American Universities superior to European Universities?--YOU BET. Even if the erudite Mr. Blatam says they are not, the academic world thinks that they are.
But, but, but, the learned Mr.Blatham says--What about the charge that American Universities are filled with Commies and Socialists? Doesn't that make them worse?
l. The US Universities have fewer left wingers than the European Universities.
2. The US Universities' Commies and Socialists are primarily in the Social Sciences--History, Literature, Sociology and the useless crap like Woman's studies, Black studies etc. You will not find many Commies and Socialists in the Medical schools--Law Schools--Business Schools-Schools that concentrate in the hard sciences.
I know that Mr. Blatham is superbly schooled but it seems that he does not know that most surveys do indeed list the US Universities as superior--far superior..
For the perusal of those interested--even Mr. Blatham, who is pouting ever since I eviscerated him in an argument--I give the following link.
Those who access this link will find in the top 50 Universities listed, ONLY twelve are foreign--
#2- Cambridge #4 Oxford # 20 Tokyo University #22 Kyoto # 23 Imperial College London # 24 University of Toronto # 26 University College London # 27- Swiss Tech- Zurich # 37 University of British Columbia # 42 University of Utrecht- Netherlands # 45- Karolinska Institute--Stockholm #46 University of Paris # 48 University of Edinburgh.
In the top twenty five we find--#1-Harvard, #3 Stanford #4 University California- Berkeley # 5 MIT # 6 CIT # 7 Columbia #8-Princeton # 9-Chicago # 11-Yale #12- Cornell # 13- U. Cal, San Diego # 14- U CAL- LA # 15- U Penn # 16 U Wisconsin # 17 U Washington # 18 U CAl- SAn Fran. # 19- Johns Hopkins # 21 U. Michigan # U, Illinois
I am rather certain that the same general listing will be found in any other grouping of schools!!!