nimh wrote:Yes, obviously. If you'd been following her, you wouldnt have assumed the simple conclusion that the only motive for posting could be the 1), 2) or 3) you listed. I dont think. Or perhaps you would have, I dunno. It certainly seems like a mis-take on it to me.
J_B pointed out, I didn't say that
tagged must have been either looking for censure, looking for approval, or looking for attention. I just noted that, in my experience, that is what people
typically do when they confess some sort of moral lapse on these types of boards. Saying that I ruled out anything but those three motives certainly seems like a mistake to me <shrugs>.
nimh wrote:When you seen people post here about their life here & there over time you get a feeling for their 'voice' and what they are about. And you can see kinda how things might fit in or not. The outsider coming in and saying, oh she must be out for 1), 2), or 3) just seems kinda off.
I freely admit that I don't know
tagged's "voice," whatever that is. I'm not even sure I'd recognize my own "voice," but that's neither here nor there <looks>. The fact that
tagged posted this on an open forum invited people who had no familiarity with her "voice" to offer comment <scratches>. If she had wanted only intimate friends, or perhaps members of her immediate family, to read about her tryst, I'm sure she could have found a more appropriate venue <taps_foot>.
nimh wrote:Dunno. Some people use this place as a kind of diary - we even have a 'dear diary' thread. Something occupies you, you come here and write about it. (Specially if its not something youre gonna discuss with your parents or something). Not specifically to get advice, just to talk ('get it out of your system' sounds too weighty). Like blogging.
tagged wanted to submit this as a diary entry, then, as you point out, there's a diary thread for that. That she didn't indicates either that she wanted some sort of comment, or else that she wanted a good deal more attention than she would have received had she posted this as a mere diary entry. But then that just supports the point I made in my initial post <stares_intently><furrows_brow><sneezes>.
nimh wrote:Why do people do that? I dunno.. different reasons. But people do it (I sure do), and hardly just to provoke one of the three reactions you listed. <shrugs>
Yes, people sometimes are maddeningly inscrutable <yawns><takes_nap>.