chai, I am not visiting the US, I live here and have lived here for a long
time, plus I read foreign press and travel around, not only the US. Apparently, we do live in a different world, and I don't really speak of you and your family chai, as I said previously, I look at the broader picture of what is happening in the United States in general, not with your family in particular. There are always exceptions, no question about it.
The reputation is there, like it or not, it is what America is associated with.
nimh speaks of a different generation - yes okay, he's 30something and
I am 85, that might be it, plus he's kissed a few American girls in the
meantime, what a revelation
Yes, Playboy does come from the United States, and it is readily available
throughout Europe in every newsstand. In the US, it is hidden under
the counter and has a plastic cover so no one could see the cover page.
Pornographic videos, and mostly Europeans videos as well
never displayed openly in a videotheque. Oh no, you'd have to go into
a different room to get those, but not before showing your ID, and
everyone is looking at you, like you're shoplifting. I gave up renting
European movies....
Any chai, it is the suppression of something so natural, that brings out
the ugliness: teenage pregnancy, extremely high number of rapes,
pornography, violence in prostitution, etc. etc.