Lets talk numbers here instead of more of this he said she said and lets start with things we can agree on.
1.) There
has been an increase in the earths temperatures (approximately a degree over the last century). Agree?
2.) Greenhouse gases
have increased. Everyones favorite villian CO2 has increased from 280 ppmv (volume in parts per million) from before the industiral revolution to 381 ppmv today.
source Agree?
3.) Methane, ozone, Nitrous oxide, fluorocarbon, etc. have also seen increased levels in the atmosphere. Agree?
Where we differ, is the effect those gases listed above have on the climate and exactly what mans contribution to that is. Often absent from global warming projections is the largest factor in global warming and the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere: water vapor (also agreed upon by all scientists "Water Vapor (H2O). Overall, the most
abundant and dominant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is water vapor.
Inventory of US Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2004 (page 51) 22mb"
A chart illustrating the effects of greenhouse gases that does not include water vapor looks something like this:
Looks impressive doesn't it?
When you include water vapor in that chart, it looks something like this:
Manmade contributions are highlighted in green and listed as a numeric percentage.
Suddenly CO2 contributions look a lot less impressive. Manmade contributions look even less impressive. Of course we have to take into consideration the frequencies and percentages that greenhouse gases retain infrared rays.
This link contains information about both:
Energy Information Administration
As you can see, water vapor, in its various forms (including clouds) has a heat trapping efficiency of 50-86%. CO2 does have a slightly higher percentage of 88%. However, considering the huge amounts of water vapor when compared to CO2 the actual effect that CO2 has on warming the planet is a miniscule 3.618% compared to water vapors 95.000%.
Al Gore and others, tends to leave this little bit of information out. When water vapor is figured into the equation it makes CO2 contributions look miniscule. Manmade CO2 looks even smaller at 0.117% contribution to global temperature change.
Now there isn't to much we can do about water vapor. Water tends to evaporate... well naturally. Considering the earth is 2/3rds covered in water, there is a lot of water to evaporate. But there is no glamour in making a movie telling us about naturally occuring green house gases that contribute to naturally occuring global warming that keeps our earth temperature liveable instead of the freezing cold it would be without
any global warming. And that discussion rarely takes place.
Instead we end up with childish comments like "I hope you've had a vasectomy" and "your ignorance is a danger to us all" and "you attempted to insult those who hold a realistic view of the world and give credence to science indirectly, although you only made yourself appear uneducated and sophomoric" and on and on and on. Of course plainoldme never actually takes the time to explain exactly how I am endagering this planet by driving my 33mpg Honda civic an average of around 7,000 miles per year (well under the national average). Or takes the time to learn that I am a strict recycler, composter and water conserver. Why bother with facts or information when it is a lot more effective following Al's approach of THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING