes I believe they can be responsible for another person's actions. You push just enough, say the right things, they can turn to puddy.

If the man is truly a friend, he would not concoct any false scenarios. To me that is just as fraudulent as cheating. What I think that he CAN do is to point out certain things without "putting his finger in her mouth". The key, IMO, is helping her to realize that she is being deceived without throwing the gory details at her.

I agree, he would not concoct any false scenarios. That is low....

And I agree, he can point out certain things to her, but not until he's asked.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 10:17 am
Bella Dea wrote:
Chai Tea wrote:
Bella Dea wrote:
So she kills him.

I didn't kill him.

You can't control the actions of another person.
I'd feel bad he was dead but there'd be no weight on my shoulders.


I can't believe you just said that!

It's like you'd want to be an impersonal God....distributing your little pearls of poisen, but then saying you're not responsible for the outcome.

If a person takes action, with ANYTHING, they are part of the result.

Jesus bella....that is just plain scary.

It's like "the operation was a success, but the patient died"

Again, why wouldn't you go to the cheater?????

No, I want to be a friend to someone who might need it. If my friend knew without a doubt that my man was cheating on me and didn't tell me, I'd feel betrayed by BOTH of them. Why can't you get that?

Just because you'd keep your mouth shut and betray a trust between friends, doesn't mean everyone would.

If a patient dies on the operating table, they die. The doctor isn't always to blame, Chai. Sometimes, it just happens. So you're saying that if someone has a massive stroke on the table while in surgery, the doctor should be liable? That's crap. Sometimes, yes, it is the fault of the surgen but not always and making that analogy is ludacrist.

It's like saying I'm to blame for my friends suicide because I thought maybe one day he'd go through with it.

OK, for the thrid time....Why wouldn't you go to the problem?

Which is the cheater.
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