Global Warming vs. Terrorism

Reply Fri 21 Jul, 2006 11:03 am
plainoldme wrote:
touche, Parados! MM reserves the right to denigrate the very notion of global warming but probably has fewer credentials than Al Gore. BTW, a career in the Senate gave Gore an education of another kind.

plainoldme, don't forget Gore's credentials of writing a book asserting the internal combustion engine is the greatest threat to mankind? That credential gives him even more credibility.
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Reply Fri 21 Jul, 2006 11:19 am
okie wrote:
plainoldme wrote:
touche, Parados! MM reserves the right to denigrate the very notion of global warming but probably has fewer credentials than Al Gore. BTW, a career in the Senate gave Gore an education of another kind.

plainoldme, don't forget Gore's credentials of writing a book asserting the internal combustion engine is the greatest threat to mankind? That credential gives him even more credibility.

Let's not forget your over-whelmingly skillful use of the English language and your faultless grammar! Not!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Jul, 2006 01:02 pm
plainoldme wrote:
touche, Parados! MM reserves the right to denigrate the very notion of global warming but probably has fewer credentials than Al Gore. BTW, a career in the Senate gave Gore an education of another kind.

Show us all where I have ever denigrated the idea?
Quote one time I have ever denied that global warming exists.
Since you claim I have done so,then you should be able to find numerous examples.

I admit I have challenged the claim that it is totally caused by man,but I have never said it wasnt happening.

You claim I have,so post one example (if you can).
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Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 08:39 am
plainoldme wrote:

You insulted Gore directly, and you attempted to insult those who hold a realistic view of the world and give credence to science indirectly, although you only made yourself appear uneducated and sophomoric.

You have to ask why I worked up? The titanic ignorance of people who deny global warming and endanger all life on this planet is why.

What right have you to endanger others? None. Yet your position is dangerous to everyone and every living thing.

Now, there are threats that we can do nothing about, such as solar dimming (perhaps) and the possibility that the world will soon go through another reversal of polarity. However, we can and must on the individual level act to stop global warming and to clean up the planet.

It is a matter of personal responsibility. It is a matter of education. It is a matter of adulthood.

Sorry I haven't responded. I was out of town since last Thursday.

Of course there really isn't much to respond too... just more raving of a blithering chicken little. THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING.

The whole thing reminds me of an article (written by a Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT, by the way. You know... someone with some actual credentials) I once read about how you can not even debate global warming because it has already been detirmined that it is absolute truth. Anyone that has a different view is detirmined to be blind or stupid or some other insult meant to discourage discussion with more of THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING nonsense (if things are so bad, why is Gore still charging to see his little film? Shouldn't he be doing a public service and offering it to all of the networks free of charge for everyone to see? What good is the money going to do him anyway... afterall we're all good as dead already anyway).

Just about the only thing that I agree with in what you wrote above is:

"there are threats that we can do nothing about, such as solar dimming"

you are certainly proof positive of that.
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Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 08:51 am
jpinmilwaukee, according to an opinion I read in the paper yesterday, the "sky is falling" issue is the only hope for Gore to have any credibility in politics, so that is what he is going to hang his hat on, win or lose. I agree with that assessment. He has all of his political credibility invested in that issue, so honest scientific inquiry will affect him in the least.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 08:51 am
Lindzen, a professor of meteorology, certainly is one of the most known and most respectable of the climate 'sceptics'.

In 2004, he betted that the earth's climate will be cooler in 20 years than it is today ... I do hope so!!! :wink:
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Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 09:32 am
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Lindzen, a professor of meteorology, certainly is one of the most known and most respectable of the climate 'sceptics'.

In 2004, he betted that the earth's climate will be cooler in 20 years than it is today ... I do hope so!!! :wink:

He did? I thought Lindzen agreed the globe was heating up, agreed the warming was mostly man-made, and merely disagreed about the extent of future warming. (1°C over 100 years vs. the IPCC's 1.5-5.8°C)
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 10:09 am
Thomas wrote:

He did? I thought Lindzen agreed the globe was heating up, agreed the warming was mostly man-made, and merely disagreed about the extent of future warming. (1°C over 100 years vs. the IPCC's 1.5-5.8°C)

Didn't remember it correctly, sorry Embarrassed

Here's the story as noted in Wikipedia:
The November 10, 2004 online version of Reason magazine reported that Lindzen is "willing to take bets that global average temperatures in 20 years will in fact be lower than they are now."[17] Climatologist James Annan,[18] who has offered multiple bets that global temperatures will increase,[19] contacted Lindzen to arrange a bet.[20] Annan offered to pay 2:1 odds in Lindzen's favor if temperatures declined, but said that Lindzen would only accept a bet if the payout was 50:1 or better in his favor and that no bet occurred.[21]

In response, Lindzen denied telling Reason that he would bet at 1:1 odds that temperatures would be lower in 20 years than they are now, and stated that he would only bet if offered "much higher odds." According to Lindzen, he and Annan exchanged proposals for bets, but were unable to agree.[22]. (Annan subsequently responded to Lindzen's response.[23]).


0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 12:33 pm
All the money from Gore's book and the movie are being donated to an education campaign on the issue. It is not lining his pockets.

Lindzen has admitted that global warming exists after spending time denying it. There is no scientist that denies it today.

Lindzen's article is based on faulty information. He claims Mann's data isn't available in an article he is writing in 2006. But I have cited the ftp site for Mann's data in this forum. How can it not be available when it is online for anyone to download? ftp://holocene.evsc.virginia.edu/pub/MBH98/
Several studies since then have confirmed Mann's conclusions.

The one seeming to be light on facts is you jp.
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Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 12:47 pm
parados wrote:
The one seeming to be light on facts is you jp.

The article I linked to agrees that global warming has taken place (approximately a degree since the late 19th century) and also agree on the level of CO2 amassed over the same time.

Where I disagree about global warming is the catastrophic effects that that one degree will have on the planet as well as the cause of that one degree rise in temperature.

Also from the article:
These claims are true. However, what the public fails to grasp is that the claims neither constitute support for alarm nor establish man's responsibility for the small amount of warming that has occurred. In fact, those who make the most outlandish claims of alarm are actually demonstrating skepticism of the very science they say supports them. It isn't just that the alarmists are trumpeting model results that we know must be wrong. It is that they are trumpeting catastrophes that couldn't happen even if the models were right as justifying costly policies to try to prevent global warming.

There is more good info there including how Gore and CO tried to discredit and bully anyone who disagrees with his opinion. You must have missed the link so I'll post it here again for you: http://www.opinionjournal.com/extra/?id=110008220

Gore's donations to education of global warming still doesn't explain why he doesn't just give his movie to the networks for them to show. I'd guess that would be the most effective way to reach millions of people and wouldn't even cost a cent to do.
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Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 12:53 pm
jpinMilwaukee wrote:
plainoldme wrote:

You insulted Gore directly, and you attempted to insult those who hold a realistic view of the world and give credence to science indirectly, although you only made yourself appear uneducated and sophomoric.

You have to ask why I worked up? The titanic ignorance of people who deny global warming and endanger all life on this planet is why.

What right have you to endanger others? None. Yet your position is dangerous to everyone and every living thing.

Now, there are threats that we can do nothing about, such as solar dimming (perhaps) and the possibility that the world will soon go through another reversal of polarity. However, we can and must on the individual level act to stop global warming and to clean up the planet.

It is a matter of personal responsibility. It is a matter of education. It is a matter of adulthood.

Sorry I haven't responded. I was out of town since last Thursday.

Of course there really isn't much to respond too... just more raving of a blithering chicken little. THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING.

The whole thing reminds me of an article (written by a Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT, by the way. You know... someone with some actual credentials) I once read about how you can not even debate global warming because it has already been detirmined that it is absolute truth. Anyone that has a different view is detirmined to be blind or stupid or some other insult meant to discourage discussion with more of THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING nonsense (if things are so bad, why is Gore still charging to see his little film? Shouldn't he be doing a public service and offering it to all of the networks free of charge for everyone to see? What good is the money going to do him anyway... afterall we're all good as dead already anyway).

Just about the only thing that I agree with in what you wrote above is:

"there are threats that we can do nothing about, such as solar dimming"

you are certainly proof positive of that.

You must be referring to the universally decried Richard Lindzen.
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Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 12:55 pm
Thomas wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Lindzen, a professor of meteorology, certainly is one of the most known and most respectable of the climate 'sceptics'.

In 2004, he betted that the earth's climate will be cooler in 20 years than it is today ... I do hope so!!! :wink:

He did? I thought Lindzen agreed the globe was heating up, agreed the warming was mostly man-made, and merely disagreed about the extent of future warming. (1°C over 100 years vs. the IPCC's 1.5-5.8°C)

Lindzen is the "personal hero" of BernardR/massagatto who has posting the same three or four comments from him for years and years.
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Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 12:55 pm
No. He is referring to the widely criticized Richard Lindzen, the one whom most climatologists disagree with. But "universally decried" is hype. And since science isn't a democracy, the fact that most of his peers disagree with him doesn't mean he is wrong.
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Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 12:58 pm
jp -- I do not think it is Gore's to 'show' when and where he wishes. That's the job of the distributor. Furthermore, the funding for the movie was, most likely, for a theatrical release. More publicity for the cause can be generated through the theatrical showing of the film, as television does not have the cache or the credibility of film. Finally, the conservative networks -- and their more conservative local affiliates -- would block the showing of the movie.
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Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 01:56 pm
okie wrote:
plainoldme wrote:
touche, Parados! MM reserves the right to denigrate the very notion of global warming but probably has fewer credentials than Al Gore. BTW, a career in the Senate gave Gore an education of another kind.

plainoldme, don't forget Gore's credentials of writing a book asserting the internal combustion engine is the greatest threat to mankind? That credential gives him even more credibility.
The small combustion engine is makes about as much sense making a fire in your backyard to cook dinner. That the world is powered by a series of mini explosions is boggling.

We have advanced in every other area yet the small combustion engine automobile has been coming off the assembly line since beginning of the 1900's.
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Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2006 02:40 pm

Maybe you missed this..

Earlier this year, Texas Rep. Joe Barton issued letters to paleoclimatologist Michael Mann and some of his co-authors seeking the details behind a taxpayer-funded analysis that claimed the 1990s were likely the warmest decade and 1998 the warmest year in the last millennium. Mr. Barton's concern was based on the fact that the IPCC had singled out Mr. Mann's work as a means to encourage policy makers to take action. And they did so before his work could be replicated and tested--a task made difficult because Mr. Mann, a key IPCC author, had refused to release the details for analysis.

"This year" would be 2006 according to the date of the piece by Lindzen. Yet the date of the data on the ftp site is 2002. (There are many references to be found on the data being available in 2002. http://climate2003.com/correspondence/mann.031112a.htm ) How can data be unavailable in 2006 when it was released in 2002 and the same study has been redone by several others?

Lindzen makes a claim that appears to be completely false. Lindzen provides no example of anyone being refused publishing or funding. He makes vague statements without any data after making a provable false statement.
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Reply Tue 25 Jul, 2006 01:43 am
parados wrote:
"This year" would be 2006 according to the date of the piece by Lindzen. Yet the date of the data on the ftp site is 2002. (There are many references to be found on the data being available in 2002. http://climate2003.com/correspondence/mann.031112a.htm ) How can data be unavailable in 2006 when it was released in 2002 and the same study has been redone by several others?

I think you are mis-parsing the excerpt from Lindzen's article that you criticize. Parsed correctly, Lindzen's story and your facts are consistent with each other, and with the following timeline:
  • 2001 and before: Mann publishes research on global warming. According to Lindzen, he "refuse[s] to release the details for analysis", making it difficult that "his work could be replicated and tested."

  • 2001: The IPCC publishes its 2001 Assessment Report. It singles out Mann's work, even though, according to Lindzen, it was inadequately replicated and tested. This is what Lindzen criticizes Mann and the IPCC for.

  • 2002: Mann releases the details for his analysis on his ftp site.

  • early 2006: "Texas Rep. Joe Barton issue[s] letters to paleoclimatologist Michael Mann and some of his co-authors".

  • April 2006: Lindzen writes an Op-Ed for the Wall Street Journal. He uses the past tense to describe what Barton did "earlier this year", and the past perfect to talk about Mann's alleged refusal in 2001 and earlier. Lindzen naively trusts his gentle readers to know the difference.
Thus, your quote may give you a case against Barton, who in 2006 sought details that had been readily available since 2002. But it doesn't give you a case against Richard Lindzen. His story is that before the IPCC singled out his work, Mr. Mann "had refused to release the details for analysis" so "his work could be replicated and tested." The publication of those details in 2002, after the IPCC published its report, is irrelevant to the assertion Lindzen makes, and which "appears to be completely false" to you.

Parados wrote:
Lindzen provides no example of anyone being refused publishing or funding. He makes vague statements without any data after making a provable false statement.

Well, Lindzen's claim is that a hostile funding environment is chilling non-alarmist climatologists. What kind of "data" do you suggest he back this up with? He can hardly cite the papers that didn't get published because they were chilled. Considering this constraint, the following examples sound reasonably specific to me.

Two paragraphs after the one Parados quoted, Lindzen wrote:
Sadly, this is only the tip of a non-melting iceberg. In Europe, Henk Tennekes was dismissed as research director of the Royal Dutch Meteorological Society after questioning the scientific underpinnings of global warming. Aksel Winn-Nielsen, former director of the U.N.'s World Meteorological Organization, was tarred by Bert Bolin, first head of the IPCC, as a tool of the coal industry for questioning climate alarmism. Respected Italian professors Alfonso Sutera and Antonio Speranza disappeared from the debate in 1991, apparently losing climate-research funding for raising questions.

And then there are the peculiar standards in place in scientific journals for articles submitted by those who raise questions about accepted climate wisdom. At Science and Nature, such papers are commonly refused without review as being without interest. However, even when such papers are published, standards shift. When I, with some colleagues at NASA, attempted to determine how clouds behave under varying temperatures, we discovered what we called an "Iris Effect," wherein upper-level cirrus clouds contracted with increased temperature, providing a very strong negative climate feedback sufficient to greatly reduce the response to increasing CO2. Normally, criticism of papers appears in the form of letters to the journal to which the original authors can respond immediately. However, in this case (and others) a flurry of hastily prepared papers appeared, claiming errors in our study, with our responses delayed months and longer. The delay permitted our paper to be commonly referred to as "discredited."

Bottom line: Lindzen does provide examples of refused publishing and funding, examples that are reasonably specific considering the claim he is making. He provides those examples after making a statement that may or may not be correct, but that you certainly misparsed. Just because BernardR likes to quote Lindzen, that doesn't make Lindzen a crank or a liar. Scientists don't get to choose who likes to quote them.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Jul, 2006 07:25 am
Nice try Thomas but...

What is Lindzen's point in bringing up Barton and not informing his readers that the data is presently available? I think his point is to mislead.

There are some problems with Lindzen's other claims too.

It seems Sutera and Speranza haven't disappeared at all since they contintue to publish.


I find references to a retired Henk Tennekes but the only mentions of him being dismissed come from Lindzen or people quoting Lindzen.

I have read some scientific criticisms of Lindzen's work on clouds. It deals with the science. Perhaps Lindzen was unaware of such criticisms or can't defend his work.

Name calling is coming from both sides. Lindzen should stick to the science.
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Reply Tue 25 Jul, 2006 07:34 am
Another right wing nut case speaks.



I wonder how many people in his state believe this after the record setting temperatures this summer.

U.S. Sees Record Breaking Temperatures For Beginning Half Of 2006

July 17, 2006 2:47 p.m. EST

Julie Farby - All Headline News Staff Writer
Washington, DC (AHN)-The government reports that the first half of the year was the warmest on record for the United States. The average temperature for the 48 contiguous states from January through June recorded at 51.8 degrees Fahrenheit, or 3.4 degrees above average for the 20th century.

This makes it the warmest such period since record-keeping began at the National Climatic Data Center.

According to the data, no state was cooler than average and five states, including Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri experienced record warmth for the period.

While much of the Northeast experienced extreme rainfall and flooding at the end of June many other areas continued below normal rain and snowfall. For instance, as of June, 45 percent of the contiguous U.S. was in moderate-to- extreme drought, an increase of 6 percent from May.

According to the National Interagency Fire Center, dry conditions spawned more than 50,000 wildfires, burning more than 3 million acres in the continental U.S.

Worldwide, it was the sixth warmest year-to-date since record keeping began in 1880.


Recent research suggests that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are at the highest level in at least 650,000 years. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projects that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels could rise significantly by 2050, possibly resulting in higher temperatures, rising sea levels, stronger storms and hurricanes, and expanding deserts.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Jul, 2006 09:14 am
parados wrote:
Nice try Thomas but...

What is Lindzen's point in bringing up Barton and not informing his readers that the data is presently available? I think his point is to mislead.

Maybe so, but now you have changed your claim without acknowledging that its earlier version was false. Specifically, you morphed a point of fact about "Lindzen ... making a provably false false statement" into a point of opinion: "I think his point is to mislead".

parados wrote:
There are some problems with Lindzen's other claims too.

Maybe so, but again you are changing your point without acknowledging the falsity of its earlier version. This time, you first claimed that "Lindzen provides no example of anyone being refused publishing or funding". Then I showed you multiple examples he did provide, after which your claim morphed into "there are some problems with Lindzen's other claims".

None of this means that Lindzen is a saint who speaks the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And believe it or not, I am interested in exploring where he's honest and where he isn't. But one thing I decidedly don't care to do is join in when you play bait and switch with me, as you just did in your last post.
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