First Gus: the drawing was done by a sidewalk artist at Coventry Garden when we were in London, visiting with Thomas, the McTags, the Steve's, Clary, Francis and Walter.
I noticed the artist and admired his work, asked Dys if he would mind having his portrait done, got an affirmative and the rest is part of the proud history of Great Britain. Dys was so unusual looking to the Brits that several gathered just to watch him and the artist. One woman even asked to take Bob's picture.
Now for Thomas: Just ask Dys about my surface calmness! There can be a burning fire underneath that calm exterior. I even vomited into his favorite moccassins one time. It was an exorcist kind of moment.

Also, I am quite shy even though it isn't always obvious. I was in such distinguished company in London that I sat there listening and feeling very much out of my league.
Now for Soz: The mystery person is our neighbor, Ann, who is a teacher of gifted children at a middle school here in Albuquerque. She and Walter hit it off right away as their philosophies about education meshed perfectly. She even asked Walter's permission to have her students contact him about his life in Germany after WWII. It's really a shame that she wasn't facing the camera. She is very attractive with an intelligent, animated face that charms everyone she meets.
It was a lovely evening with multi-faceted conversations. I wish we could have many more evenings like that with such good company.