Letty, what "oh so trendy approach about religion"? Can you elucidate?
Not sure what relevance liking, or not liking, someone has to do with discussion, but let it pass....
I think it's a valid point that the same irritating behaviors are pilloried when exercised in the service of one viewpoint, and tolerated when exercised in the service of another.
I really wish we had more conservatives here, but at the same time I think the ones who are no longer here did not exactly serve their cause well.
I was thinking of timberlandco, Georgeob1, JimMorrison, and Asherman. Who are you thinking of, Sozobe?
You mean conservatives who aren't posting anymore? Mostly Trespassers Will. He had good points, to be sure, but lowered himself to personal invective way too often.
Those guys aren't here anymore? Timber's just busy for the time being -- seasonal stuff at Casa Timber.
Roger, if everyone was as civil and you and me, ok never mind, if everyone was as civil as you there would be no conflict and much greater exchange of ideas but its not going to happen. In the mean time Sofia and I will continue to argue with enthusiasm and get along famously on a person to person basis.
Include yourself, dys. We have always disagreed (except on religious issues), with no hard feelings. Looking forward to Albuturkey.
To all:
Trendy, as in anything, simply means fashion. Religions are no exceptions. Today, because of Ashcroft, Seventh Day Adventists are becoming "trendy". Yesterday, it was the Charismatic movement. We all are guilty of taking pop shots at certain "in" groups because that, too is trendy. Of all the things that bother me in world leaders, I think the idea of benevolent despots frightens me the most.
And, Deb, my Aussie friend, There are no such things as liberals and conservatives. There are only people who have something to gain. that's not necessarily a negative thing, it's just a "thing".
Know something? I think that I am beginning to strongly dislike the word "mantra". What the hell is wrong with strong and constant belief?
Goodnight, my friends.
Er - well, at a pinch - I think that our beliefs OUGHT to change as we learn and mature - don't you? At least to some extent.... I am, for instance, becoming more and more enamoured of compassion as I get older (and need it more, I guess Craven might say - LOL)
I suppose that there are sort of "bedrock" beliefs - but surely these ought to be available for constant scrutiny and subject to review?
As for firm and unchanging religious beliefs - I note that our gods change as humanity develops. Is the god of the old testament, for instance, not a rather more "humanistic" creature than that of the new? Is "he" not renewed and redeveloped all the time?
I also note that the interpretation of Buddhism - always a very fluid thing but in its basics also steadfast - is, naturally, in the process of adapting itself to the west, just as it has done to all places it has entered.
I am unsure what your comment on mantra means...mantras do not change particularly - that is their point. Can you explain?
So your "trendy' comment was about the kind of religion people espouse? That it changes from moment to moment? That is interesting. I think we tend not to have christian "trendiness" here in Oz - but Tibetan Buddhism, for instance, is certainly trendy.
I am unsure if this is bad - even in trendy form it has much that is good to teach - and gets people thinking - although the "trendiness" can be annoying to seasoned Buddhists. I wonder if this is just an affectation of superiority, though? Some Buddhists say we westerners are "hungry ghosts" - always consuming thought and belief without fully digesting it- that it goes through us. This is - like most generalisations - both rude and bigoted, and somewhat true. I think this another way of saying what you are saying re trendiness and religion.
When it comes to steadfast belief vs change esp. "trendy" change, I suppose I follow a middle path ......heehee...
(PS: I note Asherman is here as we speak - onsite I mean)
"Hey, cool dude, look we found the Indians, like way rad man we're like into the whole great spririt man, um you got any peyote man?
Me thinks the Cool One is using the Indians for their peyote.
<ahem> Pass the pipe, and speak your mantra.
I know that I've said this before and others have also. Honestly I believe it matters little if you are actually a conservative or liberal generically speaking unless those two words represent an extremism within some other group.
I guess what bothers me somewhat is the seemingly lack of other folks that have thoughts, ideas, or beliefs similar to mine. It's akin to Chuck Noland in "Cast Away" trying to get the fragile raft through the reef to the open sea. The sea\reef being this strong tidal force. Then at other times it's like being on a playground and everyone is making fun of the outsider geek looking kid looking for friends. Hmmm I wonder Sharks and Jets??
Husker - do you think if you posted topics with key words strongly reflecting the way you think, then Google et al might send some folk here with whom you feel more at home?
Deb, First of all, it's the word "mantra" that produces a sorta distaste, rather like, "at this point in time" or "scenario". ...perhaps I didn't quite articulate my response the way that I should have. As to liberals and conservatives, the meaning has evolved so much over the years, that I don't know which is which now. Someone once said that liberals are only liberals when it involves the nation, but are conservatives when it comes to their own lifestyles. It would be interesting to do a poll that demonstrates a comparison of professional and political alignment.
Hmmmm. I think dys just made a statement.

What kinda teachers are being hired in today's school?
Those poor kids. Frankly, I'm too stunned to comment.
PDiddie - What is the erosion there? The fact that someone called the USSS and reported a threat they they are required to investigate or that they used the old "good cop/bad cop" routine on the kids?
Husker, I can identify with the feeling of isolation you describe. I live in a place where, as a person who favors logic over blind faith, I often feel alone. I hope you know that, while I and apparently many of us here disagree with you about some things, you are not alone among us.
PDiddle, That story is unbelievable...........in recent years past, I would never have thought I'd hear of such a thing in this country. Very frightening. This is not conservatism, this is Fascism.