Lord Ellpus wrote:Nimh, I know this is an ancient thread, but I would just like to draw your attention to the danger of only quoting certain snippets of what was, throughout the entire thread, quite a few paragraphs from me
I did read all of your posts, Lord E, and I was deeply impressed by the work your wife does - the post about the hearing she had to go through was disturbing - it's simply not the people who do their very best in places that most avoid working near that ought to be harrassed that way. <nods>
That said - come on, me Lord - I mean, God fear the day that on A2K we are henceforth only to respond to any post if we make sure to provide a full and fair evaluation of everything else the poster in question has said on the thread as well. I mean, thats just not reasonable, Lord.
I reacted to a specific thing you said, thats all - as posters on a board are wont to do - because that was the thing I had a reaction to. Moreover, the thing was: "there are a lot more "naughty and mischevious" kids today"; so there you certainly did seem to be talking about more than a "very small minority".
So basically, I think you are being ever so slightly unreasonable now, my Lord, complaining that the way I presented your argument would make you seem like "some sort of grumpy old bugger who wants to hang draw and quarter every human under 21". Surely, thou overstates. (Not to mention that it's just
an A2K thread, Lord - 4 out of 5 people who will read this thread will know you already, and perhaps it's advisable to not
quite take how the remaining fifth might come to momentarily perceive your virtual persona that seriously?)
Now, to the serious part of your post:
Lord Ellpus wrote:The "naughty and mischevious" part of the snippet, is basically making the point that the medical profession has now found a nice acronym to replace what would have been called a naughty and mischevious child in my day, and probably yours.
I agree with that exactly, which is part of the very reason why I think that complaints about how
today's kids are out of control are exaggerated. I would phrase it like this: kids are now being diagnosed as disordered and medicated, for behaviour that in our days was just considered the mischief "naugty" kids get up to. There's something wrong with that.
(Ie, in answer to your question 2) and 3), remember reading
Le Petit Nicolas in French class? Half of the kids of Nicolas' class would nowadays surely be diagnosed as ADHD and, quite possibly, medicated.)
I think that, in our ever more controlled environment, where kids get to spend less time just tearing about randomly outside and ever more time inside, or in scheduled activities, or in other 'inside' places where they are supposed to 'behave', the kind of behaviour that used to be just taken into one's collective stride as part of kids' mischief is being noticed more acutely, being seen as a disturbance more swiftly, and eventually, more quickly medicalised as some kind of disorder that needs to be 'brought under control'.
Again, I find that somehow disturbing.