makemeshiver33 wrote:By allowing your children to eat when they want too, or fall asleep when they are ready, doesn't neccasarily render a spoiled child. A child will rest when they need too, and eat when they are hungry.
To make them do so, is contributing to future bad eating habits and wieght problems. And by making child "rest"..when they aren't ready, just turns them into wild children with to much built up energy...
:wink: Damn, I think thats where parents are then turned in for child abuse for beating the hell out of the ADHD child for bouncing off the walls.
Its when those children tell the parent: What & When & Where & How...that you might portray them to be spoiled, and their parents idiots.
I probably disagree with about 90% of your post, MMS.
If children ate when they wanted too, they would probably never sit down with the rest of the family and have a proper meal. This means that they will never learn table manners or take part in family conversation, away from the TV/Computer.
If they were allowed to choose their own sleep times, they would probably be up until all hours, and never achieve a regular sleep pattern. This does not bode well for when they are expected to stay alert during the school day, and more importantly, when they are at work in later life.
I can't see how regulated meals at regular times can contribute to unhealthy eating habits. Personally, I would say that snacking when they felt like it would probably also involve the wrong type of foods, and they would end up with terrible weight/health problems.
....and as far as ADHD children are concerned, in my school there were over 1000 pupils of all ability ranges. I don't remember any of them having ADHD. A few were badly behaved, but I believe that this was because they were naturally naughty and mischevious. None of us "bounced off walls" due to being hyperactive.
Maybe it's because we all had boundaries set, and a routine to live by.
Whatever we were doing, if it was school the following day, we would be in bed by a certain deadline. We knew when dinner was being served, and had to wait. We knew that when we were at school, we had to behave ourselves or there were unpleasant consequences.
I loved my childhood, and did well at school.