Quote:I know that serious allegations were made against President Clinton that he had something to do with Foster's death, that he "sold" the Lincoln bedroom to the highest bidder, etc., etc. None of the charges had much, if any substance. President Clinton wasn't treated any more roughly by partisans of the opposition than previous Presidents.
emphasis mine.
This is just sad. It's complete denial of the facts in evidence. Whether it was Travelgate or Filegate or some other trumped up deal, the vilification of Bill Clinton both as a person and a President was a daily event for the right wing media. Was Rush on vacation for you that whole time? Novak out to lunch? Wall Street Journal on hiatus? FoxNews...nevermind.
And where was such treatment as pertains W's father, unless you are counting Saturday Night Live as being ill-used? Even during Ronald Reagan's last days in office, when he was 'confused' and couldn't remember negotiating with a
terrorist nation for the release of American hostages by giving them armaments in exchange, did the Democrats resort to the kind of daily assaults Bill Clinton endured. Have you read David Brock's book? I say again and I want to you think about this: the attacks on Clinton were an attempted coup d'etat. Not just politics as usual, and you know it or you are in denial.
Quote:And, more to the point at no time did the criticisms of President Clinton come close to the levels of hatred we've come to expect expressed against this President, all who support him, and the Republican Party as a whole.
Okay, maybe not denial. Complete memory loss.
Quote:Neither during the Carter nor Clinton Administrations did Republican partisans so routinely call the American People stupid, ignorant, etc., etc. for electing the opposition. The left and zealous partisans of the Democratic party seem to have no respect at all for any opinion that disagrees with them.
The American people, or People as you would have it, have been had. They have been conned by a bunch of slickers who have sold them a diet of "Family Values" while fattening their top two per cent friends on tax cuts. Karl Rove and his ilk spread just enough God, Gays and Guns while making sure that the Swift-boaters were working hard to get the 51 percent. (I'll bet you thought those Swifties were just doing their patriotic duty. duh.) What we got was a couple of oil-executives with their own army. A dangerous situation as it turns out because they believe the same pap as you:
Quote:Iraq, situated in the heart of the Middle-East, {is} the center of gravity for the radical Islamic terrorist movement.
That, my dear friend, is patently false and you know it. Hezbollah, Hamas and Al Queda members must have a good belly laugh everytime they hear some duped, yes-duped-, American regurgitate that pap. It is a fiction promoted by this administration who, when asked to produce evidence of any terrorist activity by Iraq prior to our invasion, could only mumble about some checks that were sent by Saddam to some suicide bombers families in Gaza. The center of gravity... more like the center of the short attention span of this administration.
You've thrown in with the wrong bunch of cowboys, Asherman, but now they've got you on that short lead and with that even shorter memory sense of what went on only a few years ago, I don't see anyway of keeping them from taking you where ever they want you to go.
Joe(Happy Trails.)Nation