Gautam, this may qualify you for an appearance at Finocchio's in North Beach, San Francisco!!!!
((Definitely aging myself))
What's so special abt Finocchio's ???
Is the place worth my presence ????
Yes Dys, do wear those leggins. You look so good in them, I must say. I have to use my imagination about how Gautum looks in black stockings, but I am guessing that he looks very appealing as well.
Well, to each his or her own Lola. Myself, I prefer yours. But, that's just me.
yes Danon, personal preference is all important when it comes to such matters, isn't that right Gautum?
Got back just in time!!! The chance to see Gautam in black nylons and Dys in leggings. It doesn't get any better than this, except for getting to see hiama in all his glory.When will the pictures be posted???????
I'm not innocent and I'm not young. Been there, done that, don't miss it. Let's see the cheesecake you guys!!!
cheesecake! cheese cake! cheese Cake!
"Places to go, things to see, people to do!!! "
Darn!! Did I hear that right when I asked for directions for my vacation??
((Darn Lola!! You really got one in on me!! Well, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!"))))))
(Cheese cake is my ultimately favorite dessert)
I love cheese cake too..........deeeeeeeeelicious!
yes, Epiphany, and it's close to a definition of the meaning of life too............loving, fu*king and eating (and secondarily, all those other bodily functions.)
I love cheesecake too - specially when I can spread it all over my lover and lick it off....
Oops, too early in the morning to have these kinda fantasies ...
Wow! Purple cheesecake! Or purple beefcake. Whichever one prefers.
I kinda go for "CUPCAKE" me own self!
Two cupcakes - in a row!!
when four would have done better (a pair of pairs
You see what I mean? It's all a matter of preference. Beefcake for me please......could say more, but have decided against it. :-)
Just found this phrase in a weblog I like: "Bushit!"
'xactly so in reference to our fearless leaders....
(Sorry, just HAD to put my outrage into a place where friends would understand. a2k: where everyone knows your name.)