You know what? I've read that Podhoretz piece maybe a dozen times or more and you know what I'm struck with every time?
Nobody got it right.
Conservatives here seem to think, and Podhoretz certainly seems to think, that because everyone was about of the same mind on the WMDs that that gives the President of USA some cover, but it doesn't. It just makes him just as wrong as everyone else. Not a good position to be in if you are supposed to be leading rather than being part of the herd. I wouldn't follow any leader who, once he found out he's been had, wouldn't change course. If I was Bush I'd be really really pissed at the ComIntel and the SatIntel people over there at NSA. They **** him.
Oh, and us too.
So, what are we doing, George, to make sure we know what we are talking about when it comes to say NUCLEAR weapons in North Korea?? or Iran? and are you really sure Libya has stripped itself of it's nuclear programs.? Have you expanded the number of on-the-ground eyes, you know, the kind of work Valerie Palme used to do before.... well, you know.
The answer is no. That's right. Despite the damning facts that none of our intelligence agencies, or anyone else's, came close to knowing anything for real about Iraq, we still don't have any kind of a working presence in Iran or North Korea. Isn't that pathetic? We continue to use SatIntel and a dozen crunching Cray computers to tell us what is going on. Probably good enough to see something major like the fueling of a rocket, but not that six North Korean assassins, disguised as farming equipment buyers, had traveled though China and disappeared.
If I was George I'd call in every swinging dick at NSA and the CIA and tell them to be damned sure about anything they were going to tell him, but if they were wrong, he's have them shot. (That would get their flabby data-mining asses in gear.)
Iraq is only the biggest mistake that Bush has made SO FAR. He now faces the other two of the Axis of Evil and both of them could give a sh*t what we think. He's had four and a half years to fix the intelligence agencies of the US, I don't think he's even knocked on the door over at the Puzzle Palace.
So I guess he'll be going with whatever everybody thinks rather than be a leader.
Joe(He's been thinking about doing the Social Security speech again)Nation
Yep, he was wrong. What was he supposed to do, apologize, pack up and leave?
A good leader listens to the advice of thoe experts around him. NO ONE can be expected to be an expert in as many things as the president is responsible for. That's why he has a cabinet and advisors.
Valerie Plame sat in an office for quite sometime before her name was "outed". There are plenty in the CIA that still perform that function. So why pretend she had some fantastic secret role in the betterment of mankind?
I too hope that the cleaning house in the Intelligence agencies has helped. Bush has certainly shaken things up.
A leader leads. He takes advice and decides.. he is a decider...
Bush in Europe With Spate of Issues
Concerns on North Korea, Iran Top President's Agenda for G-8
By Peter Baker
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 13, 2006; A14
ROSTOCK, Germany, July 12 -- President Bush arrived here Wednesday night trailed by crisis as he began a delicate diplomatic mission to hold together fragile international coalitions he has been building while tensions rise from Asia to the Middle East.
Parallel confrontations with Iran and North Korea over their nuclear programs had reached new intensity even before Air Force One left U.S. airspace. By the time he landed here, the president faced a new escalation between Israel and its Arab neighbors and a new spat with Russia 48 hours before he heads there for a summit.
A one-day stop here to receive a ceremonial barrel of herring and share a dinner of wild boar with his new best European friend, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, will be followed by a weekend of meetings with fellow leaders of the Group of Eight in St. Petersburg. Nonproliferation, democracy, energy and other issues are on the agenda.
The tone for the meetings was set Wednesday when Russian President Vladimir Putin took a jab at Vice President Cheney for his recent criticism of Moscow's retreat from democracy and pressure tactics against neighbors. "These kinds of comments from your vice president amount to the same thing as an unsuccessful hunting shot," Putin said on NBC's "Today" show, referring to Cheney's hunting accident earlier this year.
The White House chose not to respond. At the same time, Bush's decision to come to Merkel's home turf in what used to be East Germany functioned as a statement about the benefits of once-communist countries embracing Western-style democracy and free markets.
At the top of the president's agenda this week are North Korea and Iran, both of which have defied international pressure in recent days -- Pyongyang by testing several missiles and Tehran by failing to embrace an incentives package to give up uranium enrichment.
In both cases, Bush wants to rally allies such as Germany and Japan while persuading Russia and China to go along with stronger action. Although China is not a member of the G-8, its president, Hu Jintao, will attend as an observer.
"It's a threat if the Iranians have a nuclear weapon," Bush told foreign journalists before leaving Washington. "It's a threat to world peace. It's a threat to all of us. It's a threat for North Korea to develop a nuclear weapon. It's a very destabilizing event in the Far East. So we're working very closely with each other to get it done."
At home, Bush faces Democratic criticism that he has been ineffective in handling Iran and North Korea. "Our security will continue to be weakened if you fail to rally our allies in St. Petersburg and produce real achievements on these critical issues," Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) and several other Senate Democrats wrote Bush in a letter Wednesday.
Crisis issues often overshadow the official agenda at G-8 summits, but this weekend's meetings will be especially sensitive for Bush because of the host. Russia has never before led a meeting of the G-8, which started out in 1975 as a club of the world's major industrialized democracies and admitted Russia in 1998 even though it did not qualify in either category.
At a summit in Alberta, Canada, in 2002, with feelings of international solidarity running high after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the seven other leaders agreed to let Putin host this year.
They took that step despite the increasingly authoritarian direction already evident in Moscow at the time. Since then, Putin has further tightened his hold over political life in Russia, ending the election of governors, consolidating his control over national television and eliminating the most potent sources of opposition.
"All seven of President Putin's guests in St. Petersburg have some regret over their decision in Alberta to give Russia the chairmanship of the G-8," said Strobe Talbott, president of the Brookings Institution and a former deputy secretary of state. As for Putin, "he does welcome the fact that these two simultaneous crises with Iran and North Korea will make his guests less likely to want to concentrate on Russia's internal political direction."
Putin, who has set energy security, education and infectious diseases as the formal topics of the summit, bristles at discussion of Russian democracy, deeming it a continuation of Cold War hostility and unwelcome interference from the outside. After Cheney, during a May speech in Lithuania, strongly criticized Russia's behavior, Putin referred to the United States as "Comrade Wolf," who "eats without listening."
In his NBC interview, Putin denied that Russia was backsliding: "As Mark Twain said in respect to his own life, the rumors of the death of our democracy are highly exaggerated." He added: "We have changed radically. The Soviet Union is no more. But it seems that our partners have yet to make such far-reaching changes to their own thinking."
Bush has let Cheney do the talking for him, in apparent hopes of inoculating himself against criticism for going to St. Petersburg. Bush also sent a top diplomat to a meeting of opposition figures in Moscow this week and he will meet with activists in St. Petersburg on Friday. But national security adviser Stephen J. Hadley said Bush will not make a speech about democracy while in Russia, choosing instead to "speak frankly, but privately with President Putin."
Bush appears to hope this tack allows him to get business done with Putin on Iran, North Korea and other areas. The two sides managed to renew an agreement on decommissioning Russian nuclear weapons just in time for the summit and are scheduled to announce Saturday an agreement opening the door to extensive civilian nuclear cooperation for the first time. And the two sides are close to a deal that would allow Russia to join the World Trade Organization.
© 2006 The Washington Post Company
A leader leads. He takes advice and decides.. he is a decider...
Quote:A leader leads. He takes advice and decides.. he is a decider...
And thus far, how would you rate his decisions? The decision to invade Iraq was not wrong because the intelligence was wrong, it was wrong even if the intelligence had been right.
How about in the rest of the whole frigging world? The rest of the world's countries holding the same bogus intelligence didn't come to the same conclusions as George W. Bush, they said "Saddam has WMDs. Yeah, so what? Pakistan, using stolen research, has the bomb and is selling the information to North Korea and Iran and probably Libya. Try to concentrate."
But George Bush, the cowboy decider, decided that Iraq was somehow the greater threat and here we are today. How much would say the world has been improved by his decision? Yes, we have in chains a brutal dictator. Well, e pluribus unum. Anybody else better off from George's decision? Us? No, we weren't threatened by Saddam, that was just the hype. You know who should love us like a brother, but doesn't?
Iran. George Bush has single-handedly eliminated two of Iran's biggest headaches, Saddam and the Taliban in Afghanistan, and has now created an opening for Iran to take real power in the area. They will have a nice Shi'a government to deal with in Iraq and they can pour a bunch of money into Hezzbollah in Lebanon to mess with Israel and create general unrest in Jordan and Syria. Thank you, George, you some decider.
And this bad decision is only one of many bad decisions that George has made, but ya'll feel free to keep supporting him while the rest of us are counting the days till we are rid of him.
Joe(still a bunch to go)Nation
PS CI's cut and paste, dear okie, nicely summarizes the deep doo-doo your/our not so hot at making decisions or friends President is in. Taint good, brother.
UK, Italy, Poland, Romania, Georgia, Japan, Denmark, Australia, El Salvador, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Albania, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Macedonia, Kazakstan, Canada... Quite a list of nobodies...
Quote:The decision to invade Iraq was not wrong because the intelligence was wrong, it was wrong even if the intelligence had been right.
In your opinion. I still believe removing Saddam from power was the right thing to do, in my opinion. Do you honestly believe leaving Saddam in power was the right thing to do?
Quote:UK, Italy, Poland, Romania, Georgia, Japan, Denmark, Australia, El Salvador, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Albania, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Macedonia, Kazakstan, Canada... Quite a list of nobodies...
Which of these called for the invasion of Iraq before George Bush?
Quote:Quote:The decision to invade Iraq was not wrong because the intelligence was wrong, it was wrong even if the intelligence had been right.
In your opinion. I still believe removing Saddam from power was the right thing to do, in my opinion. Do you honestly believe leaving Saddam in power was the right thing to do?
Yes. I think we jumped the gun, We should have dealt with Al Queda on the ground in Afghanistan. We should have acted much more firmly with the Pakistanis. We needed the help (all Bushites hate that) of China, South Korea and Japan in dealing with North Korea and what we did was piss them off. (shrug)(right?)
I do hope there will be a free Iraq in the Middle East. What I believe will evolve is something more akin the other authoritarian regimes in the area. Even we, the USA, have become more authoritarian as this President has presided, so instead of freedom and democracy as his legacy George Bush will have given the world another chaotic nation in Middle East and, sadly, a less free United States.
Joe(I don't hate George, I don't hate anyone who's in over his head)Nation
Joe Nation, in case you missed the news, Congress backed Bush all the way, until of course they stick their political finger in the air and realize, hmmmm...., maybe politics tells me I should try to turn the tables on Bush. Yes, real honorable people, Joe. And don't repeat the spin that Bush knew stuff that Congress did not. That is part of the Bush opposition game plan, Joe, but it just doesn't work. In other words, its simply old fashioned dirty politics.
okie wrote:Joe Nation, in case you missed the news, Congress backed Bush all the way, until of course they stick their political finger in the air and realize, hmmmm...., maybe politics tells me I should try to turn the tables on Bush. Yes, real honorable people, Joe. And don't repeat the spin that Bush knew stuff that Congress did not. That is part of the Bush opposition game plan, Joe, but it just doesn't work. In other words, its simply old fashioned dirty politics.
That's one way of looking at it.
Another would be to say that the whole frikkin world agreed, then later everyone but Bush and his blindly faithful had to rethink the mistake made by going into Iraq.
Is it any wonder that neocons can't see the middle east on fire and spreading?