He doesn't want you with other men bc it may be inconvient to him...what if he is ready to f*ck and you are busy? oh my! Poor baby would have to wait. He doesn't want that. He wants you to mold around to his life.
I've done my share of selfish, immoral, and downright stupid things.
I don't judge you...but I want you to be safe. I'm a little older, and these choices tend to come back to haunt when you find someone you really do love and want to be with (lordy, i'm even thinking of kids nowadays lol)
The thing about indulging in selfishness/lust is that one tends to end up 1)hurting someone who really does care or
2) getting taken along for a bad ride, with un foreseen concequences
#2 is what I see happening here.
This guy is like a piece of candy. But, tagged, I promise you - he ain't worth the price.
He's the candy with twelve kinds of tax, payments you never saw coming, ...rip off, basically.
He can't be
that fine.

There's more out there.