Diest TKO wrote:RL - Your "medical" facts have been pretty weak.
Show one medical fact that I've gotten wrong.
Diest TKO wrote:I'm not sure you should base your credibiity on them. I can do surgery with a "razor sharp" scapel, or a dull rusty one. The selection of the sharp and clean tool is not to increase someone's pain, or to torture as you seem to put it. You're being sensational. The fetus is not cut into smaller pieces for amusement or in spite of it, it's because the fetus is too large to be removed as one piece.
Saline abortions are completed with the dead child's entire body being removed as one piece.
Partial birth abortions (done in the third trimester when the child is the largest) are completed with the dead child's entire body being removed as one piece (except the brain), and it is a much larger piece than in D&C abortions.
It appears that it is you who are weak on the medical facts.
Diest TKO wrote:You make this whole thing seem as if there is a league of sociopathic doctors on the loose just looking for their next victim, and they want to do as much damage as possible. It's not true.
Abortion 'doctors' advertise heavily to maximize their business, which is a highly profitable one.
Diest TKO wrote:Can't get anyone from the left to say something is wrong? A bold statement from you sir.
What I actually said was that it is extremely difficult. And it is true.
Liberals on these forums have refused to admit that things such as terrorism and cannibalism were inherently wrong.
They defend the barbaric abortion practices including partial birth abortion, where the baby is delivered feet first , all the way up to the head, the back of the skull is punctured with a sharp object and the brains sucked out with a vacuum.
Do you believe in absolutes of right and wrong, or are all things subjective to you as well?
Diest TKO wrote: You can't even give creedence that someone would not want a child.
Show where I've said that someone must raise a child they do not want.
I have no problem believing that someone may not want to raise a child.
However, killing the child is not the answer.
Diest TKO wrote:You think that women who are "irresponcible" should have to deal with a child.
I'm not sure why you have put this word in quotation marks, or who you think you are quoting, but it wasn't me.
Perhaps you should read the posts before you respond.
Diest TKO wrote:You treat it like it's a punishment. Ridiculous. Children should not be used to facilitate punishment. Any child brought into this world should have the right to be loved and cared for, not resented or neglected.
Lots of folks would prefer a little neglect if the alternative is that they are dead.
Diest TKO wrote:You do not advocate for those rights as well as you claim.
Compared to you who thinks it's ok to kill them, I'm doing pretty well.