Is abortion really wrong?

Reply Sun 8 Oct, 2006 10:00 pm
My "flexible language" (pot, meet kettle....) is unimportant. It's you who is looking for solid defintions that allow you to apply laws uniformally, even if your solid definitions don't actually fit. I understand that, and won't be pulled into that word game.

The words are utterly UNimportant to the facts of the matter. When does a foetus have the right to live? When those rights are granted by the society into which it's born. In the USA, that right exists when it no longer conflicts with the mothers right to choose not to sustain it. Here in Australia it is theoretically illegal, unless there is a medical reason, including the mothers mental well-being, which makes it practically legal. The path from zygote to adult is a gradual one, and all rights granted are arbitrary ones. Girls mature faster than boys in their teens...is it possible we are denying some adults the right to drive and granting it to some who are still children? Yes, of course. Taking the view that all children should drive so as not to accidentally exclude some adults is what you are trying to convince us all to do.

Ultimately, I think abortion is a terrible thing, I think late term and dangerous abortions are much much worse. I think it's sad that abortions occur at all ....but I DON'T have the right to enslave any woman or girl, and even if I did, outlawing it would only increase the late, dangerous abortions anyway.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 8 Oct, 2006 10:31 pm
Eorl wrote:
My "flexible language" .... is unimportant...........

The words are utterly UNimportant to the facts of the matter. [/u][/i]
emphasis mine

Spoken like a true propagandist.

You could sell a lot of bumper stickers with that one, Eorl.

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Oct, 2006 10:44 pm
What propaganda? Confused What need have I of propaganda? I don't have any agenda, I personally have nothing to gain from what I post here other than promoting my own world view. You, on the other hand, have a church to promote. Propaganda is your stock-in-trade.

Is that really the best response you have to what I thought was a pretty solid post (apologies for the immodesty) that tried to cut to the heart of the matter of abortion morality and legality?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Sun 8 Oct, 2006 11:46 pm
Another great propaganda technique.

When you can't argue the issue, accuse the opponent of self interest.

As you know, I haven't 'promoted my church'. I scarcely make reference to it at all.

My arguments are medical facts, something you have provided none of.

Your argument that even a newborn is not a human being is an absurdity in itself.

Your views on when a human being does and doesn't exist are so far out in left field that most pro-abortion folks should be ashamed of you. But they're not.

The fact that virtually no pro-abortion folks have disavowed your position speaks volumes as to the moral cowardice that prevails on the left.

It is extremely difficult to get a liberal to say that ANYTHING is wrong.
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Reply Sun 8 Oct, 2006 11:49 pm
So nothing to say about my arguments then? Just ad homs for me?

(btw where do you get the notion I'm left field? If anything, I'm mainstream...the law in most countries agrees with me..I even vote conservative....is it because you are so far right field that I seem left to you?)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 06:06 am

My arguments are medical facts, something you have provided none of.

Come now real life - not too high and mighty - your arguments are also rife with sensational scenarios and hyperbole.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 11:31 am
snood wrote:

My arguments are medical facts, something you have provided none of.

Come now real life - not too high and mighty -

If I'm missing something let me know.

Do you know of any medical facts that Eorl has provided to support his contention that even a newborn is not a human being?

snood wrote:
your arguments are also rife with sensational scenarios and hyperbole.

When we're discussing abortion, this is a procedure (D&C abortion) where the unborn is literally sliced apart by a razor sharp scalpel and removed limb by limb from the uterus.

This is, as you can imagine, an excruciating painful way to die.

You wouldn't even put a dog down in this manner without going to jail.

If you know of a way to discuss and describe that without seeming 'sensational', again, let me know.

The only option seems to be to ignore what the procedure actually entails.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 11:38 am
Eorl, great post at the top of this page.
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Diest TKO
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 12:06 pm
RL - Your "medical" facts have been pretty weak. I'm not sure you should base your credibiity on them. I can do surgery with a "razor sharp" scapel, or a dull rusty one. The selection of the sharp and clean tool is not to increase someone's pain, or to torture as you seem to put it. You're being sensational. The fetus is not cut into smaller pieces for amusement or in spite of it, it's because the fetus is too large to be removed as one piece. You make this whole thing seem as if there is a league of sociopathic doctors on the loose just looking for their next victim, and they want to do as much damage as possible. It's not true.

Can't get anyone from the left to say something is wrong? A bold statement from you sir. You can't even give creedence that someone would not want a child.

You think that women who are "irresponcible" should have to deal with a child. You treat it like it's a punishment. Ridiculous. Children should not be used to facilitate punishment. Any child brought into this world should have the right to be loved and cared for, not resented or neglected. You do not advocate for those rights as well as you claim.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 07:53 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
RL - Your "medical" facts have been pretty weak.

Show one medical fact that I've gotten wrong.

Diest TKO wrote:
I'm not sure you should base your credibiity on them. I can do surgery with a "razor sharp" scapel, or a dull rusty one. The selection of the sharp and clean tool is not to increase someone's pain, or to torture as you seem to put it. You're being sensational. The fetus is not cut into smaller pieces for amusement or in spite of it, it's because the fetus is too large to be removed as one piece.


Saline abortions are completed with the dead child's entire body being removed as one piece.

Partial birth abortions (done in the third trimester when the child is the largest) are completed with the dead child's entire body being removed as one piece (except the brain), and it is a much larger piece than in D&C abortions.

It appears that it is you who are weak on the medical facts.

Diest TKO wrote:
You make this whole thing seem as if there is a league of sociopathic doctors on the loose just looking for their next victim, and they want to do as much damage as possible. It's not true.

Abortion 'doctors' advertise heavily to maximize their business, which is a highly profitable one.

Diest TKO wrote:
Can't get anyone from the left to say something is wrong? A bold statement from you sir.

What I actually said was that it is extremely difficult. And it is true.

Liberals on these forums have refused to admit that things such as terrorism and cannibalism were inherently wrong.

They defend the barbaric abortion practices including partial birth abortion, where the baby is delivered feet first , all the way up to the head, the back of the skull is punctured with a sharp object and the brains sucked out with a vacuum.

Do you believe in absolutes of right and wrong, or are all things subjective to you as well?

Diest TKO wrote:
You can't even give creedence that someone would not want a child.

Show where I've said that someone must raise a child they do not want.

I have no problem believing that someone may not want to raise a child.

However, killing the child is not the answer.

Diest TKO wrote:
You think that women who are "irresponcible" should have to deal with a child.

I'm not sure why you have put this word in quotation marks, or who you think you are quoting, but it wasn't me.

Perhaps you should read the posts before you respond.

Diest TKO wrote:
You treat it like it's a punishment. Ridiculous. Children should not be used to facilitate punishment. Any child brought into this world should have the right to be loved and cared for, not resented or neglected.

Lots of folks would prefer a little neglect if the alternative is that they are dead.

Diest TKO wrote:
You do not advocate for those rights as well as you claim.

Compared to you who thinks it's ok to kill them, I'm doing pretty well.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 08:48 pm
Okay, I see I missed a lot while I was gone from this thread!

Snood had some good points I thought. So I decided I will try not to talk to the wind anymore.

One comment to Real life:

real life wrote:

Lots of folks would prefer a little neglect if the alternative is that they are dead.

This is what really, really irks me. You seem to believe that any sort of life is better than a choice to abort. Okay. Well, I disagree. Some sorts of life are horrible. Some sorts of life are - well, **** right from the beginning. And there is no need for it.

'A little neglect' is in all actuality something much different than that.

Others may think that adopting out is a noble, selfless deed. I don't. Not at all.
It's no different morally, in my books, from choosing abortion.

Might as well air the entire dirty laundry: Real life, have you ever helped to care for a baby born addicted to cocaine, or something similiar? Yes, these children exist.

Some would be better off never being born. My opinion. A life of suffering - for what? For nothing. Except to calm the nerves of a few weak stomached morally-righteous assholes.

I'm sure that is horrifying to you, but I feel the same way about your opinions on this. So let's just say that there is no logical reasoning or way to change each others views via a frigging internet forum.

Like I said before, it is a matter of the heart. You see and live something - your views can change forever.

peace out
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 09:11 pm
real life wrote:

Show one medical fact that I've gotten wrong.

It's not the inaccuracy of what you present, it's what's implied by it. Stating that Fetus has it's own unique DNA doesn't give weight to the removal of choice.

real life wrote:

Diest TKO wrote:

Diest TKO wrote:
RL - Your "medical" facts have been pretty weak.

Show one medical fact that I've gotten wrong.

Diest TKO wrote:

I'm not sure you should base your credibiity on them. I can do surgery with a "razor sharp" scapel, or a dull rusty one. The selection of the sharp and clean tool is not to increase someone's pain, or to torture as you seem to put it. You're being sensational. The fetus is not cut into smaller pieces for amusement or in spite of it, it's because the fetus is too large to be removed as one piece.


Saline abortions are completed with the dead child's entire body being removed as one piece.

Partial birth abortions (done in the third trimester when the child is the largest) are completed with the dead child's entire body being removed as one piece (except the brain), and it is a much larger piece than in D&C abortions.

It appears that it is you who are weak on the medical facts.

No I'm not. I am aware of the other forms of abortion. Like it or not, it's the reason. Not some contrived sensational BS you can conjure. If you have read what I have posted on this subject in the past, I think abortions should be done in the first trimester, and less invasive forms of surgery should be used. Again, you quote the truth but you spin it. Yes saline abortions are done whole, but that wasn't what anyone was talking about. The fetus is took apart so it can be removed easier. simple. The D&C is foremost a surgical operation that is used for more than abortions: Miscarrages, heavy uterine bleeding, etc. It a method, plain and simple. I don't like it, but despite that, it's still not done because of some sociopath's sick violent fantacy.

real life wrote:

Abortion 'doctors' advertise heavily to maximize their business, which is a highly profitable one.

Compared to...?

real life wrote:

Liberals on these forums have refused to admit that things such as terrorism and cannibalism were inherently wrong.

You're kidding me. well if you need some satisfaction, I'll be your first. terrorism and canibalism are inherently wrong. You know, since were at it, there are some conservitives that think the holocaust never happened too. Not really relevant is it?

real life wrote:

I'm not sure why you have put this word in quotation marks, or who you think you are quoting, but it wasn't me.

Perhaps you should read the posts before you respond.

Everything about your stance implicitly implies just that. "That once pregnant, always pregnant. Deal with it."

real life wrote:

However, killing the child is not the answer.

I can only say I agree with you so many times before I tell you that you have alzhiemers (sp?). Destroying choice and killing culture isn't the answer either.

real life wrote:

Lots of folks would prefer a little neglect if the alternative is that they are dead.

Now you're changing stances. Now you speak for people with voices.

real life wrote:

Compared to you who thinks it's ok to kill them, I'm doing pretty well.

You have alzhiemers.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 09:28 pm
flushd wrote:
Okay, I see I missed a lot while I was gone from this thread!

Snood had some good points I thought. So I decided I will try not to talk to the wind anymore.

One comment to Real life:

real life wrote:

Lots of folks would prefer a little neglect if the alternative is that they are dead.

This is what really, really irks me. You seem to believe that any sort of life is better than a choice to abort. Okay. Well, I disagree. Some sorts of life are horrible. Some sorts of life are - well, **** right from the beginning. And there is no need for it.

'A little neglect' is in all actuality something much different than that.

Others may think that adopting out is a noble, selfless deed. I don't. Not at all.
It's no different morally, in my books, from choosing abortion.

Might as well air the entire dirty laundry: Real life, have you ever helped to care for a baby born addicted to cocaine, or something similiar? Yes, these children exist.

Some would be better off never being born. My opinion. A life of suffering - for what? For nothing. Except to calm the nerves of a few weak stomached morally-righteous ****.

I'm sure that is horrifying to you, but I feel the same way about your opinions on this. So let's just say that there is no logical reasoning or way to change each others views via a frigging internet forum.

Like I said before, it is a matter of the heart. You see and live something - your views can change forever.

peace out

I intend to irk you some more then.

Since you[/u] think that someone else's[/u] life 'must' be horrible, why does that give you the moral right to kill them?

While you deplore pro-lifers for 'denying a woman's choice', you approve denying the unborn any choice regarding any thing, ever -- including whether they[/u] would choose to live (even if it is in a situation where you[/u] would not prefer to live).

flushd wrote:
Some would be better off never being born. My opinion.

Yes, it is your opinion[/i] and you force your opinion on the unborn, whether they would share your opinion or not. Not only your opinion, but your choice for the entire course of their lives -- a short life and a painful, bloody death.

Yes, you are 'pro-choice' -- for yourself but not necessarily for everyone.

You think abortion and adoption are morally equivalent? Pathetic.

And your solution to crack babies is to kill them.

OK then. Perhaps you can answer the question I posed earlier.

If the unborn is simply a piece of property that the woman can do with as she wishes ( that is the position that you advocate, isn't it?), then if the woman chooses to have the baby operated on in utero and maimed, doesn't she have a right to do so?

Or if she chooses to smoke crack and give birth to a helpless addict, isn't she simply exercising her 'choice' as you have defined it?

She is treating the unborn as chattel, just as you advocate should be perfectly legal.

What's wrong with this picture? It's the one you painted.
0 Replies
Diest TKO
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 09:32 pm
Diest TKO wrote:

You have alzhiemers.

I'm avoiding the obvious stem cell reaserch joke right now. Fill in the blank.
0 Replies
real life
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 09:33 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
real life wrote:

Show one medical fact that I've gotten wrong.

It's not the inaccuracy of what you present, it's what's implied by it. Stating that Fetus has it's own unique DNA doesn't give weight to the removal of choice.

Pro-aborts often claim that the unborn is 'part of the woman's body'.

DNA evidence shows this to be absolutely false.

I didn't mean to simply imply it.

I want to state it outright.

It is false.

The unborn is not part of the woman's body and DNA is conclusive proof of it.

Feel better now?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 09:57 pm
real life wrote:

I intend to irk you some more then.

1. Since you[/u] think that someone else's[/u] life 'must' be horrible, why does that give you the moral right to kill them?

While you deplore pro-lifers for 'denying a woman's choice', you approve denying the unborn any choice regarding any thing, ever -- including whether they[/u] would choose to live (even if it is in a situation where you[/u] would not prefer to live).

flushd wrote:
Some would be better off never being born. My opinion.

2. Yes, it is your opinion[/i] and you force your opinion on the unborn, whether they would share your opinion or not. Not only your opinion, but your choice for the entire course of their lives -- a short life and a painful, bloody death.

3. Yes, you are 'pro-choice' -- for yourself but not necessarily for everyone.

4. You think abortion and adoption are morally equivalent? Pathetic.

And your solution to crack babies is to kill them.

OK then. Perhaps you can answer the question I posed earlier.

5. If the unborn is simply a piece of property that the woman can do with as she wishes ( that is the position that you advocate, isn't it?), then if the woman chooses to have the baby operated on in utero and maimed, doesn't she have a right to do so?

Or if she chooses to smoke crack and give birth to a helpless addict, isn't she simply exercising her 'choice' as you have defined it?

She is treating the unborn as chattel, just as you advocate should be perfectly legal.

What's wrong with this picture? It's the one you painted.

Hey, I numbered stuff so I can reply and we can keep track of it.

1. It gives me the moral right to abort a fetus growing in my body bc it is my body.

2. Yes, it is my right to choose that if I wish.

3. Right - for myself. Pro-choice assures that others get the chance to decide for themselves. If one chooses to keep her child, that is her choice. If she chooses abortion, that is her choice.

4. Yes, I do think they are morally equivalent. Pathetic? That's your feelings on it - not mine.

5. No, a fetus is not a piece of property. It is a part of a woman's body, heart, and mind - literally! Anything a woman chooses for the fetus she also is choosing for herself, just as any decision about the mother is also a choice for the fetus.

However, a woman is grown and has a fully developed mind, and has been socially 'educated' or 'indoctrinated' or 'cultured' or however you'd like to say it. So she must make the intellectual and moral decisions.

Will all women choose well? Nope.

"if a woman chooses to smoke crack and give birth to a helpless addict, isn't she simply exercising her choice as you have defined it?"

-No, she isn't. A woman still has a basic human responsibility to herself, her body, and the soceity she lives in. Smoking cocaine is an illegal for good reason. It is not within her choice to pump her own body full of illegal drugs, become a drain in soceity, and not be able to care for any children she may bear.

I suppose we could make it illegal to give birth to crack babies - but wait! Smoking cocaine even if you are not pregnant is already a crime!
0 Replies
real life
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 10:27 pm

While this boy was in a 'persistent vegetative state', was he a 'human being'?

from http://www.katu.com/news/4338107.html

Yamhill boy awakens after 22 months in coma

YAMHILL, Ore. (AP) - During the 22 months when her young son lay in a Gresham nursing home, trapped in an unexplainable coma, Yamhill resident Carla Rivers turned down offers from prospective buyers of the small, hot-pink motorcycle that he had loved.

"We knew he'd want to ride it again," Rivers said.

And, after two years of visits to his sick bed and prayers from their church and cards from the school friends Devon Rivers left behind when he was sickened with his mysterious illness, the 11-year-old awoke.

Until Oct. 7, 2004, Devon Rivers was an active, happy child, who loved Scouts and sports, school and church, riding his bike and playing with his baby brother, Brakken. He was the kid of kid that when he ran out of things to put together, he took things apart so he could put them together again.

All that changed the day his mother and father rushed him to the emergency room, where doctors made an initial diagnosis of rheumatic fever and prescribed antibiotics.

Five days later, Devon's condition worsened and he started having trouble breathing on his own. On Oct. 17, he lapsed into the coma.

Medics sent samples of Devon's spinal fluid to labs across the country, trying to figure out what was causing his illness. But every test - from West Nile virus to lead poisoning - came back negative.

Doctors guessed he had a viral illness. But they never were able to pinpoint what it was or what had caused it.

Eventually, he was moved to a pediatric nursing care center, where he received daily physical therapy that kept his muscles from atrophying and his joints from locking up.

Yet every time doctors checked on him, they had the same prognosis: Devon was in a persistent vegetative state, and it was doubtful that he would ever recover.

For two years, friends and family members shuttled back and forth between Yamhill and the nursing home, bearing stuff animals and posters, blessings and prayers.

Carla Rivers visited her son at least twice a week, carrying on a one-sided conversation on the assumption that coma victims retain their hearing.

One Friday in late August, she told Devon the family was heading for Utah for a wedding.

As she spoke, she remembered, it seemed as though her son was actually looking at her, and that his breathing seemed different, as if he weren't relying so much on the tracheal tube.

A few days later, the Rivers family got the news: Devon was indeed breathing on his own, a very positive sign.

In the weeks since then, Devon has made a great deal of progress, so much that his parents are hoping he'll soon be able to relearn skills like using a spoon and brushing his teeth.

His parents say it all seems like a "walk on water" miracle.

"We want to know what's going on with him, when he can come home, what more we can expect," Rivers said.

Information from: News-Register

(Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
0 Replies
real life
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 10:35 pm
flushd wrote:
real life wrote:

I intend to irk you some more then.

1. Since you[/u] think that someone else's[/u] life 'must' be horrible, why does that give you the moral right to kill them?

While you deplore pro-lifers for 'denying a woman's choice', you approve denying the unborn any choice regarding any thing, ever -- including whether they[/u] would choose to live (even if it is in a situation where you[/u] would not prefer to live).

flushd wrote:
Some would be better off never being born. My opinion.

2. Yes, it is your opinion[/i] and you force your opinion on the unborn, whether they would share your opinion or not. Not only your opinion, but your choice for the entire course of their lives -- a short life and a painful, bloody death.

3. Yes, you are 'pro-choice' -- for yourself but not necessarily for everyone.

4. You think abortion and adoption are morally equivalent? Pathetic.

And your solution to crack babies is to kill them.

OK then. Perhaps you can answer the question I posed earlier.

5. If the unborn is simply a piece of property that the woman can do with as she wishes ( that is the position that you advocate, isn't it?), then if the woman chooses to have the baby operated on in utero and maimed, doesn't she have a right to do so?

Or if she chooses to smoke crack and give birth to a helpless addict, isn't she simply exercising her 'choice' as you have defined it?

She is treating the unborn as chattel, just as you advocate should be perfectly legal.

What's wrong with this picture? It's the one you painted.

Hey, I numbered stuff so I can reply and we can keep track of it.

1. It gives me the moral right to abort a fetus growing in my body bc it is my body.

2. Yes, it is my right to choose that if I wish.

3. Right - for myself. Pro-choice assures that others get the chance to decide for themselves. If one chooses to keep her child, that is her choice. If she chooses abortion, that is her choice.

4. Yes, I do think they are morally equivalent. Pathetic? That's your feelings on it - not mine.

5. No, a fetus is not a piece of property. It is a part of a woman's body, heart, and mind - literally! Anything a woman chooses for the fetus she also is choosing for herself, just as any decision about the mother is also a choice for the fetus.

However, a woman is grown and has a fully developed mind, and has been socially 'educated' or 'indoctrinated' or 'cultured' or however you'd like to say it. So she must make the intellectual and moral decisions.

Will all women choose well? Nope.

"if a woman chooses to smoke crack and give birth to a helpless addict, isn't she simply exercising her choice as you have defined it?"

-No, she isn't. A woman still has a basic human responsibility to herself, her body, and the soceity she lives in. Smoking cocaine is an illegal for good reason. It is not within her choice to pump her own body full of illegal drugs, become a drain in soceity, and not be able to care for any children she may bear.

I suppose we could make it illegal to give birth to crack babies - but wait! Smoking cocaine even if you are not pregnant is already a crime!

So if crack was legal, it'd be ok with you?

How 'bout if we change crack to heroin, and make the woman a European, in a locale where heroin use is not criminal?

If the unborn is 'part of the woman's body' (which , medically speaking , it is not, since it has it's own unique DNA) , then doesn't she have the right to do with it anything she wishes?

To be consistent, you'd have to agree that she does.

If not, aren't you denying her choice?
0 Replies
real life
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 10:45 pm
Diest TKO wrote:

real life wrote:

Liberals on these forums have refused to admit that things such as terrorism and cannibalism were inherently wrong.

You're kidding me. well if you need some satisfaction, I'll be your first. terrorism and canibalism are inherently wrong.

I wish I were kidding. Go and read it for yourself. To them, right and wrong in those matters (and EVERYTHING else) are only subjective opinions, neither right nor wrong in any objective sense.

Do you agree then that there exist moral absolutes of right and wrong?

(full disclosure warning: Caution. Use of absolutes may be fatal to your position on abortion.)[/color]
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 11:39 pm
real life wrote:

So if crack was legal, it'd be ok with you?

How 'bout if we change crack to heroin, and make the woman a European, in a locale where heroin use is not criminal?

If the unborn is 'part of the woman's body' (which , medically speaking , it is not, since it has it's own unique DNA) , then doesn't she have the right to do with it anything she wishes?

To be consistent, you'd have to agree that she does.

If not, aren't you denying her choice?

So the fetus has its own DNA - where you draw the conclusion that it is not a part of the mother's body I do not see. Seems like a leap.
It is false.
The woman and the fetus are not two self-sufficent beings. It's a case of one self-sufficent being with a dependent being growing within. The 2 are 1: sharing blood, fluids, calories.

Nevermind that for now though. I'll answer your question and move on.

Technically, yes, I would have to say I would be denying her choice if I were to try to impose my will upon her (in order to try and stop her from taking heroin in a place where it is legal).

It would be denying her choice if I tried to do it in a place where it is illegal too...it just so happens that I agree with the particular laws in my country, and so I see no need to advocate for abolishing them.
It is in my own best interest, in my opinion, to live within the laws (heroin use as a criminal offence).

I understand you do not agree with me - regarding a fetus being a part of a woman's body - and that doesn't even matter.

I'd like to hear how you can look at a pregnant woman, though, and not conclude that the fetus she is carrying is indeed a part of her. ..or if you prefer...that the two are not connected intimately.

Also, I am curious to know if you think a fetus has a soul? A seperate life-force not shared with the mother?
Having a hard time wrapping around that part bc is not all life intimately one and from the same source according to your beliefs?
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