Then the confused Mr. Parados wrote:
6. Computers can handle trillions upon trillions of pieces of data. The only question with the computers is the time it takes to do all the computation. Computers, after all, model nuclear explosions.
The models are based on reasonable statistical analysis. Again, take a statistics class. end of Mr. Parados quote---
And I wrote:
Mr. Parados shows us he does not really understand the use of computers and modeling when they ARE APPLIED TO SUCH A HUGE UNDERTAKING SUCH AS PREDICTING THE CLIMATE IN THE NEXT HUNDRED YEARS.
Note below
source is Big.html
"Without computer models, there would be no evidence of global warming, no predictions of disaster, no Kyoto. . By simulating the climate on giant, ultra-fast computers, scholars try to find out how it will react to each new stimulus - like a doubling of CO2. An ideal computer model, however, would have to track five million parameters over the surface of the earth and through the atmosphere, and incorporate all relevant interactions among land, sea, air, ice and vegetation. According to one researcher, such a model would demand ten million trillion degrees of freedom to solve, a computational impossibility even on the most advanced supercomputer."
You got that, Mr. Parados? Ten million trillion degrees of freedom are needed.
What does that mean?
Ten Million degrees of freedom is the number of independent quantities necessary to express the values of all of the variable properties of a system.
Are you going to hold that the Computer models do this?
PLEASE!!!!!! Don't be ridiculous!!!
How long would it take to enter tens of trillions of data AND MAKE SURE THAT THE DATA HAS BEEN ENTERED CORRECTLY?
Tens of Trillions you say???????
And, as has been referenced previously on this point-
As Dr. Lomborg has pointed out(see his book previously referenced)--P. 266-
"It is important to point our that ALL the IPCC's predictions are based on computer model simulations.In principle, there is nothing wrong with computer simulations to describe complex systems.This technique is widely used in natural science and economics for example. IT IS IMPORTANT TO REALIZE, HOWEVER, THAT THE RESULT OF SIMULATIONS DEPENDS ENTIRELY ON THE PARAMETERS AND ALGORITHIMS WITH WHICH THE COMPUTER IS FED, COMPUTERS ARE NUMBER CRUNCHERS, NOT CRYSTAL BALLS."
a visit to the report of the National Academy of Sciences( The most prestigious US Scientific group) at
will find this observation by the prestigious group of scientists-
"Climate models are imperfect. Their simulation skill is LIMITED by UNCERTAINTIES in their formulation, the LIMITED SIZE of their calculations,and the DIFFICULTY OF INTERPRETING THEIR ANSWERS THAT EXHIBIT ALMOST AS MUCH COMPLEXITY AS IN NATURE.
And what does Mr. Parados do? He says take a Statistics class. I am sorry but that is not enough of an explanation. Your reply is lacking substance. Grade D minus..