What are pearls of widsom?
You wid som, you lose some
I am also seeking an answer to the "pearls of wisdom" question. Why pearls? Actually, it's pretty easy to culture pearls these days thus diminishing their value significantly. Wouldn't "gold bars of wisdom" be more appropriate days? Or Platinum? Or Diamonds?
"4 GHz processors of wisdom...."
NickFun wrote:I am also seeking an answer to the "pearls of wisdom" question. Why pearls? Actually, it's pretty easy to culture pearls these days thus diminishing their value significantly. Wouldn't "gold bars of wisdom" be more appropriate days? Or Platinum? Or Diamonds?
The pearl has long been the symbol of wisdom.
Real pearls are still hard to come by.
In some culture (excuse the pun), pearls are known as "teeth"...
Dear Dr. Chai
I am planning an extremely posh & tasteful wedding. To give you some idea of how posh, let me just say that my parents are going into debt up to their eyeballs. The bridal registry is designed to bankrupt some of my less solvent friends and family. I am in raptures, except for one tiny thing.
My future mother-in-law is sadly bound to a wheelchair, and has become dependent upon a trained helper chimpanzee. She, and her family, wish to have the chimp included in their party. This means that not only will the primate walk down the aisle, pushing my beloved's (did I mention that he's a doctor!) mother, but will have a place at the head table during the reception dinner.
When I have ever-so-gently raised my objections to my rich beloved, the answer has been "But poor dear Mama depends on Harry!" and " Just consider Harry a part of the family. We do!"
I just cannot allow this, this monkey at my wedding. What if it makes a rude noise during the ceremony? What if it defecates during dinner? What if it gets drunk and wants to karaoke during the reception?
And what of the video and photographs that will be with us forevermore? >shudder<
How can I prevent this horror from ruining the most blissful day of my life?
Tico wrote:
I just cannot allow this, this monkey at my wedding. What if it makes a rude noise during the ceremony? What if it defecates during dinner? What if it gets drunk and wants to karaoke during the reception?
Allow me to offer an unqualified answer to this one. Mu Uncle Bob did the same things during weddings and we still had to invite him. Just be glad it's a chimpanzee and not my Uncle Bob. By the way, chimps hate being called "monkeys"

I paraphrased it, and gave it some twists, but that was an actual letter to Ms. Manners years ago.
Her advice: Something along the lines of kindly but firmly saying that chimpanzees can not be allowed because then everyone would want to bring one. I suppose that you could substitute "Uncle Bobs" for chimps.
(yup ~ I know primates hate being called monkeys)
Tico wrote:
I paraphrased it, and gave it some twists, but that was an actual letter to Ms. Manners years ago.
Her advice: Something along the lines of kindly but firmly saying that chimpanzees can not be allowed because then everyone would want to bring one. I suppose that you could substitute "Uncle Bobs" for chimps.
(yup ~ I know primates hate being called monkeys)
I liked my answer better.
Oh, definitely me too, Chai! Your answers get right to the heart of the matter!
Dr Chai, an actress I work with mysteriously walked off the set without explanation. Should my producer hire a sex-crazed bimbo to replace her or a more practical "Suzie Homemaker" type. The role could call for either.
NickFun wrote:Dr Chai, an actress I work with mysteriously walked off the set without explanation. Should my producer hire a sex-crazed bimbo to replace her or a more practical "Suzie Homemaker" type. The role could call for either.
How about getting Eric Cartmans mom?
She a homemaker AND sex crazed.
Dr. Chai, is it true that your arse is made of cheese?
Reyn, are you asking if her moon is made of cheese?
Reyn wrote:Dr. Chai, is it true that your arse is made of cheese?

no, that is just for the sake of being respectable.
I didn't feel it proper to show ass crack.
Chai Tea wrote:Reyn wrote:Dr. Chai, is it true that your arse is made of cheese?

no, that is just for the sake of being respectable.
I didn't feel it proper to show ass crack.
Well, it does say Velveeta, after all.
Dr. Chai, why am I confused?