It's Time to Stand Against Israel

Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 04:11 pm
gungasnake wrote:
You shouldn't fault those girls for neglecting to smear the 155 shells with bacon grease, they don't appear more than about ten years old.


Awww, poor little girls, mind you the 17 IDF soldiers prefer them around 10-11.

You're one huge A-hole gung. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 04:13 pm
Israeli Propaganda - Never Had It So Good

Assaf Shariv, media adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, boasted to the Jerusalem Post last week that Israelis have been interviewed by the foreign press four times as much as spokespeople for the Palestinians and Lebanese. Shariv cited a poll of Sky News viewers that found that 80 percent believe Israel's attacks on Lebanon were justified. A Foreign Ministry spokesman, Gideon Meir, added: "We have never had it so good. The hasbara [propaganda] effort is a well-oiled machine." (Gil Hoffman, 'Israel calls up media "reserves",' Jerusalem Post, July 17, 2006; http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?c=JPArticle&cid=1150886020429&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull)

British and American journalists are certainly willing recipients of Israeli and US-UK propaganda. Thus, the US secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, "embarked last night on a mission to the Middle East to stitch together a peace plan", the Guardian declared on July 24. (Ewen MacAskill, Ian Black and Brian Whitaker, 'Rice finally sets out in search of ceasefire formula,' The Guardian, July 24, 2006)

Unfortunately, "any deal put together by Ms Rice will take a minimum of a week to negotiate, allowing Israel the freedom to continue its war". Perhaps this is a Natural Law of diplomatic negotiations, although honest journalists recognise that the timescale could be reduced - to the time it takes to make a phone call from the White House, to be precise - if peace, rather than US-Israeli interests, was on the Rice agenda. The Guardian writers sidled a little closer to the truth when they wrote:

"Agreement on a ceasefire will be harder to pin down. Ms Rice has made it clear that America does not want a quick fix ceasefire that keeps Hizbullah intact."

Agreement is indeed made harder by the fact that the United States is backing Israel's slaughter to the hilt - notably by supplying the state of the art missiles, bombs, attack helicopters and jets doing the killing. The Guardian noted that the world is witnessing "one of the slowest international responses to a crisis of such gravity". The New York Times made a nonsense of that observation last Saturday:

"The Bush administration is rushing a delivery of precision-guided bombs to Israel, which requested the expedited shipment last week after beginning its air campaign against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, American officials said Friday." (David S. Cloud and Helene Cooper, 'US Speeds Up Bomb Delivery For the Israelis,' New York Times, July 22, 2006)

An arms-sale package last year approved Israel's purchase of as many as 100 GBU-28's, which are 5,000-pound laser-guided bombs intended to destroy concrete bunkers. The package also includes satellite-guided bombs. But still, Rice is on a "mission" to stitch together a "peace plan" according to the Guardian in its scruplously unbiased news reporting.

Dr. Doug Rokke, former Director of the US Army's Depleted Uranium project wrote on July 24:

"The delivery of at least 100 GBU 28 bunker busters bombs containing depleted uranium warheads by the United States to Israel for use against targets in Lebanon will result in additional radioactive and chemical toxic contamination with consequent adverse health and environmental effects throughout the middle east."

Rokke added:

"The use of uranium weapons is absolutely unacceptable, and a crime against humanity. Consequently the citizens of the world and all governments must force cessation of uranium weapons use. I must demand that Israel now provide medical care to all DU casualties in Lebanon and clean up all DU contamination." (Rokke, 'Depleted Uranium Situation Worsens Requiring Immediate Action By President Bush, Prime Minister Blair, and Prime Minister Olmert,' July 25, 2006)

The British government's feelings were made clear in a Daily Telegraph article (July 26) that reported Britain has been used as a staging post for major shipments of these bunker-busting DU bombs from America to Israel:

"Two chartered Airbus A310 cargo planes filled with GBU 28 laser-guided bombs landed at Prestwick airport, near Glasgow, for refuelling and crew rests after flying across the Atlantic at the weekend, defence sources confirmed. The airport has also been used by the CIA for rendition flights carrying terrorist suspects." (Thomas Harding and Anil Dawar, 'UK airport used to fly bombs to Israel,' Daily Telegraph; http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/07/26/wmid26.xml)

Continuing the required deception, Channel 4's Jonathan Rugman declared:

"If you think in the last week the US has given up its role as honest broker in the Middle East then now, it seems, they've taken it back." (Channel 4 News, July 21, 2006)

A Serious Escalation

On July 16, a BBC radio report described a "serious escalation" in the conflict. The report was not describing the killing, by then, of 130 Lebanese as a result of 2,000 sorties by Israeli war planes smashing bridges, roads, airports, oil refineries, and driving half a million people from their homes. Instead, the BBC referred to a Hezbollah rocket attack that day that had killed eight Israelis in Haifa.

A report on the attack by Channel 4 News was ironically titled 'Lebanon burns' (http://www.channel4.com/news/special-reports/special-reports-storypage.jsp?id=2788). The irony lay in the fact that three minutes of the four-minute film focused on the Haifa attack, while some ten seconds were devoted to Israel's subsequent killing of 16 people in Lebanon's southern city of Tyre in a building used by rescue workers.

The Channel 4 piece began by describing how Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah had warned that the attack on Haifa was "just the beginning". Like the BBC, the Financial Times, the Daily Mail and other news outlets, Channel 4 omitted to mention Nasrallah's caveat that Haifa was only the beginning "if Israel continues its attacks". (See Jonathan Cook, 'Israelis are dying - it must be an escalation,' ZNet, July 17, 2006; http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=10591)

A BBC online article covering the story was titled 'Deadly Hezbollah attack on Haifa'. Much milder language has been used to describe Lebanese civilian deaths, as journalist Jonathan Cook writes on ZNet:

"Those dead, many of them women and children, hardly get a mention, their lives apparently empty of meaning or significance in this confrontation." (Ibid)

Sometimes there is no mention at all. One Media Lens reader posed a simple question to the BBC on July 17:

"The closing headlines included the information that 24 Israelis have died in the current conflict. But no mention was made of the 200 Lebanese reported as killed and as reported by Ch4 News at 7pm.

"WHY EXACTLY IS THIS?" (Email copied to Media Lens, July 26, 2006)

One Debby Moyse, Assistant Editor to the Head of BBC TV News, replied with standard BBC audacity:

"You are right to point out that the number of people killed, in the current conflict, in Lebanon was not in the closing headlines and it would have been better to have reflected both figures. However the reporting from Lebanon, seen in conjunction with the pictures of people fleeing the country, clearly reflected the impact of the six days of air strikes. Also taken in the context of the overall coverage, the effect of the conflict on each country was balanced..." (Ibid)

And so on.

Thus the indifference to the fate of the Lebanese civilians who fled their homes in the border village of Marwaheen on Israeli orders. As the villagers left in a convoy on July 15, Israeli jets attacked, killing 20 people, at least nine of them children. Robert Fisk wrote in the Independent of how the local fire brigade "could not put out the fires as they all burned alive in the inferno". Fisk noted sardonically that another "terrorist" target had thereby been eliminated. (Fisk, 'Hizbollah's response reveals months of planning,' The Independent, July 16, 2006)

The Daily Telegraph's coverage of the atrocity was titled merely: 'Iran blamed as Lebanon battle broadens.' (Harry de Quettevill, Daily Telegraph, July 16, 2006) The BBC and other media described these and other killings as "retaliation" for Haifa, even though Israel had been launching such strikes for four days before the Hezbollah attack.

Indeed, with great consistency, the media describe Israel as merely "responding" or "retaliating". In a 2002 report, Bad News From Israel, The Glasgow University Media Group (GUMG) provided numerous examples stretching over several years:

"The trigger for the Israeli offensive was a massacre on the West Bank." (ITV early evening news, December 13, 2001)

"Palestinian suicide attacks trigger more Israeli raids." (BBC 1, late news, January 5, 2002)

The authors commented:

"On the news, Israeli actions tended to be explained and contextualised - they were often shown as merely 'responding' to what had been done to them by Palestinians (in the 2001 samples they were six times as likely to be presented as 'retaliating' or in some way responding than were the Palestinians)." (http://www.gla.ac.uk/departments/sociology/units/media/israel.htm)

The report focused on a particular phase of reporting. The BBC described events thus:

"This cycle of violence began six weeks ago when an Israeli cabinet minister was shot." (BBC1 News 24, December 2, 2001; http://www.gla.ac.uk/departments/sociology/units/media/israel_excerpt4.pdf)

GUMG noted that this is also how the Israelis presented the sequence of events. The Palestinians, however, regarded the
killing of the Israeli minister as a 'response' to the assassination of one of their political leaders. In a rare departure from the norm, the Independent described the sequence as follows:

"The most notorious assassination came at the end of August when Israeli helicopters hovering over the West Bank town of Ramallah fired two missiles through the office windows of the leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Abu Ali Mustafa, 64, decapitating him as he sat in his swivel chair. As the leader of an established PLO faction, who according to Palestinians, was a politician rather than a member of the PFLP's military wing - he was the most senior figure to be picked off by the Israelis. Seven weeks later the PFLP sought revenge by infiltrating a Jerusalem hotel and assassinating Israel's tourism minister, Rehavem Ze'evi, whose support for ethnically cleansing the West Bank and Gaza of Arabs had long made him an enemy of the Palestinians." (November 9, 2001)

Exceptions of this kind aside, most media present a consistently biased version of events. Thus the BBC in 2001:

"Israel has been under intense pressure from the Americans to pull out of Palestinian areas it occupied last week +following the killing of the+ Israeli tourism minister." (BBC1 late News, October 26, 2001 - GUMG italics)

"The assassination of an Israeli cabinet minister +led to the reoccupation+ of Palestinian areas." (BBC News 24, November 3, 2001 - GUMG italics)

"Dozens of Palestinians and Israelis have been killed in a relentless round of suicide bombings and +Israeli counter-attacks+." (BBC2 Newsnight 22:30, December 13, 2001 - GUMG italics)

"The Israelis had carried out this demolition +in retaliation+ for the murder of four soldiers." (Channel 4 News 19:00, January 10, 2002 - GUMG italics)

In an almost child-like way, journalists take their lead from Israeli actions. A July 17 Guardian editorial reported that the sixth day of Israeli aerial attacks had killed 47 people and wounded at least 53. The editors noted:

"It is also worth remembering that the weekend's chaos began three weeks ago, with the [June 25] provocative kidnapping of an Israeli soldier by allies of Hamas." (Leader, 'Middle East: On the brink of chaos,' The Guardian, July 17, 2006)

The June 24 kidnapping of a Palestinian doctor and his brother by Israeli forces is thereby wiped from history. Inconvenient "chaos" is ignored more generally - for example, the fact that between January to May 30, 2006, according to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, the Israeli military launched 18 assassinations, described as "targeted assassinations of militants". Between March 29 to May 30, there were 77 air strikes on Palestinian population centres, government offices and other infrastructure, with nearly 4,000 artillery shells being fired by Israel over the same period. Between May 26 and June 21, more than 40 Palestinians were killed, 30 of them civilians, including 11 children and two pregnant women. None of these are deemed "provocative" by our media.

The Right Of Self-Defence

This preferential reading of recent history allows the media to portray Israeli actions as being consistently in "self-defence". The Financial Times reported:

"The world's big powers were at odds over Israel's strikes on Lebanon yesterday, with US President George W. Bush invoking Israel's right of self-defence and Russia and European Union officials accusing the country of 'disproportionate' actions." (Martin Arnold, Caroline Daniel and Daniel Dombey, 'World powers split over strikes,' Financial Times, July 14, 2006)

The Daily Mail wrote:

"Whatever provocation Israel has suffered and the murderous fanaticism of Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon is a cause of despair this brutally disproportionate action is an unworthy and ultimately self-defeating response from a great liberal democracy.

"Of course, any country has a right to self defence. But this deadly cycle of tit-for-tat offers no solution." (Leader, 'Stumbling to the brink of the abyss,' Daily Mail, July 15, 2006)

Over the last month, there have been dozens of references of this kind in the British press to the issue of Israel's right to self-defence. We have been able to find just one reference to the possibility that Palestinian violence, for example, might be justified on the same grounds.

Chris Hedges, formerly foreign correspondent for The New York Times and currently a senior fellow at the Nation Institute, has noted some of the missing context:

"This isn't the first time that Israeli soldiers have been captured. We've had long and painful negotiations over kidnapped Lebanese, and Israel has made cross-border incursions into Lebanon to capture Lebanese for years and years and years. That's something well known to Lebanese and probably not as well known to other people." ('United States and the Context Behind Israel's Offensive on Lebanon,' Democracy Now! July 17, 2006; http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/07/17/1423257&mode=thread&tid=25)

Hedges also recalled that massive aerial bombardment has not always been deemed the necessary Israeli response - in January 2004, Israel freed more than 400 Arab prisoners in return for an Israeli spy.

But kidnapped Lebanese and Palestinians do not exist for our media, just as Palestinian civilians killed by Israeli artillery in May and June are ignored in seeking the causes of conflict. The poverty, malnutrition and oppression within the giant open prison that is Gaza also do not exist as any kind of justification for actions in "self-defence".

Conclusion - Purely For The Cameras

The public is relentlessly bombarded by the fraudulent media version of events: Israel is merely 'retaliating' in 'self-defence'. Condoleeza Rice (often referred to, affectionately, as 'Condi') is an honest broker seeking peace. And, the icing on the propaganda cake, Britain is biased +towards+ Arabs. Patrick Wintour and Ewen MacAskill wrote in the Guardian on July 21:

"In private, the Foreign Office, which has a reputation as being traditionally pro-Arabist, is sceptical about the Israeli strategy and its impact on the wider Middle East." (http://www.guardian.co.uk/syria/story/0,,1825645,00.html)?

We asked British historian Mark Curtis for his response:

"This is the traditional mainstream media view - 'pro-Arabist' being some nice, meaningless term. In fact, the record clearly shows that Britain has played it both ways - both strongly backing its favoured Arab dictators ('pro-Arabist') and at the same time arming Israel and supporting its aggression. Current policy is a good example. Traditionally, Britain has also armed both sides. Of course it is by no means against UK interests to have ongoing instability and conflict in the Middle East - the goals are control over oil and having pro-Western regimes in place, after all, not weird notions of peace or democracy, which are purely for the cameras." (Email to Media Lens, July 26, 2006)

Curtis points to a dark, and for the mainstream media all but unthinkable, truth - when state goals are best achieved by exploiting an overwhelming military advantage, peaceful negotiation, diplomacy and compromise can come to be seen as threats to be crushed at every turn. From this perspective, the more vicious the killing, the more wanton the destruction, the better.


The goal of Media Lens is to promote rationality, compassion and respect for others. In writing letters to journalists, we strongly urge readers to maintain a polite, non-aggressive and non-abusive tone.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 04:25 pm
Re: A Much Greater Prize
freedom4free wrote:
A Much Greater Prize

Mike James in Frankfurt, Germany - July 26, 2006

The face of a Zionist Jewish girl, ably captured by a passing Reuters cameraman, radiates wondrous joy as she writes her name, "with love", on a missile of death.

If you read carefully the sign on the bomb reads "To Hezbollah with love", and that's hardly different than Americans painting greetings on bombs intended for Tojo and Hitler in WW-II.

Other than that, the stinking hezbullies sit there and build rocket launchers and bunkers starting the day Israel voluntarily pulls out of the place and then start kidnapping people and rocketing cities at the behest of Mr. supreme dickhead over there in Iran when he feels the need for some dogwagging to take the heat off his A-bomb project, and the Israelites are monsters for trying to protect themselves from that ****.

I mean, you stupid nazis are nothing if not comical...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 04:35 pm
I'll say it again for the benefit of the nazis in the crowd, Adolf Hitler and the German nazis lost WW-II primarily because they were ******* STUPID, and by that I mean there were a baker's dozen very simple things which Hitler could have done differently, any of which would have won the war for him. The simplest would have been simply not to invade Russia; it would have fallen apart in five years and he could have picked up the pieces.

Consider this: George Patton said that the M1 rifle was one of the most major if not THE most major weapons of WW-II, and what he meant was that despite the existence of aircraft carriers and atom bombs, the rifle is still the most basic implement of war, and that a major advantage in this most basic war item, such as the difference between the M1 and the Mauser, is gigantic.

Germans aren't supposed to be stupid people, but how stupid did the nazis have to be to walk into WW-II with Mausers?

I mean, every time a German and an American ever got into a fight with rifles, the German was totally outclassed.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 04:35 pm
Cold blooded murder. "Jane Lute, the assistant secretary general for peacekeeping, told the UN security council that the base came under close Israeli fire 21 times - including 12 hits within 100 metres and four direct hits - from 1.20pm until contact was lost with the four peacekeepers inside at 7.17pm.

Ms Lute said the peacekeeping force had protested to the Israeli army after each firing incident. The UN's deputy secretary general, Mark Malloch Brown, and Ms Lute herself also made several calls to Israel's mission to the UN "reiterating these protests and calling for an abatement of the shelling", she said.

After contact with the base was lost, Unifil then won safe passage for two armoured personnel carriers to evacuate the position, she said. They arrived at 9.30pm "and found the shelter collapsed and major damage to the rest of the position". Despite negotiating safe passage, the APCs also came under Israeli attack, Ms Lute said." http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,,1830397,00.html
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 04:40 pm
Visions of stupidity:


0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 04:42 pm
blueflame1 wrote:
Cold blooded murder. "Jane Lute, the assistant secretary general for peacekeeping, told the UN security council that the base came under close Israeli fire 21 times - including 12 hits within 100 metres and four direct hits - from 1.20pm until contact was lost with the four peacekeepers inside at 7.17pm.

Ms Lute said the peacekeeping force had protested to the Israeli army after each firing incident. The UN's deputy secretary general, Mark Malloch Brown, and Ms Lute herself also made several calls to Israel's mission to the UN "reiterating these protests and calling for an abatement of the shelling", she said.

After contact with the base was lost, Unifil then won safe passage for two armoured personnel carriers to evacuate the position, she said. They arrived at 9.30pm "and found the shelter collapsed and major damage to the rest of the position". Despite negotiating safe passage, the APCs also came under Israeli attack, Ms Lute said." http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,,1830397,00.html
They must have been anti-semites.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 04:45 pm
The democrats have taken a stand against Israel,and they dont even acknowledge their own hypocrisy.

Democrats boycotted the speech by the Iraqi PM today because he wouldnt condemn Israel.

But,on 20 july 2006,there were 15 dems that either voted No,or just flat out refused to vote on house resolution 921.

Here is a copy of the resolution,and the vote totals...


So,if the dems wont vote to condemn the actions of Hezbollah,they have no right to attack Malawi for the same thing.

There were several dems that tried to get the invitation to Malawi to speak revoked because he wouldnt condemn Hezbollah.
Using that logic,then the 15 dems that voted no also no longer have the right to speak in Congress.

As for you f4f,
it seems you are finding those soldiers guilty,even though the Israeli army is still investigating.
According to your link..

The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told investigators that she agreed to sex, but according to Israeli law a girl under 16 cannot legally engage in consensual sex, and the men are expected to be charged with statutory rape.

So,until the investigfation is complete,then there is no proof of guilt.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 04:57 pm
mysteryman, most Dem leaders have given Israel a big thumbs up for their mass murder and demolition of Lebanon.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 08:51 pm
Believe it or not, I actually know several Lebanese who I could feel sorry for other than that I'm fairly certain they are iving as far as you can get from the hezbullies and still be in Lebanon.

But for the most part, feeling sorry for Lebanese is pretty hard. The place used to be 85% Christian just a few decades ago and you assume what drove the Christians out was the same sort of conduct you read about in cases where soembody gets soft and lets lebanese immigrate into non-slammite nations, e.g.



Wikipedia article:

August 30, 2000, Wednesday -

* Another woman was approached by attackers at the Bankstown train station, who proposed she join them in smoking some marijuana at another location. She was taken to three separate locations by the men, viciously gang raped by a total of fourteen men, in an ordeal that lasted six hours. After the attacks the woman was hosed down with a garden hose, the woman, who was known during the trial as 'C' to protect her identity, later told her story to 60 Minutes. She told of how the attackers called her an "Aussie Pig", asked her if "Leb cock tasted better than Aussie cock" and explained to her that she would be now be raped "Leb-style".[2]

September 4, 2000, Monday -

* Two women, both 16, were taken by the attackers from Beverly Hills train station to a house in Lakemba, where three men repeatedly raped them over a period of four hours. The attackers told the victims they "deserved it because they were Australian" [3]

Now, what these accounts DON'T tell the reader, is that the slammites almost certainly made the Aussie girls put on little sheep and goat bells around their necks and get down on all fours and prance and say "baaaahhhhhh, baaaahhhhh" , in order to allow them (the slammites) to get their little weenies up (or as close to up as they go...

Here's a description of the (other) problem which slammites have, aside from thinking that they're still working for Adolf Hitler, and it's doubtful that informing them (the slammites) that Hitler lost would do much of anything for them:


ANN'S NEXT BOOK Print E-mail
Contributed by To The Point, Inc.
Thursday, 15 June 2006
From its contacts deep inside the offices of Ann Coulter's literary agent, Irving "Swifty" Lazar, To The Point has learned that the blonde authoress has already started on her next book.

Embarrassed by her demonstration of almost total scientific illiteracy in her chapter on evolution in Godless, and stung by criticism that it takes no real courage to verbally attack a small group of Caucasian women in Jersey, she has decided to take on a group of people that are "dangerous for real," according to Mr. Lazar.

"It's actually a cop-out to pretend it takes guts to stand up to liberal weenies like Matt Lauer and Chris Matthews," Lazar says. "Ann knows this, so she wants to play in the big leagues and target the most criminally insane people on the planet."

The title of Miss Coulter's next book makes it clear who she's going after: Moslem Men Have Little Dicks.

Going straight for the jugular, Coulter begins with the life of Mohammed as described in the orthodox Islamic biographies. "He was a pervert," she reveals. "A pervert with a little dick. When he was in his late 40s, he married a six year-old girl named Aisha and started having sex with her when she was nine. You'd have to have a teeny little dick to be able to have sex with a nine year old girl."

"Mohammed's little dick symbolizes the entire problem with Islam," Coulter continues. "The whole purpose of Islam and Sharia law is to subjugate women because Moslem men are afraid of women. Only men with little dicks are afraid of women."

Swifty Lazar says that Coulter will argue that the threat of Islam will not be gone until Moslem men are forced to treat women as normal human beings - just as human as men.

This will require, among many other things, abandoning the traditional concept of "72 virgins" for Moslem men in the afterlife - "Whorehouse Heaven," as Coulter puts it.

"I am so sick of hearing Moose-limb crazies chant Allahu Akhbar­ - God Is Great - that I almost entitled this book Allahu Gawwad - Allah Is A Pimp" she says. "But I decided that would be too provocative."

"I know that this book will cause many Moslem men to come after me for exposing their little dicks," she concludes. "So let this be a warning: I will turn any Moose-limb man who bothers me over my knee and spank him. Then I'll wash his mouth out with soap."

Swifty confided that Coulter reads To The Point "religiously." "In fact," he whispered, "she got the idea for this new book from reading Terrorism and Tiny Zibbs."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 09:05 pm
For those less familiar with firearms, what you see below are a German Mauser and an American M1 Garand rifle, the standard American and German military rifles going into WWII. Basically a fully modern firearm against an archaic piece of ****. Walking into a firefight against guys with M1s with a Mauser in your hands was better than walking into a gunfight with a knife, but just barely.



This is the sort of thing I'm talking about when I say that the nazis lost WWII mainly from being STUPID.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 09:13 pm
Here's another little tale of sex in the slammite world which our resident nazis might appreciate:

The Three Billygoats Gruff

Many years ago, in the Khwarism kingdom, the empire centered around the cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Gurgange in the territory now called Uzbekistan, there was a bridge across a narrow section of the Syr Daria river and this bridge was guarded by a troll, named Ali Mohammed Qa-eelbasi. This was before the padishah Mohammed of the Khwarism empire burned the beards off of four of the infidel dog Chengis Khan's ambassadors and Chengis Khan reduced that entire territory to a smoking ruin (may he who cannot take a joke endure Allah's curse).

Now, this Ali Mohammed Qa-eelbasi was quite wealthy by inheritance and by dint of clever investment strategies and stock trading and, having no need of money or wealth beyond his possessions, and being an islamic troll, rather than demanding money from travellers seeking to cross his bridge, was in the habit of demanding various other favors from them.

One morning while Ali Mohammed was guarding his bridge and attempting to catch fish in the Syr Daria, he heard the light clatter of little hooves on the wooden planks of his bridge and looked up to see a little billygoat traipsing across the bridge, trippity, clippity, clippity, trippity, and this little goat (Allah be praised!!) had glossy white fur and flowers in his mane, and was wearing a silk petticoat with what appeared to be lace panties underneath, Ali Mohammed could not be quite certain, and a little training bra from Bloomingdales', and had a coy smile upon his face.


"ALLAH BE PRAISED"!! shouted Ali Mohammed! Surely the faithful shall prosper, this must be my lucky day!!!!

And, the little goat looked at Ali Mohammed, the coy smile still on his lips, and said:


"Verily, I should be happy for you to have your way with me and ravish me to your heart's content but, were you to do that, you would then be too exhausted to appreciate my brother when he passes this way. He is only a short distance behind me and he is a larger, finer and more lovely goat than I; he buys ALL of his clothing from Victoria's Secret."

Now, when Ali Mohammed heard this, he was overcome with passion and desire, and could scarcely restrain himself; nonetheless, he replied: "Go then, with Allah's blessing", and allowed the little goat to cross the bridge unmolested. "I shall (eagerly) await your brother!"

Ali Mohammed went back to his efforts to catch fish and, about a half hour later, he heard a somewhat heavier fall of hooves across the wooden planks of his bridge: clippity cloppity clop, clippity cloppity clop, and Ali Mohammed looked up to a sight which aroused within him a veritable paroxism of passion. This was a larger goat with a gossamer veil over his face, red roses braided into his glossy white silky fur all around, a golden necklace and the thinnest sort of a purple gossamer bodice of finest khitan silk, and dark, brown bedroom eyes.


"ALLAH BE PRAISED!!!" shouted Ali Mohammed, "Verily, this must be the luckiest day of my life, for surely no troll has ever beheld so lovely, and desirable, and alluring a goat as thee!"


"Patience!" replied the goat. "Surely you might have me if you wish, but then you would be too exhausted to appreciate my eldest brother, who travels only a short distance behind me. He is the sexiest and most voluptuous and alluring goat in all the world, and he buys ALL of his clothing at Sexy Sadies Midnight Boutique. Verily, were he standing here beside me, you would not notice me at all!"

Ali Mohammed somehow or other managed to restrain his lust and passion and allowed this goat to pass as well and, after ten or twelve minutes when he collected his wits and got his pulse and breath back under control, returned to his fishing poles.

Now when the eldest brother amongst the three goats came up to the bridge over the Syr Daria river and walked upon its wooden planks, Ali Mohammed did not notice at first, because this goat's hooves, for some reason, made no sound. Ali Mohammed was in fact taken by complete surprise as this third goat walked up to within five feet before the troll ever saw him at all. This goat had a silken veil as did the second goat, and gossamer clothing but, underneath the gossamer, appeared to be a very strange goat indeed, yellowish with black stripes, a long tail, fearsome claws, and huge, very non-goatlike teeth. This third goat spoke these words:


Bless, O Lord, this food to my use and me to thy service, and make me ever mindful of the needs of others through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

and, with that, seized the unlucky troll in his mighty jaws, chewed him into bitesized pieces, and wolfed him down.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2006 10:41 pm
blueflame1 wrote:
Cold blooded murder. "Jane Lute, the assistant secretary general for peacekeeping, told the UN security council that the base came under close Israeli fire 21 times ....

"Cold-blooded murder"???

How about, the logical consequences of not having done their job for the last six ****ing years?

I mean, if I go for six or eight months without doing MY job, I'll ****ing STARVE to death, and these guys somehow or other made it for six years. Israelis obviously let these clowns live five and a half years longer than they deserved to, and they get slammed for their generosity.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 06:28 am
Pictures at a hezbully exhibition:

0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 06:30 am
freedom4free wrote:

You're one huge A-hole gung. Laughing

Whatssamatter, nazi boy, cat got your tongue? Never really understood how your idiot "fuehrer" lost before, you say??
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 06:46 am
gungsnake, you are one piece of slime. You fit it in well with these folks.

Right-Wing 'Guide to World War III': �'Kill �'Em All, Let Allah Sort �'Em Out'
The conservative advocacy group GrasstopsUSA sent out a mass email yesterday featuring a column described as "a spectator's guide to World War III �- the Lebanese Front." The title: "Kill �'Em All. Let Allah Sort �'Em Out." Some low-lights:

A disproportionate response is the best kind. … What would a proportionate Israeli response be? Snatching two Hezbollah fighters, torturing them to death, cutting off their genitals and stuffing them in their mouths?

Lebanon used to be a nice little country, before the Sons of Allah got their blood-smeared hands on it. Believe it or not, Beirut was once…the most advanced and prosperous country in the Arab world �- because a majority of Lebanese were Christians.

Israel needs to step-up its air strikes and send in the troops (can you say "massive deployment, baby?") to do the job only ground forces can do. … To resurrect and reconfigure one of my favorite Vietnam-era slogans �- Kill �'em all. Let Allah sort �'em out.

GrasstopsUSA is no fringe group. Its executive director, Christopher Carmouche, sat on the exclusive host committee for last year's high-profile "tribute" to then-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) (along with luminaries like Grover Norquist), and was a member of the National Coalition to End Judicial Filibusters, the conservative umbrella group run by Manuel Miranda, former staffer to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN).

0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 10:25 am
revel wrote:
gungsnake, you are one piece of slime. You fit it in well with these folks.....

For not seeing the essential cuteness of these guys, right?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 04:34 pm
Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 04:53 pm

Sharon - Hitler
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2006 06:49 pm
revel wrote:
Rolling Eyes

This is what we're talking aobut when we talk about hezvullies:


I mean, if that ain't naziism then, as Fats Waller used to say, it'll have to do until the real thing comes along.
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