Magginkat wrote:RexRed wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:RexRed wrote:The left are (for the most part) anti-Christ and anti-American...
There is nothing more anti-Christ than the American conservative agenda. Anyone who calls him/herself a Christian...especially the folks who make a big display of it...who identifies him/herself as an American spitting in the face of Jesus.
I have my gripes with the conservative agenda too.. But the left are more fun to pick on...

Then why do you bellyache when we pick on you? With a leader like that silly back slappin' moron who represents you, we have an unending supply of idiocacy to go at you bu$h suporters. But there sits Ashermen and a couple more like him whining every time we point out some of the bullschitt coming from that corrupt administration.
Frank Apisa, one more time I will say that if George bu$h is a Christian I am the Virgin Mother.
You are the virgin mother of special interest lies...
I am not belly aching... I am just shoveling it back in your court. There is no shortage of crap to toss back your way considering the left and their policies based on the old mighty special interest dollar bill.
I will tell you a solid policy as a moderate conservative policy I firmly believe in.
I believe in a woman's right to choose... UNTIL it comes to abortion number five or six! Until abortion becomes another form of contraceptive!
Then I believe these females and males who kill the unborn thoughtlessly because they want to be promiscuous and don't get their tubes tired or a vasectomy for their husband... Well, they should be listed on the internet with pedophiles.
This anonymous abortion of the left is nothing but a smoke screen for "abuse" and well, disregard for human life.
Leave it to the left to be the front runners in this debate over what they call "choice" I call it murder as contraception.
And abortion due to rape or health problems SURE. But there is no stop on the practice. Our doctors are now becoming executioners of the unborn and unwanted instead of healers. Just so some godless heteros can get their thrills!
I do not even consider a baby alive until they take their first breath but I still object to abortion used simply as contraception.
Unlike you who just believe in "choice" without an independent thought because that is what your special interest guru's tell you to believe.
You are nothing but a drone...