could you be less cryptic?
It was God, guns and guts that made this nation great. We can't allow liberal America haters to take God out of our schools and courts. Our children must grow up in a Chrisian atmosphere to keep from becoming junkies and criminals - the kind of people who end up on welfare roles or eating our prisons' good groceries.
I am subjecting you to it right now.
The Church of the UnRighteous Indignation, Rev. PDiddie presiding.
You already got my goat. Give it back.
I'm tired and I been takin' the bait too much tonight.
'night, all.
Husker, are you like a typical liberal! Always dissatisfied. Now we all need to work at this. It's turnabout time.
Let's see, church and state, the separation. I don't see why we can't pray in our schools! It is after all a God given right. Our children are being allowed to make up their own minds about religion and the creation story. Heaven forbid. You know, if you don't win them over, teach them how to think when they're young, they go off to good colleges and universities and end up with their own ideas.
I don't consider myself to be either a liberal or a conservative. I'm an engineer, and I think we ought to do what works. Sometimes those are liberal ideas, and sometimes those are conservative ideas.
We have about 2500 years of pretty well documented history behind us. For many (maybe even most) of our problems you can look back and see what solutions have consistently worked in the past, and what solutions have consistently failed. It seems to be a paradox of human nature that the things that work usually sound dull and boring, while the things that don't work sound new and exciting.
My true feeling is, conservatism and liberalism are sides of a single coin. In calm, rational, times they would play off of each other and work problems through to mutual agreement, keeping our system and our society in harmonious balance.
PDiddie wrote:When the Pentagon has Franklin Graham in to bless their efforts (over the objections of Muslims employed there); when a military chaplain in Iraq withholds water from our troops until they agree to be baptized; and when our government reminds us to observe the 'National Day of Prayer' (that would be the first Thusday in May, incidentally) then the separation has been stitched up and has grown back together.
Our Founders were correct to be wary of politicos invoking their God to administrate.
There is nothing wrong with a religious figure asking God for his blessing. As to the water you make it sound like a lot worse. The chaplain was not witholding water. He just had access to water and earmarked it for baptizms. And it was bathing water, it'snot like the troops lacked drinking water. Natinal day of prayer is something I enjoy greatly, anyone can worship regardless of their religion. And if someone does not wish to worship they are not required to. Someime people act like the day of the inquisition is rturning. The type of situation that our founding fathers sought to avoid is control of the church by the state just as much as religion having an undue influence on the government. And our society is far from the situations that they were worried about.
dyslexia wrote:and the righteous go forth to christianize the savages as if the savages weren't dangerous enough already.
This has been going on ever since man held an opinion. Some of our founding fathers are this way. If one believes in Heaven it is natural to wish to let others know about it as well.
edgarblythe wrote:Conservative Craven has a point. After all, the Constitution does not specifically say we cannot pray in school or hang up the ten commandments in our courhouses. It is the liberals and their communist counterparts, infiltrating the fabric of society, fighting so hard to keep us from worshipping God in the old fashioned Christian ways. Nobody is forcing anybody to pray. We all have a right to keep silent as the decent in our society pray along with the voice coming in over the loudspeaker. We are a free society, and as such have every right to pray in public.
I'd not state it with as much sarcasm but you are largely correct.
farmerman wrote:Craven-did you actually take offense?
Not at all, it was charming.
Sofia wrote:timber hasn't posted since may 3rd!
I thought it had been about a week. Hope all is well with him.
He told me he is busy with outdoor work. Weeks ago he said that would be the case this time of the year.
Craven the temp conservative wrote:
"it'snot like the troops lacked drinking water. Natinal day of prayer is something I enjoy"
Are typos part of the temp conservative 'thing', and if so, do I get a discount on your rates?
edgarblythe wrote:It was God, guns and guts that made this nation great. We can't allow liberal America haters to take God out of our schools and courts. Our children must grow up in a Chrisian atmosphere to keep from becoming junkies and criminals - the kind of people who end up on welfare roles or eating our prisons' good groceries.
Whoever said that? You are caricaturizing conservatives caricaturizing liberals. Sand people within sand people. Not all liberals have socialist inclination and not all conservatives have the cartoonish ratiocination you are mocking.
Just as those devoid of religion worry about oppressive faith, those with faith worry about the gradual secularization of the society. Lack of faith can be as oppressive as faith can be.
cavfancier wrote:Craven the temp conservative wrote:
"it'snot like the troops lacked drinking water. Natinal day of prayer is something I enjoy"
Are typos part of the temp conservative 'thing', and if so, do I get a discount on your rates?

It's a hold over from a more liberal day. Has to do with typing on a laptop while lying down.
No Craven, you are not a temporary are a real conservative. Lying down with a beer and a laptop is a personal preference lifestyle issue which has no bearing on the value-laden distinction between conservativism and liberalism.
I can no longer tell when people are joking and when they have got all serious and agitated like.
I think arguing from the other side is fun and good for one's intellectual agility and understanding.
I wonder if I could change sides for a bit? Hmmmmmmm....
Does one, technically speaking, HAVE a lap when one is lying down?
Personally, I am against the lap...encourages lasciviousness, as in 'sitting on one's lap'...don't approve of that at all, nope....
ON one's lap? Oneself?
As a conservative, I believe that is beyond the point where one should be beyond...