Intrepid wrote:mysteryman wrote:hingehead wrote:At least I can understand a narcissistic skirt chaser. Bush makes no sense to me at all - unless he really has an IQ of around 80.
Or,he is smarter then you give him credit for.
Tell me,did Einsteins writings,theories and musings all make sense to you immediately?
Did Dr Stephen Hawkings writings on theoritical physics make immediate sense to you?
Did Carl Sagans theories about astrophysics all make immediate sense to you?
If not,is it because they all had IQ's of 80,or is it because they were smarter then you in their fields?
hehehehe Oh, now I get it. Finally. George's goofy stuff will suddenly manifest itself into genius. You do Einstein, Hawkings and Sagan a great injustice to put them into the same category as George W. Bush.
Not at all,thats not what I am saying.
Hingehead said that he couldnt understand Bush,so that meant that Bush's IQ had to be around 80.
I simply pointed out that he couldnt understand the worlds smartest men,in their fields.
Just because he doesnt understand someone,doesnt mean that person i stupid.
Maybe hingehead just doesnt have the knowledge,understanding,or education to understand.