Xenoche wrote:The Facts:
a) Abortion is the "abortion" of a human life.
What people are discussing is whether or not Abortion is equal to killing.
b) Abortion is a choice, it is up to the individual to decide.
A2k'ers are also discussing whether or not the choice should be removed.
c) Abortion is useful in the removal of unhealthy, brain-damaged, under-developing fetus's.
It is still being discussed whether or-not this is immoral.
To me, abortion is the extinguishing of an undeveloped soul. It is not killing, as I feel that the un-selfsufficiancy of a fetus voids it from being defined as alive. It is however an extended part of the mothers body with the potential to become a human life. I think it should be up to the individual and the individual alone whether or not to abort. As for utilizing abortion as a means to prevent the birth of a defective infant, I still feel that the medical sector lay the facts in front the individual to make a educated decision.
Yes pictures of disposed infants is horrible, but so is war, and rotten.com. That doesn't stop people from killing others and themselves. No matter how strongly some of you oppose it, like drug prohibition, people still do it.
Abortion beats authorities finding infants in trash cans.
hi Xenoche,
I could introduce you to several couples who were told in all seriousness by specialists that they were going to give birth to a brain damaged child and were counseled to abort.
They gave birth instead to a perfectly healthy baby. What if they had aborted? Would you still consider it 'useful' ?
What about the deformities that we have found cures or surgical corrections for? Should we have just thrown those babies away without an effort to give them life?
You state that the unborn is 'part of the mother's body', however this is incorrect.
From the moment of conception, the unborn has a distinct DNA pattern that DOES NOT match his/her mother's. Therefore it cannot be 'part of the mother's body', (though it is attached and dependent on it.)
You believe that the unborn is 'insufficiently developed' and therefore not a human being.
So tell us, at what point EXACTLY does the unborn become sufficiently developed to qualify as a human being?