It was interesting. Thing is, I have little in common with the positions of most liberals, my position on the war in Iraq being one of them.
I have about as much in common with the conservatives as well.
Good thistles to you all. May they become artichoke flowers in your gardens. Is that saccharine enough? I mean it. However, you should all watch out for cotoneaster seeds brought by robins.
I wonder what I meant by that last post, stopped ya, didn't it? Well, artichoke flowers are almost too beautiful.
On rereading my posts, a trial even to me, I see that I may be understood as neocon, and for anyone reading it that way, no no no, my views are way left of that - I was trying to find my inner conservative for this Topic and was looking to my more conservative concerns. I did very much mean the comments about being against destruction, generally if not absolutely always, my being at odds with violent efforts on various sides, again, 99% of the time.
Rape and pillage have been done over and over. Now with all our abilities to obliterate, the ramifications of economic or philosophic arguments being handled by means of war are multiplied...and I am conservative about that, I think we need to conserve our world and not do that.
An oldie but a goodie from the archives.