Interesting thread, thought the test is rather poor - my view similar to those given above.
I can see what the Europeans are trying to say and why it's not being well received and...
I'm English but I've had more serious and intense relationships and sexual encounters with American women than those of any other nation. It became quite a habit!
Very few of them were repressed.
On the other hand, there is clearly a very vocal group calling for abstinence from anything which might offend their narrow view of life: whether it's sex, alcohol, smoking grass or questioning the absolute truth of every word in the bible.
It is deeply unfortunate (IMO) that this group seems to have so much power over the media and politics at the moment as I see this fearful view of life as counter productive to intelligent discourse.
As is so many debates in the US, it seems to me that the arguments become polarised:
1 Abstinence/fear of topless women & huge porn industry
2 Alcoholism & fear of having a second glass of wine/21 drinking age
3 Obesity like nowhere else in the world & more fitness and diet products than anywhere else too
4 Homosexuality more public than almost anywhere & widespread homophobia
Anyway...enough on that! It's just indicative of the way Europeans see Americans and nimh's comments about lusty American girls he's met and the others who would rather not even think about it, just fits this impression.
Countries vary and Francis may shed some light on this bit:
I'm quite sure the French State's view of sex education would be "we don't care if you don't want your children to be taught about it - it's their right to receive tuition and we won't let the parents stand in the way". The view of freedom isn't always the same thing in one place as in another!
"Freedom to learn, in spite of your parents" vs. "Freedom to protect your children from things you'd rather they didn't hear?"
The fact is that every person has their own views on sexuality - whether this is reflective of the sex they have or is reflected by the image that others around them give of what is "normal" in that country is highly doubtful...wherever you live.