McTag, what's not to love about that cheerful face? And Smorgs, good grief. You're gorgeous!
Good to see you, McTag and Smorgs!
About the photo-sharing policy, shall we start a seperate thread about it?
Hi Littlek--Yes, I think a photo sharing policy would make a good topic for another thread. If people have some guidlines, it makes it much easier to feel confident about things like invading privacy or even unintentional bruising of vanity.
This is for Walter and for anyone who loves this part of the country and appreciates its magic (littlek is right at the top of the list).
As I Walk in Beauty
In beauty, may I walk.
All day long, may I walk.
Through the returning seasons, may I walk.
Beauty will I possess again.
Beautiful birds...
Beautiful joyful birds...
On the trail marked with pollen, may I walk.
With grasshoppers about my feet, may I walk.
With dew about my feet, may I walk.
With beauty, may I walk.
With beauty before me, may I walk.
With beauty behind me, may I walk.
With beauty above me, may I walk.
With beauty all around me, may I walk.
In old age, wandering on a trail of beauty,
lively, may I walk.
In old age, wandering on a trail of beauty,
living again, may I walk.
If it is finished in beauty.
It is finished in beauty.
It is finished in beauty.
Well, since I don't want to derail this thread in the very beginning, I'll promise not to post pics of any A2K-members (here) at all.
So, we start like a good tablois paper with sensations on the front page ...
When I arrived, I could witness the worst sandstorm which happened in Albuquerque within the last 100 years, with windspeeds of more than 60 miles.
I couldn't photograph this properly, but when you look at the trees/leaves and to what direction the wind chimes (that are those tiny, coloured things in the center/center righ) in Diane's and dys' garden point, you might get an idea:
And on my last day, exactly one week ago, I could witness a car burning on the freeway between Santa Fe and Albuquerque
What's agood tabloid without a "Page 3"?
This, however, is the American version, which some pics, done in Old Abuquerque
Sh!t - I might have to delete those above pics as well: I asked no-one of these guys for permission.
Thanks very much, Diane, for that "Walk in Beauty" - it really suits very well ... for Albuquerque, New Mexico and the people there :wink:
Walter, I hope you do continue posting pics and I would hate for this thread to become derailed.
What Jo, Littlek and I were talking about should have been a new thread from the very beginning. I hope you know that I would never strangle you, regardless of my mean demeanor and violent reputation.
Go ahead, dear Walter, I think all the snapishness is over.
Perhaps I'll post some photos - without any persons on - it later.
Walter Hinteler wrote:What's agood tabloid without a "Page 3"?
This, however, is the American version, which some pics, done in Old Abuquerque

Who's the babe in these pics?
Yeah, she's really freakin' cute.
She's my um sister, yeah that's it, she's my sister. I let her ride in my Porsche and she became my sister.
Since I didn't ask for permission to take those photos I don't know at all
(A model, I think. Someone took very professional looking - and acting -with some staff a couple of photoshots.)
Walter Hinteler wrote:And on my last day, exactly one week ago, I could witness a car burning on the freeway between Santa Fe and Albuquerque

Oh dear, isn't that Fred's car? And isn't Fred the photographer who took pictures of Diane two weeks ago? No need to get nervous, Walter, just be very careful on your next road trip around New Mexico.
ossobuco wrote: I'd appreciate it if you can request that it is deleted, Walter, since you did not ask ok's first.
I only just now noticed that it is already done.
Hope that's better now, osso ... and sorry, again, for acting you up.
Walter Hinteler wrote:You'll recognise not only known
Edit (Moderator): Image removed due to member request
but also ...
Only to clarify:
on another thread, osso, you wrote:
ossobuco wrote:I've been fine with all the photos posted of me but the one, which was posted twice.
As far as I could notice (but I can be wrong), the second time that pic appeared was in the post you made yourself. (Deleted as well.)
Diane wrote:
In the past, I have been asked to pick the photos that I wouldn't mind seeing on a2k. I appreciated that courtesy but I don't know if it should be a policy. Something to think about--it does mean extra time in posting. Luckily for Walter, the photo of me he posted wasn't bad enough for me to be terminally mortified, but there have been a few in the past that would have sent me under the table. Women are more vain than men....sometimes.
You know what I just realized ...
I did this very thing to you when you were here in Austin.
Almost immediatly after we had the conversation about looking at photos before they were posted, I snapped a picture of you with Jillian and threw them on a thread.
Im pretty slow.. because that was almost a year ago.
Im sorry Diane.
It never EVER crossed my mind to ask you . I just posted them.
Obviously you have forgiven me, because you hugged me last time I saw ya..
but.. jezee.. I am sorry.
Okay, all settled; everybody's happy, and dang, it was good to meet Walter. Looking forward to next time, for sure.