Re: Global Warming vs. Terrorism
FreeDuck wrote:I have the following questions.
1) Which would you support in response to the threat of terrorism if they were deemed by the government to be effective?
a) Gun control laws.
b) Enhanced law enforcement powers at the expense of civil liberties.
c) Tougher regulation on businesses.
d) Expanded presidential powers.
e) Expanded federal government control of state and local resources.
2) Which would you support in response to the threat of global climate change if they were deemed by the government to be effective?
a) Gun control laws.
b) Enhanced law enforcement powers at the expense of civil liberties.
c) Tougher regulation on businesses.
d) Expanded presidential powers.
e) Expanded federal government control of state and local resources.
3) Lastly, which is the greater threat to the world and our nation: global climate change, or terrorism?
A very interesting post.
I haven't read through all of the thread, but I feel certain someone must have raised the point that your questions #1 and #2 focus more on the degree to which someone trusts the government rather than what they actually belive about the issues.
For questions #1 and #2, I would support whatever measures
I felt advanced the cause which I supported. In arriving at an opinion on these measures I would certainly consider as one (and an important one at that) factor what the government believed. Acknowledging that the government is not omniscient nor entirely altruistic, I do recognize that it knows more about these matters than do we, and that even partisan hacks have a tendency to think about what is best for the country when given power.
The really interesting question is #3 - No tricks - full front.
Without a doubt, terrorism is a greater threat to
our nation and world than global climate change.
Hollywood's "Day After Tomorrow" is a fantasy. Whatever the ultimate effect of global climate change may be it will not manifest itself, in total, within several weeks.
The same cannot be said about terrorism. The worst that terrorism has to offer can easily be visited upon us within a matter of days, weeks, months or years.
For all you tree-huggers who would argue otherwise, think on this: The ultimate terrorist attack involves WMDs - nuclear, chemical, or biological. Is it simply a matter of time?
All of these methods of attacks carry with them ecological dangers and disasters.
Global climate change has happened before and the world (clearly) and mankind has survived.
True to form, we will not react to a situation until it becomes a crisis, but it is highly unlikely that there will be sudden effects of global climate change that will not meet a tardy but, essentially, effective human response.
Terrorism in its ultimate extreme has the potential for ridding us of our concerns about global climate change (If we believe such changes are human induced).
Terrorism, rather than global climate change has the potential for retrogressing, or destroying human civilization. The New Caliphate will almost certainly impose reactionary forces upon our civilization and thus give, at least some breathing room to Gaia.
Within the next twenty years, which is more likely to cause your death or the deaths of your loved ones: Terrorism or global climate change.