okie wrote:Walter Hinteler wrote:I think, anyone with a decent knowledge of history and/or following the news over a couple of years will have noticed that their progressives on the left as well as on the right.
Personally and without looking it up, I associate 'progressive' more with the right side of the party spectrum, like in Canada and Ireland (An Páirtí Daonlathach), the UKIP in the UK etc etc
Walter, some terms have totally different meanings in Europe, as opposed to here.
And blatham, proposals to federalize health care is not turning an entire industry over to the government? Perhaps you need to re-examine what you said.
You wrote "...industries should be turned over to government in order to fix it." You'll note the plural. This sentence above is your first mention of healthcare or any specific area.
There are quite a number of nations where federal healthcare systems are in place, including Canada, of course. How they are organized varies along with the degree that peripheral services are covered or not.
If you use a marketplace model and consider the citizens of those nations with a healthcare system as 'consumers' and federal healthcare as the product, would it surprise you that these consumers (in every such nation I know of) have universally chosen the same product election after election. They don't do this as a matter of ideology, they do this out of having experienced a system which suits their overall needs. If the US develops a similar system at some point, it won't go back to what you have now because you and everyone else won't allow that to happen, as is the case in those other nations.
If there is any imaginable government program which corresponds to the Christian values of mercy and charity and brotherhood, it is such a healthcare program where all are treated as Jesus would have treated them. Pain and suffering or life-ruining expenses make healthcare quite a different critter than, say, automobile or appliance manufacturing and ownership. The motivation to put such a health system in place isn't to accord with Marx. if so, it would be ALL economic activity.
PS...presently, the US has some really terrible health statistics compared to other industrialized countries with health programs (infant deaths, etc).