I echo your concerns, revel.
Mysteryman- I am positive revel has never been in a war or fought for her country.I know that you have and were wounded in Desert Storm.
For that we owe you a debt of gratitude. You speak from personal experiece when you wrote the material below and I am very much afraid that revel does not bring either experience or evidence to the discussion..
You said...
It is just overkill and barbaric the way they are conducting this war. You would think more people would be denouncing it in the US. Have we grown so callus and hate filled?
Mysterman wrote:
You have no understanding of how war is fought.
When Japan attacked the US at Pearl Harbor,they killed about 3000 Americans and brought us into the war.
In total, approx 93,000 US soldiers died or were casualties in the Pacific,while over 1,000,000 Japanese soldiers died.
We did not respond with a proportionate response,we totally destroyed the Japanese military,and destroyed their home islands.
In war,you win by killing and destroying more of the enemy then they do of you.
When Hezbollah kidnaps 2 Israeli soldiers,and then demands the release of hundreds of Isralei prisoners in return for those 2 soldiers,is that proportionate?
As long as Hezbollah believes in and calls for the complete and total destruction of Israel,then the Isralei's are perfectly within their rights to destroy them.
Why are you not upset at the fact that Hezbollah is using private homes to launch rockets,or the fact that they are hiding in civilian areas?
Mysteryman- It is amazing to me how anyone can defend the Islamo Fascist Extremists like Hezbollah. It is clear that revel knows very little about Islamic extremists., I am sure that she does not know( Bernard Lewis would be a very good source for her) that the leaders of Iran are driven by extremist fanatic illusions. I am sure that revel does not know that the leaders of Iran ACTUALLY BELIEVE that there may be an APOCTALYPTIC EVENT which will result in the return of the TWELFTH IMAM after which the ENTIRE WORLD will be united under Allah in the New Caliphate.
Revel, I am sure, did not ride the trains in London when the extremists, CERTAINLY ALLIED WITH HEZBOLLAH, blew uo the trains and killed scores of innocents.
I am sure she was not there when the Islamic extremists killed 3,000 innocent men, women and children, ( our fellow citizens) in the WTC.
I am sure that she was not there when the rabid fanatics killed dozens in the trains in Madrid.
I am sure that she was not there when the Islamic Extremists killed dozens in Bali.
I am waiting for the day, Mysteryman, when Isreal unleashes its air force to strike at the intrangisant fanatics in IRAN and blows their Nuclear preparations to pieces.
Revel may have forgotten how they treated American citizens during their captivity in Iran during the ternure of the hapless Carter, but I have not forgotten.
Thanks edgar. I am not sure how or even if all this era of fighting and vengeance fighting on sides is going to end but I will be glad when/if it does however it turns out. I feel so trite saying I am tired of war when people in the ME have to live they're whole lives in wars or recovering from wars, but I am and I am also tired of the hatred that starts it all (on all sides.) It is all just so heartbreakingly sad.
I think any further discussion on the justification of Israel/Lebanon in this thread will just more of a waste of everybody's time. I sort of turned the subject anyway.
Does anyone here still think that the liklihood of an attack on Iran is growing?
Or let me ask this another way. Are these people so pathologically insane that they will now, along with Iraq/Afghanistan and Lebanon, push the WWIII meme even further so as to hopefully reduce congressional and senate losses in November?
I believe the American administration is still weighing options and unable to as yet formulate a plan of action. They may be awaiting the turn of fortune to sieze an opportunity to do something- -something they may not even know for sure they will do, as of now.
blatham wrote:Does anyone here still think that the liklihood of an attack on Iran is growing?
Or let me ask this another way. Are these people so pathologically insane that they will now, along with Iraq/Afghanistan and Lebanon, push the WWIII meme even further so as to hopefully reduce congressional and senate losses in November?
I dont think they are necessarily insane, but it must surely help.
It seems to me that there is a rather good likelihood that the Israelis will strike at Iranian Nuclear Sites. They took out Iraqi Nuclear plants in the 80's and may well try again with Iran. The Israelis are aware that Iran has prounounced a death sentence on them and, since they were slaughtered by the Millions by Adolf Hitler during the Second World War, they are not willing to see that slaughter repeated by a tin-pot fascist extremist Islamic fanatic who is waiting for the Twelfth Imam!
BernardR wrote:It seems to me that there is a rather good likelihood that the Israelis will strike at Iranian Nuclear Sites. They took out Iraqi Nuclear plants in the 80's and may well try again with Iran. The Israelis are aware that Iran has prounounced a death sentence on them and, since they were slaughtered by the Millions by Adolf Hitler during the Second World War, they are not willing to see that slaughter repeated by a tin-pot fascist extremist Islamic fanatic who is waiting for the Twelfth Imam!
I don't think Israel can get the bunker outside Isfahan, although they'd be able to get all the other sites.
I dont think Israel plans to get any of the Iranian nuclear facilities. They plan to get America to do it for them.
That's absurd. What proof have you of that assertion?
ragman(orig) wrote:That's absurd. What proof have you of that assertion?
There's nothing at all absurd about such a strategy (possible strategy...you'll note steve began with "I think" making it not an 'assertion' but a supposition).
At this point, if Israel were to launch an attack on Iran, then every factor working against Israeli's survival would be made more critical and dangerous.
If, on the other hand, Israel and this administration decided that bombing the facilities in Iran was necessary, Israel might be quite prudent to have America do the dirty work and take on much of the blame and Muslim anger.
Either option is just about as fuccking insane as I can imagine either government being, but neither has been very sane lately.
BernardR wrote:The Israelis are aware that Iran has prounounced a death sentence on them
Beirut before and after courtesy of this
Quote:The difference between Ahmadinejad and Olmert is that the Iranian president is a blowhard. The one who had practical plans to wipe a country off the map was Olmert.
ragman(orig) wrote:That's absurd. What proof have you of that assertion?
What led me to think it was Israel's game plan was simply that Benjamin Netanyahu said it was.
out of curiousity, how can Netanyahu state what USA will do?
ragman(orig) wrote:out of curiousity, how can Netanyahu state what USA will do?
He cant determine the future but he can say as he did that he wanted the USA to attack Iran. He said that in a radio 4 interview (BBC Today programme) about 10 days ago. When asked about attacking Iran he said clearly that in his opinion it was a question of "division of labour", in other words Israel is quite happy attacking Lebanon and maybe Syria but only in an effort to provide a pretext for the United States to destroy Iran's nuclear industry. Israel does not want war with Iran. They have to live as near neighbours. They just want the US to destroy the capability of Iran producing nuclear weapons...(actually it will only ever delay it, not destroy it, if that what the iranians really want to do).
The Americans of course are desperate for regime change in Tehran. They want to
a. ensure middle east oil is secure, and
b. to protect the dollar from an Iranian oil bourse trading in euros.
Since Blatham has little or no knowledge of US policies( he learned about the US in Canadian schools, I am sure) he wrote the following absurdity--
If, on the other hand, Israel and this administration decided that bombing the facilities in Iran was necessary, Israel might be quite prudent to have America do the dirty work and take on much of the blame and Muslim anger.
end of quote
The Mounted Policeman does not know that Israel does its own work. Israel took out the Iraqi facilities. The Mossad probably knows far more about the location and armaments around the nuclear facilites than we do. The Israelis are fighting for their lives. The conscience of the Senate, the dipsomaniac, Ted Kennedy, would never allow the US to do such a thing!
BernardR would you condescend to comment on
Iran trading oil in euros
Israeli monopoly of nuclear weapons in the middle east
Its interesting, but so far as I know there is no more hard evidence that Israel has a nuclear arsenal than Iraq had prior to the fall of Saddam.
Israel refuses to comment, but they clearly want the world to believe they have nuclear warheads. Israel doesn't even threaten nuclear retaliation, yet the intelligency community has pretty much taken it for granted that Israel is nuclear capable. Israel hasn't any uranium deposits, nor the facilities to enrich spent fuel rods. Is there an Israili nuclear power plant? There has never been an Israeli nuclear test, so an Israeli bomb would be no more relaible than one manufactured in the DPRK.
Where would Israel have acquired nuclear technology and weapons? The conspiracy whackos will responde that evil Republican have secretly been supplying cutting-edge nuclear weapons to Israel since the Nixpm administration. That is, of course, a lot of hooey, but there is no other source for an Israeli nuclear arsenal that's any more reasonable.
Asherman wrote:Its interesting, but so far as I know there is no more hard evidence that Israel has a nuclear arsenal than Iraq had prior to the fall of Saddam.
Israel refuses to comment, but they clearly want the world to believe they have nuclear warheads. Israel doesn't even threaten nuclear retaliation, yet the intelligency community has pretty much taken it for granted that Israel is nuclear capable. Israel hasn't any uranium deposits, nor the facilities to enrich spent fuel rods. Is there an Israili nuclear power plant? There has never been an Israeli nuclear test, so an Israeli bomb would be no more relaible than one manufactured in the DPRK.
Where would Israel have acquired nuclear technology and weapons? The conspiracy whackos will responde that evil Republican have secretly been supplying cutting-edge nuclear weapons to Israel since the Nixpm administration. That is, of course, a lot of hooey, but there is no other source for an Israeli nuclear arsenal that's any more reasonable.
No wonder the world hates America, its because of people like Asherman.
If i shoved Israels nuclear weapons up his a$$, he would still say 'i can't feel them' - 'i feel no pain' - 'keep pushing' - 'it feels good' - 'ahhh... no weapons'
..and of course, "Freedom" knows it first hand because he's seen them.